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If you had to pick one newcomer for each major already repped Smash franchise, who would you choose?

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Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
Tell me your picks! No matter how obscure, being realistic isn't really required here. From picking Daisy for the Mario franchise or picking the Beanie enemy from Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga for the Mario franchise, anything is welcome.

Super Mario Franchise
Tough choice, gonna have to go with Geno.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
Darunia. The Goron? He has made his appearence a couple times. Having a Goron could be fun.

Kirby Franchise
Bandanna Dee. I know that right away. He is actually my number one pick in general.

Pokemon Franchise
God, such a tough choice. I don't know... Decidueye? My favorite Alolan starter is Incineroar, but he would pretty much just be where Ganondorf is now, so Decidueye.

Metroid Franchise
I know very little about Metroid. So i'll just be very bland and say Ridley. Technically speaking, Ridley was Samus' height in the original, sooo.... Yea.

Fire Emblem Franchise
Don't really need more of these. I say just throw in a character from the next game, and call it a day.

Pikmin Franchise
I love Pikmin to death. So if I had to be honest here, I would actually say Captain Charlie. His body shape is more unique from Olimar than Alph and Brittany are, so he can represent Rock Pikmin. Unless they have Pikmin 4. Then definitely choose someone from that.

Donkey Kong Franchise
Ah geez... Do I go with Cranky or K. Rool? I guess i'll just go with the majority and pick King K. Rool.

Wario Franchise
Yes, it is technically just another Mario character, and yes this was my excuse to squeeze in Waluigi. He is so overdone I wanted someone else, but I had a hard time leaving the guy out, y'know?

Punch-Out!! Franchise
Someone new from here is extremely unneeded, but King Hippo or Glass Joe or something would still be kind of cool. I guess my ultimate choice does belong to King Hippo from here.

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise
Is anyone new here really needed? Absolutely not. Would it be fun though? Yes. Tails please.

Anything Konami
Bombermaaaaaaaaaaan. Super Bomberman R holds promise, guys. Maybe Konami is having a break through of humanity.

Final Fantasy Franchise
I really don't want to pick someone new here, I really don't. I don't have a personal grudge with the game series or anything, I just know very little about it, and Cloud Strife should be enough. But for the sake of it, Black Mage I guess.

Street Fighter Franchise
Chun-Li works for me.

Mother Franchise
Who is the fat brat that somehow ends up almost completely dominating the world? Who answers the call for more villains? Porky, that is who! Also, his name should definitely be Porky. His American name, Pokey, was kind of dumb.

F-Zero Franchise
Remember how I didn't want another FF rep? Well I REALLY don't want another F-Zero rep. But for the sake of it, throw The Skull or Pico into it I guess. Maybe Jody Summers. Dr. Stewart? I really know nothing about these characters other than their name and appearance.

Kid Icarus Franchise
Not enough villains? K. Rool and Porky weren't enough for ya? I agree! Throw Hades in there! Sure! I mean, Medusa could fit too, but I think Hades is just more dramatic looking.

Animal Crossing Franchise
You know what was hilarious and is missing from later Smashes? The Mr. Resseti Assist Trophy. But they took it away. And if they take that away from me, at least make Resseti a character that yells at people for damage.

Star Fox Franchise
Krystal. She could use that staff from Stairfax Tempatures.

Xenoblade Franchise
Whoever the heck that guy we saw in the sequel's introduction I guess.

Aaaaand that should be good, right? I'm not leaving out anything major?


Geno Boost

Smash Master
Jul 25, 2014
Star Hill. Why do you ask?
Mario franchise:
A lot of SMRPG characters might get revived if he got in and maybe it could change the future of Mario games because this might be the only chance to make them finally reutern!

Legend of zelda franchise:
Skull kid/majora mask
I have majora mask manga and I know why I want him in, he has awesome story and the weird type of villain that almost killed everybody.

