Yeah, I feel the game hits harder, and some videos of some characters are a bit dark with some of them "dying", even if we know it is just a temporary thing. At the same time, this is the most bright and colorful Smash ever, and this compensates everything to me. If you compare the characters of Smash 4 with Smash Ultimate you can see the characters are much more bright, like if they had a white glow around them:
Also, we have the colored smoke effects that makes everything more colorful:
If we compare to the WiiU game, the smoke trail was just gray smoke:
So, even if we are having some more hard punchs and camera movement (that I really like), it also is a more colorful game.
The deaths on the CG videos we know it is just a temporary things, and if we think a bit more, these characters die a lot in their games, and we are going to save them, and even on the Luigi video, we discover they really have souls and they just need to return to their body, so "dying" in this universe is not a big deal.