I hated that level. Stupid blue dinosaur!!!
But anyways, on Brawl, yes, it seems like people are attracted to what is most appealing first: mainly specials and smashes. And occassiounally the forward tilt. Now who generally has the better of the two? Lucas seems better for the most part. PK Fire and stick own the bat. And PK Thunder and Freeze only SEEM better at first making them wanna use it more.
My point is, what may feel good at first may not always be the best in the end.
Earthbound360 must be Stephen Colbert, for he only speaks the truth. Lucas is easy to pick up. I'd say Ness' fighting is in his air game and grabs, yup, but firmly indicate that his smashes serve a functional role, for just certain occasions that come up as you're poking your opponent around. U-smash is like a secret weapon - so good hitbox, great power.
Notice that D-smash has a slightly longer range in the front than the back, unlike Melee, but nothing like 64's yoyo, of course. It's only advantage over the U-smash seems to be that, *from the time* Ness slings it forward, it takes less time to put it away than it does take Ness to put the yo-yo away when U-smash reaches its apex. So much like 64, it again calls on you to use the move a little bit in advance. If it hits, you get good knockback and the reward of the ability to chase.
B-moves are indeed nonstandard for Ness, it seems. I'm not sure what it is, but you just can't throw around even his PK Fire like you can with Lucas. Special, special occasions that can only be known in the moment.
Lol thanks.
People usually look for damage, knockback, and range in smashes. Compared to Lucas, Ness smashes are inferior to those categories, and people dismiss their gleaming ability. Ness' hasspeed, duration, combos, and mindgames.
Ness' usmash is usually considered inferior to Lucas, but I refuse to believe that. I find myself using around the world more than PK Blast. Its usefullness out of shield and dash and its combo and speed potential make it oh so awesome.
Same goes for dsmash and add mindgames to the equation. Also remember, Ness dsmash can KO if used properly (unchared yo-yo using back swing. You hit with the charge hit and then the pull back immediately.)
Lucas' PK Fire owns Ness' Sure, Ness is more worthwhile to hit with, but its not as easy due to its angle and overall speed. Also, Lucas has like a mamillion glitches in his PK Fire O_o
I love Ness, and I also love Lucas, but I hate all the comparisons they make and the wall between the players. Lucas fans claim Lucas is better, but then Ness fans just seem to have an unnatural hatred for Lucas. I NEED to get my comparison topic done soon to end this for good.