Kirby franchise:
Kirby squeak squad was the only kirby that I enjoyed and I would love to have him represent that game.

Pokemon franchise:
It's a tie between Red and Grovyle from PMD
They are both awesome and memorable and got their own anime I can't forget about them I feel the Pokemon roster in smash is incomplete without them, Grovyle would represent PMD series and Red would represent the Pokemon players.

Metroid franchise:
No explanation needed but Sakuwhy?!...

Fire emblem franchise:
Black knight AKA Zelguis

Pikmin franchise:
There isn't too many thing to choose from but Louie is probably the 3rd most popular playable character in that franchise.

Donkey kong franchise:
King k. Rool
He is one of the biggest villain of Nintendo history I can't believe why he isn't on the roster yet.

Wario franchise:
I loved him since the beginning and I can't hate this guy.

Punch-out franchise:
King hippo
A mix of donkey kong and little Mac playstyle sounds great.

Sonic franchise
I hate this to happen since I don't want any 3rd party franchise to get another rep from the same franchise but Ok I have to say it's Knuckles
He got his own games and probably and he is one of my favorite sonic characters and I loved playing as him in project m and smash crusade.

Anything Konami:
Jumpman vs pac-man vs Megaman vs Bomberman sounds like the greatest battle in gaming history.

Final fantasy franchise:
Black Mage
My hopes died but I still want it he has been here since the beginning of the franchise unlike Cloud and also crossovered with Mario twice and his playstyle would be amazing and I would prefer to have the Mario hoops design for him.

Street fighters franchise:
A muscular female character?! Hell yeah!!!

Mother franchise:
He should be in smash from the beginning of the series instead of Ness since he is just like marth they both are the characters that started the whole franchise and without their first game other games of the series wouldn't exsist.

F-zero franchise:
Black shadow
Just give him ganondorf moveset and and make a new fresh ganondorf moveset already!!!

Kid Icarus franchise:
We never got a female villain (unless if you count Wendy but whatever) and I am interested on knowing how she will play.

Animal crossing franchise:
Tom nok
A lot of people wanted him back in brawl let us give him a chance and make similar to villager but uses different items for different playstyle.

Star fox franchise:
Her weapon from star fox adventure is something I am interested to see and maybe even her unreleased dinosaur planet game can have some of her moveset reference that we never saw before.

Xenonblade franchise:
Mecha fiora
I don't care about the other games in the seires but at least she crossovered with other video game characters in project x


Smash Master
Jun 7, 2016
Mario: Probably Geno or Waluigi. Not super eager for either, but Geno could be interesting.

DK: Either Cranky or Dixie, but I lean towards Cranky.

Zelda: This one is tough, but I would go with Impa since she is at least recurring.

Metroid: Abstain

Kirby: As loath as I am to say it, Bandana Dee seems the next logical choice.

Star Fox: Wolf, but if he doesn't count then...I'm not sure.

Fire Emblem: Remove Corrins, add Alm (or just a likeable lord for that matter).

Pokemon: Abstain since I know very little about the series.

Kid Icarus: I think it should not get another character unless it gets another game at least.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
Super Mario Franchise
None. There are too many already. Otherwise, I'd get rid of either Rosalina or Bowser Jr. and replace one of them with Waluigi.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
Honestly, I'd rather have Sheik replaced with Impa. Sheik was only in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I know she was also in Hyrule Warriors, but if we ignore non-canon for a second, Impa has been in most Zelda games to deserve being in Smash. Furthermore, she is the one who trained Zelda, so she would rightfully be one of the best known Sheikahs. As lazy as it would be, I wouldn't mind Impa having the same move set as Sheik. Of course, she could have a few variations. If I were to add one more new character, I'd probably go with Tetra. She's been in several Zelda games as well.

Kirby Franchise
Dark Matter would be a fun character.

Pokémon Franchise
There are too many Pokémon characters. I'm not sure who I'd want to see. Maybe Raichu. They had PIchu at least once. Raichu is way better than Pikachu anyway.

