AVGN might be inspired by Sean Baby though i doubt it however, the fact is though, Seanbaby's reviews are also said differently, not only that but AVGN also doesn't directly quote Seanbaby. You can say Quentin Tarantino is in fact a Plagarist but his **** is completely different and his works are inspirations. Letalone if anything even if you are a fan of Irate, IF AVGN did steal Seanbaby's reviews, AVGN is the first person to adapt his style in Video Reviews making it comedic, i don't think seanbaby would ever be able to do that.
anyways besides that whole AVGN and Irate thing, i would just like to mention how idiotic it is that he lies in his Reviews trying to make good games look bad escpecially Aladdin, Aladdin IS one of the simplest Platformers done well, the controls are smooth and he totally forgot to mention the floating Cloth you can easily acquire even if you die. By pressing R1 he can easily get all those red gems in hard to reach places, yeah it takes SOME SKILL, but it's pretty easy with the Floating Cloth.
Anyways I would also like to mention that in the game Aladdin you can easily get continues by collecting the easy to get Golden Bug that flies out of Certain Chests, Did i also forget to mention 1up's that popup even after you die and restart from the checkpoint before you get the 1up? So you can literally get 1up's over and over and over even after u die in some parts of the game.
Also as i said he just completely forgot to tell anybody about the Floating Cloth which can help you alot with getting gems and escpecially fly by the levels like it's no tomorrow.
(i posted this on a different forum since he posted on gotgame that AVGN is a seanbaby rip off, and that the conscpiracies of Irate Gamer somehow using the same words "what a ****load of ****" and style is not a coincedence but of course fact original post
Anyways also Armake21truth it's obvious your conscparicies are quite farfetched seeing as your thoughts of AVGN
are just all plagarist work, that is false, any person with a blind eye could see that Bible Game "noah's ark" that Noah is powerfull letalone make jokes about that and a SMB2 or Doki Doki Panic clone.
And AVGN didn't specifically say 3 animals or Superhuman Strength, in fact if anything he expanded the idea and made it even funnier, Irate gamer on the other hand has not expanded on the AVGN idea he is basically a Clone of AVGN, ask any normal person on the street and compare them 2, they'll say it's about the same.
The fact is AVGN is much more original then both Seanbaby and Irate Gamer, The fact is is that AVGN happened to review SOME of the games Sean Baby has which Were already known to be bad, the **** you said about AVGN could also be said about Irate Gamer. So your arguments are very very moot. They really have no sense to them except for same themes said very differently in a much more comedic tone then Seanbabies reviews.
Sean Baby"Very few historians knew about Noah's superhuman strength. Here he is holding three farm animals above his head to get in shape for the repopulation of Earth. Back then, fertility exercises involved lifting cows."
AVGN "HOLY ****! Noah Did that all by himself? by picking the animals up all by himself? Noah man, nobody ****s with him, not even chuck norris." etc... not 100% accurate but that pretty sums up what AVGN says about his Human Strength.
The differences are completely obvious, AVGN is able to either review the same game with saying it completely different and adds comedic value (even if you do think AVGN plagarizes seanbaby this is irrefutable), or AVGN just reviewed the same game by chance and reviewed the same flaws.
However when Irate does it, his words are always too similar to AVGN escpecially in this Aladdin Review which is almost alike to his Silver Surfer review.
While Silver Surfer IS a known hard game and Aladdin is not a hard game, letalone Irate Gamer is really in it just for the fame, AVGN takes his work much more serious escpecially in his DVD's. How he says direct Quotes from AVGN such as his Silver Surfer review and Aladdin.
also one more thing i want to mention is that Irategamer is most likely an ONLINE TROLL their is no way he could come up with the exact same words and tone as AVGN when he says "you touch the ceiling you die, you touch the floor you die" etc... you know what i'm saying.
OH and one more thing (i know i'm beginning to sound a little repeitive but hear me out) one more reason why I think he is a online troll not only "Sometimes" copying off of AVGN, but from deleting every single negative comment about constructive criticsm's or any comparison to AVGN videos, and disables his comments in alot of his older videos to prevent so called "spamming." Which I personally think is highly cowardice.
AVGN has alot of negative comments as well on his Youtube videos along with some negative gametrailers comments but does AVGN delete his comments? Nope he takes it a like a man.