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Ike's Psychological Game


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
I have permission to do this from a former Ike player his thread can be found here:http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=178449


I will now explain the purpose of this thread. Your opponent's mind is the thing you should be worrying about. You need to get him or her out of their comfort zone. Mind games do play a big part in this but are not the main reason of this thread not to say they're not important. You kind of have to imagine you are not even in the game it is just a battle of wits between your opponent and you. The screen and your character and his for that matter are just there for looks so to speak. So basically, In this thread I am going to explain how Ike's moves and tactics you should use to trick your opponent and get him in the position he doesn't want to be in. In order for any of this to work you have to play with the proper mindset: http://youtube.com/watch?v=K9khDedACgY this is the perfect video to teach you how to have that mindset. credit goes to Gimpyfish for the video.

The Pillars of Psychological Gaming:

Fear, Failure and arrogance this is the way of a Psychological gamer and also three important traits you have at your disposal. Most of this stuff is trained to be taken out of peoples mindsets. But with the right amount of strategy, skill and intelligence it can be used to get the advantage in the match you are playing and the ones you play after that.

Fear deals with the aspects of intimidation and superiority.If you opponent is afraid he is more likely to mess up and use all the wrong moves. Even killing him fast and at Low percentages will freak him out.
Technical skill is a big factor in this if you look like you are really good even though you may not be. Plus the only thing that matters is the opinion that you have about yourself!

Failure deals with the aspects of security and confidence. If your opponent keeps messing up he will feel the fear of failure making him more predictable. One way you could make him or her feel like this is DI right and survive attacks. The reason why you do this is if you do not die and he thinks you are going to he might taunt and if he does you can punish him I have done this several of times and it works for me but that doesn't mean it will work for you since your play style and our opponents may be different then mine. So basically failure will make your opponent more predictable.

Have to go will update later

please comment


Smash Cadet
Mar 2, 2008
Orlando (UCF area)
Wait...you wrote that...?

You posts do not demonstrate the skills to write a post that well, ehe.

Whatever, good read.
You should look up "well" and "good". The way you used them, I don't think you know what they mean. The words you should've been using are closer to "poorly", "weak", and "fluffy".


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
yes, it is but we could use one here and this one is not the same.

and why did you find that funny


Smash Obsessed
Aug 3, 2007
Switch FC
Is there one of these for every charecter or somethin?
Cuz theres one on the Marth boards.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
There was almost not a single post regarding whatever point comboking was trying to make with this thread... It's now just a thread about insulting comboking's intelligence lol. Somehow I don't think this is what you had in mind huh comboking? *shakes head and pats him on the back*


Smash Master
Jan 12, 2008
no this is not what I was thinking

but I will forgive the spammers and thank all the people who are not spamming I have turned over a new leaf and will not spam anymore either.

by the way either spell it ComboKing or call me CK please


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2007
North Carolina
Let's talk about what moves instill the 3 pillars of psychological gaming:

I think Counter can play a big role in this, being able to instill all 3 if you miss it or not...

Depending on the character, FSmash goes under all 3 also.

I'll be back with some more...


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
Ridgewood,Queens NYC
Let's talk about what moves instill the 3 pillars of psychological gaming:

I think Counter can play a big role in this, being able to instill all 3 if you miss it or not...

Depending on the character, FSmash goes under all 3 also.

I'll be back with some more...
Finally something to add aside from spam.

Try adding the Jab+Jab cancel. It's common knowledge but It's a good way to mix things since after the cancel we use anything at our disposal. We can use the whole Jab combo, grab, smash or anything else to keep them guessing. That's something I do to mess with my friends heads.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2007
North Carolina
I want to go a little into fear:

-FSmash is the most fearful of Ike's moves. "Real" players should never be expecting it. Those that do are usually surprised how "fast" Ike is without it.

-I'd even go as far as to say Ike's smashes in general are fairly fearful because of how slow/powerful they are.

-Using Counter perfectly without messing up could create some fear. Especially if you use it fairly often. It shows that you know when your opponent is attacking. After doing this for a while, they may attempt to up their evasion/mindgames and move in less often.

-Even though it's not a good edgeguard, I'll mess around and use Eruption near the edge if I know they can make it back regardless. (I should try jumping off of the stage with it sometime. I wonder if it's fast enough.)

-The second someone hits the edge, I'll jump off behind them and bair. It probably won't hit, but it will scare them and cause them to not waste time on the edge anymore.

-Blatantly abusing your SAF's could make you look crazy and scary. Timing the SAF's as a counterattack would look sick.

-I'm probably going into the anxiety area, but QDing excessively but efficiently would keep anyone on their toes. Utilizing it more as form of movement could definitely add some pressure. That way, they never know if you're using it as an attack. Dthrow to QD (while they're in the air) to whatever sounds fairly unpredictable to me.

That's all I got right now. Most of this isn't even tested.


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
Well, arrogance can be derived from the opponents rather blind assurance in his own victory. Because Ike is slow moving and has some laggy moves, opponents are already affected by this part of his psychological game, as they expect him to be a pushover. This is not the case, however. A good Ike always surprises his opponent. Fear intermingles very well with arrogance, as once the opponent realizes that he was too hasty in deciding the outcome of the match, he panics. This makes for a decisive win.

For the pillar 'Failure', Ike basically just has his counter, which has to be well timed. Dodging, rolling, and shielding are skills derived from the user's general ability. Some characters can seemingly remain untouchable, and have projectiles to camp or great spacing that can allow the opponent to believe that he has no way of affecting you. Ike has a harder time with this though, and is much more dependent on the skill of the player. It is most likely the weakest section of his psychological game, yet it is perhaps the most important... Defense is super important in Brawl.

Anyway, this thread is pretty useless as no one takes it seriously probably because it was started by ComboKing. If Kirk tried it out we'd have different results, certainly. I thought I would just say something redundant to compensate for my usual uselessness in these boards, however all of this information is quite simple and should already be known if you've played Ike for 5 minutes...

Hawks go Caw

Smash Ace
Feb 28, 2008
New Orleans, LA
okay I will do that on my matchup guide
Oh. You mean the match up guide where you've spammed on every board, "How do you beat Ike? Do you think you have an advantage? What are his weaknesses? What are his strengths?" The one where you probably plan on just copying and pasting other people's responses again and giving no credit at all? That one? Looking forward to it.


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
*sigh* I thought Smashboards was a more mature community than GFaqs, seems like I am wrong, this topic is more or less devoted to trolling and flaming =/ I came here to read interesting stuff about Ike not to hear people call ComboKing an idiot...


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
That's what this forum is for. If you want to learn how to play Ike, use YouTube or fight Ikes.


Smash Rookie
Jul 12, 2008
... maybe you are right, but I have seen some interesting stuff here still :p


Smash Lord
Dec 30, 2007
comboking is actually the most clever troll here

far beyond what i could ever hope to achieve


Smash Master
Apr 26, 2008
Ama, you're still the best troll here... I don't remember a popularly flamed thread that you haven't been a part of.

And comboking isn't really a troll troll, he's more of a mini-RoK... I drew a picture.

See. A rock.
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