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Im wondering. Do you guys think Yoshi was nerfed or buffed?


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008

Many people dismiss Yoshi as bottom tier 24/7. An idiot was cheeky enough to say to me/
" Yoshi was bottom tier 3 games in a row" Yoshi was mid in 64!

So do you think he got buffed or nerfed? DJC was important,
but as Ness main I could do with it.

So anyone want to answer my question?


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Pretty much buffed.
Lack of DJC pretty much helps Yoshi because now he can actually attack while recovering without instantly dying. That and the egg toss make him significantly more playable. His bair also has a whole ton of range now, making it easily his best aerial move. With the addition of pivot grabs, his grab is actually useful this time. There are numerous small things about him that I missed from Melee, but mostly it's better.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2008
Appalachian State University/ West Jefferson, NC
...i dont know whether or not he was buffed or nerfed but i will say that i like the yoshi in brawl better than his melee version.

sure some people will say that his smashes are considerably weaker, for example his D-smash has suffered the change from melee. but his range was almost doubled by making his tail stretch farther. his B-air is now harder to defend against due to his improved range, and his tilts now have better priority and stretch out more. his 1 2 jab's knockback is now greater and comes out faster; however, its weaker in terms of damage. and his new forward tilt is better in range and speed. and who can forget that now his egg toss adds some stall time in his falls, allowing this yoshi to accomodate for the side air dodge we used for one or two extra inches for recovery in melee.

i also find that brawl yoshi is more "controllable" for me, i dont know what it is, maybe his floatyness or something like that but i can move easier and more smoothly now.
well i guess thats my responce, IMO brawl yoshi is better but i didnt get competitive untill brawl came out, i cant even wavedash in melee but i can DR.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Personally, I think Brawl Yoshi is the best one yet. The only thing thats been nerfed with him is his Dsmash (Which is still useful, just can't kill with it anymore), and more stiffed eggs. However he's gotten so many Buffes compared to his Melee counterpart, it's crazy!


Smash Journeyman
Jun 15, 2008
Culvah baybee

Many people dismiss Yoshi as bottom tier 24/7. An idiot was cheeky enough to say to me/
" Yoshi was bottom tier 3 games in a row" Yoshi was mid in 64!

So do you think he got buffed or nerfed? DJC was important,
but as Ness main I could do with it.

So anyone want to answer my question?
Bottom Tier doesn't mean much in 64...

I think he got buffed. There's just a lot of stuff that's better about him in brawl.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
I personally will take (brawl yoshi's) better range and speed over (melee's) slower and more powerful attacks.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Upper mid is preposterous, the very highest Yoshi can be is low mid. He's far more likely to be low.

Deleted member

Buffed. Djc would suck horribly, cuz hed just get shield grabbed outta all the djc stuff cuz of brawls shield mechanics.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
You're crazy
no u

Yoshi has far too many weaknesses deliberately placed in his character for him to be that high. Although he received several pity points in Brawl (great recovery, especially when combined with the new airdodges, and a much better air game/air speed), he still has his faults. Many of them.

Scala, you be smoking something fierce, because Yoshi in high is too much.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Whoever says Yoshi was anything less than a brutal combo shieldbreaking **** machine in 64...

...has just hoodwinked you.

For the record, DJC is useless for Yoshi in Brawl. It's a totally different game. The only character who could actually use it now is Peach and her DJ is so small that it might as well cancel itself.

As for this Yoshi being the best one yet, I have my reservations. I think 64 Yoshi was sitting high on the hog for quite a while...Brawl Yoshi has a tough act to follow in him; anybody who didn't really play 64 competitively probably wouldn't understand how good Yoshi had it back then.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
no u

Yoshi has far too many weaknesses deliberately placed in his character for him to be that high. Although he received several pity points in Brawl (great recovery, especially when combined with the new airdodges, and a much better air game/air speed), he still has his faults. Many of them.

Scala, you be smoking something fierce, because Yoshi in high is too much.
All of his weaknesses can be overcome if a perfect game is played (which is what tiers are based off of)

What are the weaknesses that you think sends him all the way the fuck down in the lower section?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
I think everyone else's comboing ability was just nerfed a lot more than Yoshi's was, so now other characters and Yoshi stand on a more even level when it comes to comboing... which I guess doesn't really exist.

Yoshi's nair was nerfed,

Bair was buffed

dair was nerfed

uair was... buffed?

fair was nerfed.

jab was buffed

ftilt was buffed

utilt was buffed

down tilt was buffed

side smash was... slightly nerfed

up smash was buffed.

d smash was ... the strength was nerfed and the length was buffed

dash grab was buffed

stationary grab was nerfed

pivot grab was buffed

Neutral B was buffed

upB was buffed

sideB was buffed

down B was buffed

Well it pretty much feels like he's been... nerfed. Though not as much as the other character have been. If a good melee Yoshi was to go 1v1 against a good Brawl Yoshi, I'd bet on the melee Yoshi, even though the Brawl Yoshi has a intermediately-low chance of winning. A melee Fox vs a Brawl fox? Melee fox 100%.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Scala, you play at a competitive level, right? So by now some things should be pretty obvious to you...

- Yoshi is so close to having an unbeatable aerial game, but he doesn't have that much range in front of him. That means he's forced to approach backwards, which is fine in some situations but difficult to set up in others. He also has pretty crappy range below him aerially (dair was a bit nerfed, btw.) Not having this all-around range is like robbing Yoshi of what finally would have been meeting his true potential.
- It is awful trying to get a KO. Yoshi's fsmash is possibly one of the worst in the game, given its terrible range and large amount of windup lag for only an average result. Usmash makes it a little easier, but what if your opponent is a grounded character and not an aerial character? Same goes for uair. And by the time downB, dsmash and nair (all of which are slightly nerfed) KO, you'll probably have already been killed.