Metroid Franchise
There are a few I'd like to see. Maybe Dark Samus, or Weavel, or just a space pirate in general, or even a Chozo.

Fire Emblem Franchise
There are too many characters from Fire Emblem. Let's see, so far there isn't a villain from Fire Emblem in Smash. Add a villain.

Pikmin Franchise
I know nothing of Pikmin.

Donkey Kong Franchise
King K. Rool deserves this.

Wario Franchise
Wario isn't created by Shigeru Miyamoto. I do agree that Waluigi should be introduced.

Punch-Out!! Franchise
I know nothing about Punch-Out!!

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise
I'd say Knuckles.

Anything Konami
Simon Belmont.

Final Fantasy Franchise
No thanks. I don't like Final Fantasy.

Street Fighter Franchise
Chun-Li would be cool. I agree.

Mother Franchise
Porky's name makes more sense to be Pokey, since his brother is Picky. Before we have another villain, though, throw in Ninten.

F-Zero Franchise
I want Black Shadow.

Kid Icarus Franchise
Hades is funny, but I think we should have Medusa first. She deserves it, having been in all three games.

Animal Crossing Franchise
Mr. Resetti would be fun.

Star Fox Franchise
I suppose Krystal.

Xenoblade Franchise
I know nothing about Xenoblade.


Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
Super Mario Franchise
None. There are too many already. Otherwise, I'd get rid of either Rosalina or Bowser Jr. and replace one of them with Waluigi.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
Honestly, I'd rather have Sheik replaced with Impa. Sheik was only in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I know she was also in Hyrule Warriors, but if we ignore non-canon for a second, Impa has been in most Zelda games to deserve being in Smash. Furthermore, she is the one who trained Zelda, so she would rightfully be one of the best known Sheikahs. As lazy as it would be, I wouldn't mind Impa having the same move set as Sheik. Of course, she could have a few variations. If I were to add one more new character, I'd probably go with Tetra. She's been in several Zelda games as well.

Kirby Franchise
Dark Matter would be a fun character.

Pokémon Franchise
There are too many Pokémon characters. I'm not sure who I'd want to see. Maybe Raichu. They had PIchu at least once. Raichu is way better than Pikachu anyway.

Metroid Franchise
There are a few I'd like to see. Maybe Dark Samus, or Weavel, or just a space pirate in general, or even a Chozo.

Fire Emblem Franchise
There are too many characters from Fire Emblem. Let's see, so far there isn't a villain from Fire Emblem in Smash. Add a villain.

Pikmin Franchise
I know nothing of Pikmin.

Donkey Kong Franchise
King K. Rool deserves this.

Wario Franchise
Wario isn't created by Shigeru Miyamoto. I do agree that Waluigi should be introduced.

Punch-Out!! Franchise
I know nothing about Punch-Out!!

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise
I'd say Knuckles.

Anything Konami
Simon Belmont.

Final Fantasy Franchise
No thanks. I don't like Final Fantasy.

Street Fighter Franchise
Chun-Li would be cool. I agree.

Mother Franchise
Porky's name makes more sense to be Pokey, since his brother is Picky. Before we have another villain, though, throw in Ninten.

F-Zero Franchise
I want Black Shadow.

Kid Icarus Franchise
Hades is funny, but I think we should have Medusa first. She deserves it, having been in all three games.

Animal Crossing Franchise
Mr. Resetti would be fun.

Star Fox Franchise
I suppose Krystal.

Xenoblade Franchise
I know nothing about Xenoblade.
Well, the whole point was that you HAD to choose a character from all the franchises. As you saw, I didn't want a F-Zero rep, but I put one anyway. Oh well.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2015
Let's throw in a vintage Fire Emblem Character c: Maybe we could have Eirika or Ephraim from Sacred Stones.

