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- Inb4Xmas results thread - December 19, Montreal, Quebec, Canada


Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Thanks to everyone who showed up to this event, I have to admit the venue was really nice for the event, I will be making more tourneys there for sure.

Results with mains
1: Holynado(MK/Nado)
2: Swordgard(Ics/Snake)
3: Mar1(DK/MK)
4: Stroumbert(Falco/MK)
5: Kingkong(BOWSER RAWR!)
5: Guard(Fox!)
7: Techiyo(MK/TL)
7: Fornaxxx(MK)
9: Cor3y(Snake)
9: Wckd(???)
9: Jerry333(Yoshi)
9: Steb(Lucas)
13: Cynan(ZSS)
13: Beatroid(Samus)
13: Elite Viet(Ness)
13: Yoyo(Marth)



1: We spam nades/nado
2: The Guards
3: Mar1 and jordan
4: Team tabarnak
5: Get back in the kitchen, *****!
5: ProJectiles
7: FDD
7: Show me your boob



Smash Hero
Jul 27, 2005
Results with mains
1: Holynado(MK/Nado)- GJ stepping it up, you proved once again you are a true champion. Lets train more.
2: Swordgard(Ics/Snake)- Train more scrub.
3: Mar1(DK/MK)- GJ for beating me in winners with MK, you did well. Just don't take anything for granted.
4: Stroumbert(Falco/MK)- Apparently I just can't stay away from you in brackets. I tried placing us at opposite ends of the bracket but apparently I had to spawn right back in the losers to take you out. My choking was probably destined from the start. You never disappoint in placing though, gj at representing gamefaqs.
5: Kingkong(BOWSER RAWR!): GJ improving so much, you finally broke the barrier! Next time, aim for money. Oh and you spelled your own doom by beating me match 1 in pools ironically, I was so stressed the rest of the tourney, it ended up playing against you because I landed in losers XD.
5: Guard(Fox!): Your fox never ceases to amaze me. Work on em mindgames and you got this.
7: Techiyo(MK/TL): For someone who says he never improves, you keep placing higher and higher.
7: Fornaxxx(MK): 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th, 7th. Will you ever break the curse?
9: Cor3y(Snake): You got past pools and won a couple of matches, you attained your goal!
9: Wckd(???): We did not have time to train, lets wifi.
9: Jerry333(Yoshi): You are one hell of a dedicated player, you come from very far every time to play, its nice to see people like you : ) .
9: Steb(Lucas): I didn't get to play you much, but apparently you haven't lost the touch.
13: Cynan(ZSS): Great ZSS, get on wifi moar!
13: Beatroid(Samus): First tourney, stress got to ya!
13: Elite Viet(Ness): We didn't get to play : (
13: Yoyo(Marth): Hope you had fun and you can come back to more tourneys.
17:Nevermind!(Snake): SO close to making it out of pools, i felt bad for you >.<. Go on the chat and wifi!

More information on the next tourney: Next tourney will probably be in january at some point, there will not be melee/brawl+ at all(if someone wants to know why, hit me up on msn). Low tiers and probably crew battles will happen instead. Get hyped! Keep on wifi-ing everyone!


Smash Rookie
Feb 12, 2009
hm.... didnt got far on this tourney :(
hope ill do better next tourney.
I played very well on friendlies,but once in the tourney, stress made me lose ,you got it right sword ;o
well,i have to main MK,holy showed us that MK= Victory.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2007
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Aw, I was hoping to do better. My Diddy/DK is garbage now, should have just stayed Lucas all the way, probably would have had a better chance, lol. Quebec players are finally starting to use MK. He's just that good.

Anyways, few shoutouts:

Stroumbert: Our pool match was fun! It's too bad for me that I missed that u-smash. You just didn't know the Lucas match-up, you'll see Lucas has a bunch of weaknesses after a while.
Guard: GGs. I knew you would beat me. Good job on your placing!
Techiyo: Don't feel bad about picking MK against me. I thought I was prepared for MKs, but my Diddy just sucks now.


