So that's Silver, huh? Thanks for uploading the image; I never actually got to see it before. In truth, I'm unfamiliar with Silver as I don't have an Xbox 360 or a PSP (not worth it, sorry to say). So I can't play the new Sonic games to try him out. But, getting back on topic....
Sad to say, I must agree. Silver probably won't be picked to join Brawl. Granted he looks awesome, and from what I've heard, has some nasty attacks (in a good nasty way), but like before, I've got to state the facts. First off (and I know I'll get slammed for this, but it's kinda the truth), he's a general newcomer to the gaming world entirely, so not everyone's gonna recognize him. Second, his method of fighting. Nintendo or Sakurai (or even both of them) may consider him a clone of Mewtwo, as mentioned by fleapy before. But if that's the case, I'll take Silver over Mewtwo anyday (no offense meant, honestly). Plus, they may even consider him too powerful.
Again, I have nothing against him. Silver's a cool guy, but I'd prefer Shadow in Brawl.
BTW, Telekinetic powers and Psychic powers. I'm pretty sure there's a difference between the two. Can someone clarify that for me? Thanks.