Dig Dug

Chronic Lurker
Jan 24, 2013
Mario: You know, I always kind of liked the idea of having Fawful in, though at this point another Mario rep is pretty unnecessary.

Zelda: Impa would probably make the most sense. I wouldn't mind Tetra either.

Pokemon: Decidueye! Even though I picked Popplio, I like Decidueye's design better and as an archer I think he'd make for a cool fighter.

Kirby: Bandanna Dee. He's pretty much part of the main group now.

Metroid: I don't know much about Metroid so I'll just put the obligatory Ridley answer here.

Fire Emblem: No, and you can't make me!

Pikmin: Alph deserved better than this.

Xenoblade: Fiora would be a cool choice though at this point Elma would probably make more sense

Donkey Kong: K. Rool or Dixie. I think Cranky would be a funny choice but that would probably cause riots.

Final Fantasy: Terra for having a stronger connection to Nintendo. My other pick would Vivi from FF9 as he'd represent Black Mages which are pretty iconic to the series. Also because 9's my favorite, sue me.

Mother: Porky? With Ness and Lucas, Ninten feels like he would be too samey to me.

Kid Icarus: Medusa or Hades. Leaning towards Medusa.

Punch Out!: No one else comes to mind other than King Hippo

Sonic: I don't really play Sonic, so Knuckles or Tails I guess.

Star Fox: Bring Wolf back.

Konami: I think Bomberman would be cool, too.

F-Zero: Uhhhhhhhh... I don't know anyone else.

Street Fighter: Agree with Chun Li

Animal Crossing: Tom Nook. His moveset can involve hitting people with sacks of money and putting people into crippling debt.

Wario: ...Waluigi I guess.

A Very Nice Dishwasher

Smash Apprentice
Mar 27, 2015
Dream Land
Super Mario Franchise
I'm gonna say Toad for this one. He's my main in Mario Party and Mario Kart, and I'd like to see him be more than just Peach's Neutral B.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
I'd like to see an accurate representation of Ganondorf added to Smash. Why is he even a clone of Captain Falcon in the first place? I want him to have a moveset that actually has anything to do with his appearance in the Zelda series.

Kirby Franchise
Bandana Dee. Definitely. Kirby needs more reps in general, but Bandana Dee is my top pick for the series, as well as my most wanted character.

Pokemon Franchise
This one's kinda tough for me. If I could have my way, the Smash roster would be basically nothing but Pokémon, but I'll go with Mawile because it's my favorite Pokémon. That or...
Marshadow. He looks like a perfect fit for Smash Bros., has a lot of moveset potential, and is my favorite Gen VII design.

Metroid Franchise
I have never played a Metroid game in my life, so I'll just say Ridley for this one.

Fire Emblem Franchise
Ugh, do I have to? This stupid series already has 6 reps. If I absolutely had to add one more, I would probably add the Black Knight because Radiant Dawn is the only Fire Emblem game I've played and enjoyed.

Pikmin Franchise
I want to see Alph be made a separate character from Olimar, probably being a semi-clone with a few moveset differences.

Donkey Kong Franchise
King K. Rool. Don't need to elaborate. Just King K. Rool.

Wario Franchise

Punch-Out!! Franchise
I've never played Punch-Out, so I'll just say Doc Louis and move on.

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise
Darkblood the Hedgehog, my original character do not steal
Just kidding, I actually want to see Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles & Knuckles featuring Dante from the Devil May Cry Series
In all seriousness, I want to see Tails in Smash.

Anything Konami
Raiden from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, just so we can have the soundtrack in Smash.

Final Fantasy Franchise
Black Mage, I guess. Unless Bravely Default counts as a Final Fantasy game, in which case I want Ringabel.

Street Fighter Franchise
Zangief. I don't play much Street Fighter, but whenever I do, I mostly play him, even though my strategy with him is basically "spam the clothesline for the entire match and hope for the best".