Smash Ace
Feb 12, 2009

Results with mains
1: Holynado(MK/Nado) Good job with your mk, you **** !
2: Swordgard(Ics/Snake) Thanks for all the help u gave me, im also satisfied to beat u in a neutral :D but please next time be more prepared !
3: Mar1(DK/MK) good **** to beat sword on winner brackets and for the 3rd spot too bad we didnt play :(
4: Stroumbert(Falco/MK) OMG!!!! nice come back!!! you are officially my rival from now, be prepared to lose next tourney! your falco is amazing and grats for the fourth spot
5: Kingkong(BOWSER RAWR!) need more bowsercide!
5: Guard(Fox!) good **** for 5th you improve so much and wtf ur fox is too fast >.>
7: Techiyo(MK/TL) bull**** happened on you this tourney too but I really think ull have a better result next tourney ! and stop suiciding >.>
7: Fornaxxx(MK) we didnt pratice in doubles together since a long time but we still do good, I really enjoy playing with you!
9: Cor3y(Snake) You make me so nervous when u 2stocked me first match !!! ure snake is really good hope to see u next tourney
9: Wckd(???) I didnt play you :(
9: Jerry333(Yoshi) seriously I respect you to travel this much for a tourney and u did great!
9: Steb(Lucas) I didnt play you too :(
13: Cynan(ZSS) same >.>
13: Beatroid(Samus) good to pass the pools in your first tourney hope to see u next tourney
13: Elite Viet(Ness) wow ur ness is really good!
13: Yoyo(Marth) nice to see a new face hope to se you in more tourneys
17:Nevermind!(Snake) sorry you didnt have ur revenge :(
17:Frr(?) you didnt get the pools but you are good for sure maybe just need more match up experience do wifi when u have time !

I had fun guys nice to see everybody see u next tourney!


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
thanks for the footage guys.

I'll try to upload GF later.

EDIT : I'll probably have a camera at a bunch of weeklies to interviews some people.

You can hear alot of KO and sf4 KOed girl screams :/


Smash Cadet
Jun 22, 2007
1: Holynado(MK/Nado)- Ha, I did beat your sonic with my yoshi (lolatnintendocreatedstages). Amazing rob and MK, I'd like to play you more often, and NO I won't change character for MK (:
2: Swordgard(Ics/Snake)- I didn't play you (again) but I'd like to play that matchup (Chaingrabbers against bairspammer) And thanks for the tournies, those were really fun, and to be honest, I didn't think that the tourney would be good because of the attendees, but you suprised me. (PS: FOUR 3s in my name. FOUR, not THREE :D )
3: Mar1(DK/MK)- Good job for beating swordgard in winner brackets :) And nice double matches also :)
4: Stroumbert(Falco/MK)- Oh well, I didn't have my revenge... but I will next time ): (or not) Nice falco :)
5: Kingkong(BOWSER RAWR!): We played few friendlies (finally) and those were fun. But our first match didn't count (Yoshi -- IC) because my C-stick was not working... Oh and thanks for the SDI tutorial
5: Guard(Fox!): I got pwned in pools :) Nice fox, those matches were fun :)
7: Techiyo(MK/TL): Friendlies for the win. Now you see why I can't main top tier xD
7: Fornaxxx(MK): Nice MK. First match you pwned me, second match you just made me fail at my last life ): I could've won that xD
9: Cor3y(Snake):
9: Wckd(???):
9: Jerry3333(Yoshi): Drummondville-Montreal... daaaam* those bus rides cost a lot xD
9: Steb(Lucas):
13: Cynan(ZSS):
13: Beatroid(Samus): TBH, you are not good, you just kept losing to yoshi. LOLJUSTKIDDING, thanks for housing :)
13: Elite Viet(Ness): Wow those matches were amazing. Met you in pools, you 2-stocked my yoshi, than I won your ness with jiggly, and than you beat me. we meet up again in brackets, and I win 2-0 :O That ness is amazing, and don't change for metaknight (:
13: Yoyo(Marth): We did few friendlies, and those were nice. LOLyoshidittofails :O Next time you want to play, just ask people, don't play against computer, we're there to play against people :p
17:Nevermind!(Snake): Wow... that pools were so... weird... Three people (Elite, me and you) had a win and the rest loses... And it was you that didn't go to brackets :( I felt bad for you :(. Nice snake though, I'm sure you could've beat my yoshi if you know the matchup :)


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2006
St-Anne-Des-Plaines, Qc
@Sword: Frr Used ZSS and Samus, Guy used G&W and Mario (vs me at least).

