In my opinion, I think having a missing AT is about the second best outcome for Isaac. (the best one would be that he was a playable character at the start, of course

Having no Isaac AT and no Golden Sun content present. That's what I was really hoping for, if the ERSB happened to be final. And it seems like it happened.
Personally, I find having Isaac MIA among the ATs is a good thing, and that increases my hope for him being DLC later. And no, if Isaac just appears as a trophy it won't decrease my hope that much (Though, I would be happier if no Golden Sun trophy show up at all right now)
Although DLC characters is not 100% happening, I feel that it's not unlikely at all. I can really see DLC characters being announced close to the Wii U release. One of the argument against that idea is that if DLC is also available for the 3DS version, then there's no point in getting the Wii U version. But by that logic, there was no point in getting the Wii U version from the very moment they announced that the 3DS version was going to be released first, since both versions have the same roster...
Yes, they can try entice people with exclusive modes for Wii U and the fact that they can play the game in HD. However, all I've been seeing yesterday was people talking about roster this, roster that, characters this. Characters are obviously the first and most important thing on people 's minds. All I'm saying is that bringing new DLC characters close to the Wii U launch (Especially characters that people want) would bring hype, and hype is good.
Scenario 1-No new Characters: "Well these new modes are okay, but not that exciting. I already have the 3DS one, maybe I'll buy the Wii U one later, maybe..."
Secnario 2-New DLC Characters: "Whoa! These new characters are looking great! You know, I think I'll be getting the Wii U one asap, looking at them again these new modes are looking great actually, plus HD!"
Many scenarios are possible and people have many different ways of thinking. Those are just examples what could possibly happen.
What I see right now, is a console that's struggling, Mario Kart 8 having DLC, and Smash being the biggest and most important game for the Wii U. Unless they're planning something better for the Wii U, I think having no DLC for Smash would be a huge mistake. Nintendo can't afford to have that kind of attitude: "We don't have to do much, they're going to buy the game anyway". I feel that they better handle this Smash well because I don't think they're going to have another game that is as important for the console.
It's not extremely likely that they're is going to be DLC close to the Wii U launch. It's very possible that we'll have to wait 6 months or even a year. But having no DLC at all, I don't see that happening.
There was also that rumor about Namco hiring for "Smash 6" for 2015. If that is true, then having DLC next year seems more likely.
The only reason why I would agree when people say that we are only getting 4 extra characters or aren't getting as much DLC. Is because since we are dealing with two games now, it might make things complicated (Will we have to pay for DLC twice? Will it really be possible to transfer DLC from another console?) We'll have to see. Though I don't think that affects Isaac much. Since he isn't an AT, it seems likely that he is going to be included among the upcoming DLC.
Like many have stated there are also two other options for Isaac:
1. No Golden Sun content at all (or trophy)
It's not impossible, but I find that it is extremely unlikely. I also find that him just being demoted to a trophy is unlikely. There's a few assist trophies that come have less games and are not as popular or recognizable. So there's no reason for Isaac to not be a assist trophy while those characters are. I also think comparing other past ATs like Barbara (Which seems to be a trophy now) to Isaac is a bit silly. I feel that AT is the "lowest" form of representation Golden Sun is going to be getting, or rather should have.
2. Wii U exclusive.
This seems more likely than the option above, but not by that much though. Golden Sun is a handheld exclusive, so it doesn't make much sense if he is console exclusive for Smash. Also, Isaac's assist trophy from Brawl is not complicated at all. There are other ATs that are more complicated that got into the 3ds. The only way I can see that happening is that they changed Isaac's assist trophy and made it more complicated or that they couldn't finish it on time. However all the past ATs still function the same way, with no changes (except the Nintendog having another model). Although it would be nice if Golden Sun gets special treatment for a complete AT change, it would also really suck that it would only appear in one version (As well as waiting longer again just for another Isaac AT)
Also, about the "Wi-fi Icons" thingy, I'm pretty sure I know what people are talking about. I remember that part, it was shown during the Gema_yue stream. Shortly after unlocking ROB and having the "Unlocked all characters" message, he went to someplace where it showed icons of all the characters, assist trophies and other characters (like Dunban and Yellow Devil)
Many have said that they haven't seen Isaac in it. You can see on that link:
I'm pretty sure it's from the Gema_yue stream because of the red texts that he/she wrote after unlocking ROB.
Though there are some ATs missing like, Chain Chomp, Mother Brain, Nintendog (They are not Wii U exclusive because I saw all of them in the 3DS version).
But I think Isaac would have definitely been included if he was still an AT. Plus there is still no sign of him, so it's pretty much certain that he is not an AT, at least in the 3DS version.
With the day-one patch now revealed, it seems like having extra content through the internet seems a bit more likely now, whether it'd be free or paid content. Anything can happen, but I'm feeling more confident right now that Isaac will be DLC later. Maybe soon, maybe later. It's just not over for Isaac yet.
Well, it seems like this thread is going to close soon. Besides a few posts, I've mostly been a lurker here since I first visited this thread. But this thread was fun and it was great reading all the posts and comments here. I'll try to visit group threads as well once this one closes. I really hope Isaac gets in, for the fans here, for the fans elsewhere, in my opinion you guys really deserve it.