Mother Franchise
Porky. Or Poo. Or Ninten.

F-Zero Franchise
I know practically nothing about F-Zero. I guess add Samurai Goroh or Jody Summers.

Kid Icarus Franchise

Animal Crossing Franchise
I honestly have no idea for this one. None of the characters seem built for combat. I'll just go with Tom Nook or Resetti.

Star Fox Franchise

Xenoblade Franchise
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Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2015
Bronx, New York
I'm going to put one for every series repped in smash since there are so many, but I'll pick a few.

Mario: I always wanted Geno in Smash, but to be fair there are already so many Mario characters.

Zelda: Between an accurate Ganondorf or Impa, I would pick an accurate Ganondorf. I would definitely have him as a secondary alongside Ryu if he was a little more like PM Ganon, but also with some magic.

Pokemon: He have a fully evolved fire and water starter playable, so I would love to see a fully evolved grass starter. I haven't played Gen 7 yet, but that Grass starter looks so cool when fully evolved.

Fire Emblem: In a world where Lucina and Corrin never got into Smash.....A dude with an Axe was a playable FE character......I don't know who though.

Donkey Kong: K.Rool. Do I need to explain? I can't really explain to be honest....

Kid Icarus: Dark Pit, but using COMPLETELY different weapons from Pit so that his whole moveset could be different.

Star Fox: Wolf should come back, but if it is just for newcomers I guess Krystal.

Kirby: Bandanna Dee I guess. I want to see a character with spear in Smash, but I would prefer if FE got a character with an Axe, so Bandanna Dee could fill that role.


Smash Hero
Apr 28, 2008
You know, I know Ghirahim was only in one canonical game, but I'd love to play as Ghirahim, regardless of whether or not he'd be a good character. My brother uses Ganondorf from time to time because he likes the way he plays. To have Ganondorf and Ghirahim would be an awesome duo.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Mario: Either Toad or Geno, both characters that should've long since been in Smash.

Zelda: Vaati. He's Zelda's only recurring villain aside from Ganondorf, and Smash needs more villains.

Kirby: Bandanna Dee. He's the only logical choice.

Metroid: Rundas. He's cool.

Fire Emblem: Preferably no one, but Lyndis, if I had to pick.

Kid Icarus: Pyrrhon, who wouldn't want to play as a ****ing sun god?

Star Fox: Wolf. No further explanation needed.

Wario: Waluigi, who else?

Punch-Out: Doc Louis. He could be kind of like a less polarized Little Mac; better in the air, worse on the ground.

Sonic: Silver. Sure, he isn't the most important character, but he'd be a hell of a lot more interesting to play as than Tails or Knuckles.

Street Fighter: Master Bison. Chun-Li is so damn boring and again, Smash needs more villains.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2015
Lyndis is a rather minor character though :/, I'd rather have Hector, or a Sacred Stone twin.


Smash Hero
Nov 27, 2014
New Orleans
Lyndis is a rather minor character though :/, I'd rather have Hector, or a Sacred Stone twin.
My knowledge of Fire Emblem is very limited. I only picked Lyndis because she's from one of the games I played.

Foxy Alopex

Smash Ace
Sep 2, 2008
Alberta, Canada
Mario: Daisy or Toad

Zelda: Impa

Kirby: Daroach or Prince Fluff

Pokémon: Gardevoir or Incineroar

Metroid: Ridley

Fire Emblem: None

Pikmin: Louie

Donkey Kong: King K.rool

Wario: Waluigi

Punch Out: Doc Louis

Sonic: Tails or Knuckles either one is fine

Anything Konami: Bring back Snake and for newcomer Bomberman

Final Fantasy: Edea or Kimahri

Street Fighter: Vega

Mother: None

F-Zero: Leon

Kid Icarus: None

Animal Crossing: K.K Slider

Star Fox: Bring Wolf back and for newcomer Leon Powalski

Xenoblade: None

lady_sky skipper

Smash Ace
Jan 29, 2017
It'd be cool to see Doc Louis as a playable character in the next Smash Bros. Maybe he could wear his animal print shirt as his costume:bee:

Lola Luftnagle

Banned via Warnings
Nov 16, 2016
  • Super Mario - Toad (with Toadette being his palette swap)
  • Legend of Zelda - Toon Zelda
  • Pokèmon - Kamekkusu (Blastoise, that is. Yes, I prefer to call Pokèmon by their Japanese names.)
  • Kid Icarus - Viridi
  • WarioWare - Ashley


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Who I would choose/Who probably should be chosen

Mario: Geno/Toad
DK: K. Rool/Dixie or K. Rool
Zelda: Skull Kid/Impa
Metroid: Ridley/Ridley
Yoshi: pass
Kirby: Bandana Dee/Bandana Dee
Star Fox: Krystal/Krystal (assuming Wolf doesn't count)
Pokemon: Sneasel/i dunno, the owl? doesn't really matter
Mother: Kumatora/Claus?
F-Zero: Samurai Goroh/Samurai Goroh
Fire Emblem: Lyn/whoever headlines FE Switch
Wario: Ashley/Ashley
Kid Icarus: just cut Dark Pit
Pikmin: let's wait for Pikmin 4
Animal Crossing: Tom Nook/Isabelle
Wii Fit: overweight dude who tried Wii Fit once and gave up/obv nobody
Punch-Out: Mike Tyson/King Hippo
Xenoblade: Elma/X2 protag
Retro: Sukapon/Takamaru
Sonic: Knuckles/nobody
Metal Gear: just bring back Snake
Mega Man: Proto Man/nobody
Pac-Man: nah
Street Fighter: Chun Li/Chun Li
Final Fantasy: Tifa/Black Mage
Bayonetta: pass


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2014
Beavercreek, Ohio
Super Mario Franchise
would say geno but I don't consider the rpg's to be the same franchise personally, therefore daisy and no she would not be a peach clone could have whole different moveset and look based on strikers series.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
since she is in the most loz games beside link and zelda I'd say impa a hyrule warriors style port would be a good option

Kirby Franchise
Bandanna Dee.

Pokemon Franchise
would prefer to have squrtle and bulbasaur or their evoltions back

Metroid Franchise
dark samus give her some of the other abilities not represented on current samus

Fire Emblem Franchise
Ephraim as a spear user and or hector axe user.. would prefer both to have the full triangle represented

Pikmin Franchise
eh seperate alph out as another character like they originally planned

Donkey Kong Franchise
gonna have to go with the mob and say king k rule

Wario Franchise
As unpopular as probably is I think it's Waluigi time

Punch-Out!! Franchise
macho man he was in the most versions of the game therefore the most iconic

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise

I think tails would be most iconic option though knuckles is arguably a better fighting game option.

Anything Konami
bomberman.. seriously why isn't he in yet

Final Fantasy Franchise

tifa.. for uh reasons.

Street Fighter Franchise
Chun-Li another female who are highly underrepresented, and also in more versions of the game than any others besides ryu/ken

Mother Franchise
never played and gonna be lazy and say ninten though give him actual abilities that he can use in his actual game maybe?

F-Zero Franchise
either jody summers for more females or black shadow for more evil boss reps.

Kid Icarus Franchise
medusa female and evil boss check marks noticing a theme in my logic :)

Animal Crossing Franchise
tom nook you owe him money he's in all the games so that kinda makes him the final boss bad guy right?

Star Fox Franchise
wolf was already in is a villain is in all the games

Xenoblade Franchise


Smash Cadet
Dec 4, 2016
I've seen a lot of Daisy support, despite her being one of my least wanted characters in Smash.


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I've seen a lot of Daisy support, despite her being one of my least wanted characters in Smash.
Daisy support only flourished when all the previously demanded Mario characters were either included or deconfirmed.