Nice tourney, turnout was much bigger than what I anticipated

1: Holynado(MK/Nado) Can't believe I kept up with your MK and the brackets lol. Grats
2: Swordgard(Ics/Snake) Seriously, thanks for all the tips you gave me after the tourney with that training session XD. It's really appreciated. Also, thanks for that compliment during the doubles friendlies.
3: Mar1(DK/MK) Good **** beating Swordgard. Don't choke XD. Stupid Omnigay fail...
4: Stroumbert(Falco/MK) Hi? lolz, we should play one day, SERIOUSLY :(
5: Kingkong(BOWSER RAWR!) Can't believe all those bull**** that happened :( Love your Bowser anyways
5: Guard(Fox!) Your Fox is amazing dude, you really improved a lot. Even my Marth can't do a **** vs your Fox now. Keep it up, you're the next Yui!
7: Techiyo(MK/TL) Stop SD'ING!
7: Fornaxxx(MK) Doubles were fun, ggs :)
9: Cor3y(Snake) Nices friendlies. You're snake is a bit predictable, but still, nice.
9: Wckd(???) Were you Terra? I can't tell, someone used Terra as a Nickname, but in the brackets sheet it's written Wckd XD If it is, nice DK, if it's not, sorry wrong number X_X
9: Jerry333(Yoshi) YAWSHI! Nice friendlies xD
9: Steb(Lucas) Nice games, couldn't keep up with Lucas in the 1st game.
13: Cynan(ZSS) I hate that **** XD. I could get more MU exp I guess.
13: Beatroid(Samus) Show'em that Samus is broken!
13: Elite Viet(Ness) Didn't play, but hi!
13: Yoyo(Marth) Nice double friendlies, but try to SD less ok?
17:Nevermind!(Snake) don't remember if I played you
17:Frr(?) Dude you totally should have pass the pools :/ NEXT TIME YOU GOT THIS!
Agora: We failed in teams this time, but hey, we took a match from Holy and dom, so everything's not so bad :)
Dom: Too bad you left so soon, nice games.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 30, 2008
Canada, Qc
Singles: (I didn't play those I didn't list...I'm SOOOO sorry if I forgot any of you)
1. Holynado- you know....am I really surprised you won...well.... swordgard won last time and you did now... VICTORY IS YOUR DESTINY!!!!
2. Swordgard- ok.....your a pro and thats that... your the main guy who tought me a bunch of cool things in brawl and you prooved that your a pro once more.. GOOD JOB!!
3. Fornaxxx- you scared the ********* out of me in loosers. you got an awesome MK man so keep training.
4. KingKong- I used to drill you forever..but now that would be suicidel. I can sence your improvement in battle BY FAR. GJ on being 5th.
5. Strombert- ok....I may have won durring our first match.....but you turned into a super saiyan after that man...nuff said.lol PS: AWESOME FRIENDLIES MAN...lol....I couldn't stop laughing.lol
6. Mar1- so..I guess your gona start maining MK now huh....lol I may have beat your DK... but you surprised me HEAVENLY with MK. awesome victory against swordgard ...that was even more surprising.lol
7. Corey- if ya got anything man its potential.... I LOVED our matches and durring every match I senced you got better. I can't wait till our next match.
8. Techiyo- ill be honnest. your good , but I AM disapointed you don't main marth anymore. :( but I'll enjoy playing you none-the-less.
9. Beatroid- your samus is awesome...I allways fell for your Z-air. if I learned anything from you...its to NEVER EVER go off stage.lol
10. Steb- ya know.....its not easy to win a tournament using a low tier character. but in a low tier tourny....man I'd be scared.lol it was fun playing ya.
11. Elite Viet- your ness improved....you surprised me when I lost a match in pools, so you did improove, keep training.
12. Jerry3333- Yoshi is SOOO weird to fight against.lol I had fun playing you in pools.
13. Nevermind!- your not a noob, even if ya lost against me...its just that SOOO many people now know the snake match-up. it was still fun though.
14. Jordon- FINALLY another worthy Fox player. it was awesome playing you. PLEASE keep training.
15. GUARD- DO A BARREL ROLL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I had an awesome match with EVERYONE I played doubles with so I'll speak of a couple teams only.
1. We spam nades/nado- ok..I knew you guys are good....but come on we haven't won a single match against ya.....lol..o well..GOOD VICTORY GUYS!!!
2. The Guards- something tells me we could of done better.... but I was very glad to team up with swordgard.... we work well together....but we absolutely had NO practice with eachother.....so ultimately, I'm happy.lol CHEERS Swordgard


