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In my opinion, Sheik is top teir!!! Crit my Sheik PLZ!!!


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
Okay, well, before I even watch the video, you lose points for asking critique against a 7 year old.

Alright, round 1.

Honestly, a lot (if not all) of those deaths shouldn't have happened. Both of you need lessons in recovery.

You, personally, need lessons in approaching. I know it worked on your brother, but just running in blindly isn't the best idea. It seemed like you were just running in trying to just do something, and get out of there. It was a random match. Lots of pointless death.

Basically, from round 1, I gather you need to be in control of Sheik. Know what moves you want to do, and when you want to do them.

You got some good D-smashes in but all they did was toss him around. Learn to position yourself when you do them to knock HIM off stage. He was at high %ages, so you could have edge-guarded well.

Round 2.

Well, considering all 3 times you died it was because of bad recovery (which I can also say to your brother), I think you need to practice your edge-guarding/recovering game. Marth has a faster recovery than you. THIS is when you should have been Vanish Gliding.

Position yourself so even if he's edge-hogging, you will land on the stage. Let her drop a bit and move away from the stage, then recover from there. You'd be surprised at how far she can go.

You could have footstooled him quite easily when he was at the edge. Practice doing that.

Anyway, on a more positive note, you clearly have control over the Boost Smash, AND you can apply it in the game, which is really good. Waiting for the opportunity instead of running in and hoping it's there is what you need to work on. Overall, it's a good Sheik you have there, but I think you need to play some better players.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
Okay, well, before I even watch the video, you lose points for asking critique against a 7 year old.

Alright, round 1.

Honestly, a lot (if not all) of those deaths shouldn't have happened. Both of you need lessons in recovery.

You, personally, need lessons in approaching. I know it worked on your brother, but just running in blindly isn't the best idea. It seemed like you were just running in trying to just do something, and get out of there. It was a random match. Lots of pointless death.

Basically, from round 1, I gather you need to be in control of Sheik. Know what moves you want to do, and when you want to do them.

You got some good D-smashes in but all they did was toss him around. Learn to position yourself when you do them to knock HIM off stage. He was at high %ages, so you could have edge-guarded well.

Round 2.

Well, considering all 3 times you died it was because of bad recovery (which I can also say to your brother), I think you need to practice your edge-guarding/recovering game. Marth has a faster recovery than you. THIS is when you should have been Vanish Gliding.

Position yourself so even if he's edge-hogging, you will land on the stage. Let her drop a bit and move away from the stage, then recover from there. You'd be surprised at how far she can go.

You could have footstooled him quite easily when he was at the edge. Practice doing that.

Anyway, on a more positive note, you clearly have control over the Boost Smash, AND you can apply it in the game, which is really good. Waiting for the opportunity instead of running in and hoping it's there is what you need to work on. Overall, it's a good Sheik you have there, but I think you need to play some better players.
Thanks man, my bro and i have been going to Melee tounys since he was 5 and we both use to to place top 16 all the time out of like 40-40 people. I will get a better video up soon because that ine was taken at 3AM and on my laptop recording it on a 2in by 2in screen :p couldnt really see where we were.

Thanks again :)

UPDATE: Just got some more video footage against better players, even thou he is good for his age :p, it wil be posted later today


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
Burbank, California
wow. for a seven year old he has some **** good motor skills. Okay, tips for your little brother

falco is pretty complicated actually
- practice using lasers to pressure sheik, since sheik can duck under and her dash is really low its hard to hit her, but while she's in the air she's super vulnerable. practice short hop lasering forward and backwards while moving, it'll take time, but at your age you'll get it by practicing a lot
- chaingrabbing sheik to 50% is equivalent to your brother getting you into a ftilt-lock to 50-60%, work on that too, you down grab is the one that is the cg
- use side-b more confidently to recover
- nice use of all your tilts, it was used effectively
- falco has a boost smash like sheik does i believe
- practice chaining your aerials together
- also, don't use down b to help you recover, a laser or two will suffice and won't kill you like the down b did

