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Is it just me or...


Smash Ace
Dec 9, 2006
Tempe, AZ (Arizona State University)
Am I the only one who has friends who main Wolf and Ike and say that Sonic is broken because he can attack out of his Up B and spin charges, and that Wolf and Ike are hard to learn... -_-

It frustrates the hell outta me cause If I win, they say Sonic is cheap. And when I win... IF I win, we both have 1 stock left and I'm in the hundreds.

Sorry about the rant. >_>


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2008
Your friends have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Sonic is ANYTHING but broken. Let them look at any debated tier list and what would they see? Ike and Wolf near the top while Sonic is middle to low.

If anything, Sonic is the harder one to learn since he can't just rush in and overpower everyone (Ike) or camp the hell out of everybody (Wolf).

IMO, Sonic's ability to attack out of his UpB and Spin Charges are necessary just so he can survive. >_> Take those away and Sonic would be bottom tier, no questions asked. It's bad enough Sonic has terrible priority.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
They main a fsmash/neutral B abuser and a powerhouse while you use character with a high learning curve, and they say THEIR characters are hard to learn?


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
rofl what morons

play a reverse match, you use wolf while they use sonic. be sure to abuse the hell out of wolfs fsmash and blaster. that should knock some sense into your friends heads pretty d@mn quick


Smash Journeyman
Mar 5, 2008
Both Ike and Sonic are usually placed mid for the same reasons, weakness to projectiles and predictable approaches. Both characters get over this the same way through varied approaches and focusing on their strengths. If your friend can't beat you with wolf, and they say sonic is broken, they have no idea what they're talking about, and they severely need to get better at Brawl.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
well regardless, even if he did use wolf and his friend used sonic, he wouldn't beleive him. His friend in his own mind would just be like "i never used sonic, therefore i don't knwo how"

but its true that ike and wolf are way easier to learn than sonic. I mean ****... i got pwned with sonic by this wolf player, and i mirror matched him afterwards, didnt lose a single life. 3rd time playing wolf ever. So obviously he is easy to pickup.

1st time sonics eat dirt almost always, i know i did for a few days, and to boot, i havent come close to mastering sonic, his curve is too great. With wolf... its like 2 or 3 days and u got him down pat.

I make trips to tournaments every other weekend, and I have noticed that there are a ton of scrubs that play wolf. So noobs tend to like his easy mode style.
I see about 6 or 7 wolf players for every sonic player i see.

And finally, the wolf players, even if they really suck manage to beat a lot of people in tournaments, while every other sonic i have ever seen just gets stomped.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
2-3 days... more like 2-3 minutes.

ike as a lot more difficult than wolf since you cant just fsmash the entire game and win, ike is quite difficult to do well with in 1vs1.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
ike isnt hard to play with, its just really easy to die with him because his recover is so bad.


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
lol... i just think its funny....

ok so... the genius comittee that added tripping to smash... thay also at one point said:

"ok guys.... seriously... marths forward smash is way too good, we are gona have to nerf it"
"falco and fox's smash will need nerfing as well"
"sheik will need some nerfing too, he is just too fast"
"everything in this game is way too fast, we are gona have to slow it down, for the handicapped lil girls"
"fast falling is pretty much bs too, i mean these guys can combo forever.."

"we got a ton of characters from all these awesome games we could add in(megaman, knuckles this list is endless), but i think we should add a character that is almost exactly like a character that we already have... (starwolf)"
"yea, and also a character that no1 has heard of, or cares about (ROB, seirously who the **** is rob)
"well... wolf needs to be different than fox and falco.... ok... how about we make his forward smash better than both space animal's and marth's MELEE smash combined, and then put it into the new game where basicly everything and everyone except zelda and G&W got huge nerfs."(i know thats not true but it sounds good)

"done, and that is such a genius idea, that i think you deserve a promotion"

"you do too, infact we should just all sit here and come up with bad ideas to ruin this amazing franchise, and call it a day"

"guess we're clockin' out early =D"


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Your friends have absolutely no idea what they're talking about. Sonic is ANYTHING but broken. Let them look at any debated tier list and what would they see? Ike and Wolf near the top while Sonic is middle to low.

If anything, Sonic is the harder one to learn since he can't just rush in and overpower everyone (Ike) or camp the hell out of everybody (Wolf).

IMO, Sonic's ability to attack out of his UpB and Spin Charges are necessary just so he can survive. >_> Take those away and Sonic would be bottom tier, no questions asked. It's bad enough Sonic has terrible priority.
Lol Ike is well "bellow average", he's nowhere near top! You just need to work on dodging and shielding. If your getting hit by his slow *** predictable attacks you need some work on this game.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
can every sonic argument be won by reminding the other player that they are just too slow?
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