Smash Rookie
Feb 12, 2009
1: Holynado(MK/Nado) Well,i was (un)lucky because i didnt play against ya,but i saw your ****** matches,MK=victory.
2: Swordgard(Ics/Snake) it was the first time i saw ya playing ICs,and i was very impressed,good job,and thanks for the tourney :D
3: Mar1(DK/MK): i was impressed when you won against sword, but i felt bad for you when he took his revenge.. continue practicing! [swordgard] practice makes perfect [/swordgard]
4: Stroumbert(Falco/MK) i loved our pools match ( even if you ***** me). very nice falco,we have to play again ;D
5: Guard(Fox!) Your Fox is amazing ! best fox i've seen so far. i hope next tourney ill take my revenge!
7: Techiyo(MK/TL) Didn't face you this tourney..hope we play next one : D
7: Fornaxxx(MK) I played against you only on dubz,but it was nice tho :D nice MK,keep practicing it :D
9: Cor3y(Snake) i didn't play against you on this tourney :(
9: Wckd(???) ****. i loved playing against you,cuz i never know what you would do. i felt pretty bad for my defeat against you,but i hope next time ill take my revenge @_@
9: Jerry333(Yoshi) U suck. Joking, it was fun to be the last team on the doubles tourneys :D keep training that Dino,he's so fun to sandbag :D
9: Steb(Lucas) i love your lucas Haha, he's just so epic.
13: Cynan(ZSS) Samus is too broken, with or without a suit.
13: Beatroid(Samus) Stop Maining Samus,U scrub.
13: Elite Viet(Ness) didn't play against you ,but i saw that you have a good ness :D
13: Yoyo(Marth) it was nice to do some friendlies against you :D hope u'll come next tourney :p
17:Nevermind!(Snake) ****. i wanted to play against you on this tourney,its too bad that you didn't go through the pools :(
17:Guy(?)well, i just played a couple of friendlies,and it was fun :p
17:Frank(?) felt bad for you that you didn't go through the pools :/ see ya next tourney!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
Hey good job marco avec MK. JE crois que moi et swordgard on est d'acord pour dire que tu est partous en double. Et en simple c'est aussi imposible ca arrive trop vite tes attaque. Entk c'étais fun teamé avec toi

Et good job a kingkong, swordguard et guard pour avoir aussi bien placé ;)

Joyeuses fetes a tous


Smash Cadet
Feb 11, 2009
Sherbrooke, Canada
1: Holynado(MK/Nado)- dayuum you whooped my ***. I thought I was doing well first match on FD with my Snake in the polls but I just had to f**** it up haha. Impressive ROB. =P

2: Swordgard(Ics/Snake)- I still haven't played you 1vs1 even tho you'd probably win easily
:p Epic matches against fornax, had fun watching! You didn't show up at 8am in the morning for my Brawl Lesson! haha. Maybe someday

3: Mar1(DK/MK)- Wckd was SO disapointed that you didn't play a DK ditto lol. gg in doubles.

4: Stroumbert(Falco/MK)- Didn't see you falco but those friendly were hilarious.

5: Kingkong(BOWSER RAWR!): Someday.. i'll have my revenge on you!! (need to get better!) haha nice seeing you there :p

5: Guard(Fox!): Sir, your Fox is awesome. Hope to play you again next tourney!

7: Techiyo(MK/TL): I miss your spamlink in doubles :p

7: Fornaxxx(MK): Hope you had fun walking back to Sherbrooke.. since you didn,t win! XD

9: Cor3y(Snake):

9: Wckd(???): <3

9: Jerry3333(Yoshi): Our pool was pretty weird yea haha but I played like crap. Too nervous I guess but I had fun anyways! Your Yoshi is awesome, keep it up :p

9: Steb(Lucas): I haven' played you but someday i'd like to play a Lucas ditto against you!

13: Cynan(ZSS):

13: Beatroid(Samus): Nice Samus =P Maybe we'll playing each other in another tourney!

13: Elite Viet(Ness): Impressive Ness buddy. our matches were really close.

13: Yoyo(Marth):

17:Nevermind!(Snake): Dude you suck!



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