for your marth...
-practice sh double fair
-take advantage of the utilt and juggle options with your uair, sheik can't do much against that with her crappy dair
-use b-up in tight situations like tilt locks, usually it comes out fast enough for you to escape
-learn to control marth better by practicing dash dancing and foxtrotting, this will help your spacing, very important for marths
-use fairs for gimping
-practice your spike if you get the chance
-marth is pretty bad on the ledge, can't do much there so don't stick around there! try to get back onto the stage as quick as possible, an option is to use a raising nair, since it hits twice it's safer than other options

for your sheik
-use more of your bair, its not half bad you know
-needles work wonders against marth and falco off the ledge
-practice more aerial approaches though, dashing in and walking forward to ftilt is... pretty predictable
-your nair is awesome, use it
-work on your ledge game, sheiks is one of the best


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
BAY AREA, California
Heh, that was entertaining:

Tips for your Sheik:
1. Try some aerial approaches.
2. Use some empty short-hops to vary up your approach game.
3. Throw, throw, throw! Sheik has a great throw + grab range. I noticed you didn't get a single throw in for those two matches.
4. Practice recovering, edge-guarding, and ledge-game.
5. Its good to F-Tilt, but know when to end it and you don't always have to end it with a U-Tilt. Mix in some U-Smashes, rising N-Air. or a grab.

Otherwise, it wasn't too bad. Its good to know that you can DACUS pretty decently and know how to Vanish Glide. But gotta work on the basics, then applying these advanced techs will be the icing on the cake :) You're brother plays pretty well for a 7 year old :)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
Thank you all for replying and compendin mu little bro, there is a big age gap between us(like 10 years) and we really like the advic you guys have given us. he hasnt played for a while so i have some other vids to post, hope you like them!!!!

WULFN (Sheik) vs. Alunz (Meta) R1 (fixed)
WULFN (Sheik) vs, Alunz (Marth) R2

WULFN (Sheik) vs. Arche_mage (Snake)R1
WULFN (Sheik) vs. Arche_mage (Snake)R2 *New*
WULFN (Sheik) vs. Arche_mage (Snake)R3 *New* (at least take a look between 2:25-2:30, i thought it was funny)
WULFN (Sheik) vs. Arche_mage (Marth)R4 *New*
WULFN (Sheik) vs. Arche_mage (Marth)R5 *New*

there are more files to upload, as time goes on, i will get more on my brother, he likes this spot light :}


Smash Lord
May 4, 2008
You might want to fix the first link.

As for the Snake one. You might want to delete that.

I can't give you critique when your opponent is just a rolling, mortar sliding sandbag.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
You might want to fix the first link.

As for the Snake one. You might want to delete that.

I can't give you critique when your opponent is just a rolling, mortar sliding sandbag.
Thanks for telling me, it is fixed now if you want to take a look.
As for the Snake vid, it not worth watching to much as you stated before :p
Thx again


Smash Apprentice
Jun 25, 2008
In your mind
Let's see

everyone who has posted here has pretty much nailed everything. I didn't watch the whole video but I do know that for a seven year old your brother is good. As for your sheik you did a pretty good jod, but some of your falls and deaths were pretty stupid. Try to play more mind games with your opponet, in the first part of the first video your brother was charging up for a smash while you were hanging on the edge, instead of waiting until he was done with the attack, but instead you didn't wait and got killed. Overall you were good and I have to ask how you did the thing similar to snakes silde thingy. You used the slide veery well and your tilts were good to. just send me a private message explaining how to do that slide thing. Oh and on the second videos which I just checked you did a lot better:)


Smash Apprentice
Apr 22, 2008
AZ, Phoenix
a little offtopic question but

is your l/r set to attack for dacus?
Ya, my R button is set to attack and i have tap jump turned off.

To do the DACUS, you need to dash, then push down on the c-stick and up on the controll stick, then push attack, which i have set as R because it is the easiest. Try practicing it in training,try at a lower speed the gradually bring it up.

Thanks again for the help, i have more vids posted up if anyone wants to take a look :)
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