I know there are more smaller ones, but these two weaknesses are HUGE. They were weaknesses built into the game from the start, regardless of metagame progression. They set Yoshi behind all high-tier characters by making him not have a fantastic air game OR ground game, but just an above-average and below-average, respectively. They deliberately set him up as an average character, so my prediction is that he'll end up somewhere around Mario.


Smash Hero
Feb 28, 2008
In VA **** MD
In general Yoshi's aerial game was buffed. With the rising Bairs and Uairs and things like that make his aerial game one of the best. The only thing that is lacking is his Fair. On account of it doesn't even spike 100% of the time so it can't be used to spike off the edge as easily. But, even though he is lacking in a few areas we are still finding new techniques (that are useful) to this date. For example the DR and the drop kick. Unlike other characters that there meta game is already fully developed.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
I think yoshi has been buffed, sure melee yoshi had ALOT of things I liked so here's a list of what was nerfed and buffed =D well in my opinion.

Yoshi's eggs, as a weapon anyway. Hitstun alot less (as with every move i brawl), range seems to be less, can't drop them below the level for a sexy stage spike anymore, or behind yoshi or at his feet to be used as a "shield" since his shield wasn't the greatest.

Dsmash's knockback
Fsmash's knockback, leanback, ram forward range, and i think it's slower now so slightly nerfed in everyway.
Fair's usefulness, as an approach.
Dtilt's gimping potential
Ftilt's juggling ability (fox's and falco's I could sometimes hit 4 time with this before they could get away)
Utilt's priority I think, this just seemed to beat out every aerial attempted.
Usmash's priority, since from what I'm told yoshi's head was invincible.
Weight, people would always be like. C'mon die already, people never make it to 160% vs ___ (place top/high teir character's name here)
Cheap kills, Dtilt--> dair kill starting at 0% was mega hilarious
Neutral B range.
DownB's combo breaker for a WTF how was i killed type deal (mostly because there are no combos to break anymore)

Bair, everyone knows this now.
Dsmash range.
Usmash's usefullness
Ftilt's awesome range.
Jab, just in general I love this move.
Grab...I actually grab now?
Running grab...yoshi doesn't trip and stumble like an idiot anymore =D
Pivot grab...SOOOOO awesome.
Uair, this thing kills now and easily.
Recovery is SOOOO good now, used to be that after i lost my double jump I'd hope they'd jump out for an unnecessary hit and I'd Fair them, but now I have an option to survive.
Eggroll, finally priority.
DownB, they get knocked up into it? are they trying to make yoshi broken? =P
dtilt range
edgeguarding...sure no djc makes you more predictable but now and edgeguarding monster
Unsweetspotted Fair to rising Fair spike, not a real buff i just think it's awesome when you pull it off

I think that's it, man I was bored if I actually put all that.


Smash Lord
Apr 8, 2008
BC, Canada
Here's my list of Nerfs and Bluffs on Yoshi


-Eggs are slightly worse in a defencive use. You can't use them to defend or to set up combos as easily anymore
-Can't recover with Egg Roll anymore, but who cares?
-Dsmash is no longer a Primary Kill move
-Fsmash is was slightly reduced overall
-Fair got worse, and now needs to be sweetspoted
-Nair is slightly worse in Knockback
-Dair does less damage if you connect every hit
-NeutralB is still bad, and it even less useful now
-DownB in the air just seems reduced overall.
-Standing Grab got worse!


-Jab got alot better in both range and priority
-Ftilt seems better for me
-Dtilt has wicked range
-Usmash got better, and Invincibility Frames?
-Dsmash got better range, and is still a good move overall
-Bair, duh
-Uair is alot better
-Dair locks in better
-Lack of DJC and the new Brawl mechanics boost Yoshi's air game significantly
-Can combo alot better
-Also with no DJC, Yoshi can actually physically Edgeguard now
-Yoshi Recovery has been significantly increased With UpB Recovery, Airdodging without cancelling out the Double Jump (Is practically like a Zelda UpB Now), and the fastest Horizontal Air Speed in the game
-Running Grab got better
-Pivot Grabs are just made of win!
-Eggroll has better Priority
-Ground DownB's are great, and the Rise Up makes it an effective Kill Move
-UpB Egg's work much better as an attack, and has more range
-A Slightly better shield game, but is still the worst.
-Now has Chaingrabs on a good number of the cast.
-His Taunts are Super Cute ^_^

So yeah, Yoshi was Nerfed quite a bit, but the Buffs far outweigh the Nerfs by a longshot.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 11, 2008
I really miss Yoshi's incredible melee nair, his more powerful melee dair, his uair combos, and his fair. I dunno, I still think

Melee Yoshi vs Brawl Yoshi - 6:4


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Heh, I've always said that Dair had some funny priority, as it can beat out some of Yoshi's own atks (and some other characters). Even though the DI is much more stronger, it can lock pretty decently and the aerial speed helps alot too.

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
you're all forgetting yoshi's cute new look.
I never noticed before brawl came out but melee yoshi looks like an alien or something.

Seriously though DJC was yoshi's best asset in melee, I like his maneuverability in the air so much more in brawl but lack of DJC kinda sucks. His grab is 10x better though, combos are easier etc.

<3 brawl yoshi I will never stop maining him. Although he's not high tier, not very 'tourney-material' either sadly, easily my favourite character to play with along with fox and pit.

....I'm Jei btw, I dunno why I decide to introduce myself now, I've mained yoshi in all 3 smash games and not once have I ever posted in the yoshi boards.
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