She seems like one of those characters that gets popular through process of elimination.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 20, 2014
Beavercreek, Ohio
Daisy support only flourished when all the previously demanded Mario characters were either included or deconfirmed.

She seems like one of those characters that gets popular through process of elimination.
That is a valid critique both daisy and waluigi do appeal to my completionist side.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
I've seen a lot of Daisy support, despite her being one of my least wanted characters in Smash.
Daisy is such a bad choice for a character, she's roster filler for Mario spinoffs, she's entirely bland and she does absolutely nothing. people want her because waifus
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Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Mushroom Kingdom Universe: Toad has been a playable character eons ago, has been in all the Mario Kart games and would be the first speed character in the Mushroom Kingdom.

DK Universe: King K. Rool is the villain, has a large fan base and should have been in the game already.

Hyrule Universe: Ganon would make sure that each Triforce character is represented by two different versions. Or Tingle to represent the sheer wackiness in the Hyrule Kingdom that has yet revealed itself through the franchise's fighting characters in Smash. Otherwise, the franchise seems fine.

Metroid Universe: Ridley or no one.

Pokemon Universe: Decidueye seems popular, represents the latest installment and finally makes sure that there are three evolved starter types. A major feature of Pokemon is the introduction of its Rock, Paper, Scissors battle system through the Fire, Water, and Grass types. Having one of each in a fighting game is an expectation.

Starfox Universe: We already have space animals filling in for the shooter/Arwing portion of the game. Andross ( with a body and huge metal, rocket propelled gloves) needs to represent the rest of the experience.

Fire Emblem Universe: Way too many already. Focus on representing different aspects of the game rather than choking the roster with cookie cutter characters. Robin was a good addition and an example of the correct way to add FE characters.

Wario Universe: I would not mind Waluigi, but otherwise this franhise does not need another character.

Xenoblade Franchise: A new game is coming out for Switch. The main character seems like an obvious choice.

The rest of the franchises do not need another character. I would focus on fighters from new worlds. Nintendo has been at work making new IP's and the new Smash game could take advantage of this.
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Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2015
Fire Emblem Universe: Way too many already. Focus on representing different aspects of the game rather than choking the roster with cookie cutter characters. Robin was a good addition and an example of the correct way to add FE characters.
Wario Universe: I would not mind Waluigi, but otherwise this franhise does not need another character.
So what you're saying is replace Lucina with Hector or Ephraim, right? c;


Smash Apprentice
Dec 10, 2016
So what you're saying is replace Lucina with Hector or Ephraim, right? c;
sorry buddy, they're old news. When it comes to long running franchises that change up their cast often like Fire Emblem or Pokemon, it just makes the most sense to either go with the flagship character or the most recent.


Smash Rookie
Feb 13, 2017
Super Mario Franchise
Skeleton Koopa; They could be possibly be a Yoshi clone, with some bigger changes.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
Vaati could be rad.

Kirby Franchise
I kind of like the idea of Waddle Doo being playable.

Pokemon Franchise
I'll have to choose Blaziken. He's my all time favorite pokemon, and he's a fighting type.

Metroid Franchise
I'll have to choose Trace from Metroid Prime: Hunters. My favorite character to play as, and they look sick.

Fire Emblem Franchise
Lyn I guess? I don't care too much for Lyn, but other people do. So I guess?

Pikmin Franchise

Donkey Kong Franchise
King K. Rool is just the most logical choice.

Wario Franchise
I would say Waluigi, but I really want Ashley in the game.

Punch-Out!! Franchise
I have no idea.

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise
Jet the Hawk, PLEEEEEEEEEEASE!!! My favorite Sonic character for sure. The runner-ups were Espio and Rouge for me.

Anything Konami
No real answers here, but I think a lot of people would appreciate having Snake again.

Final Fantasy Franchise
White mage

Street Fighter Franchise
C. Viper fo sho

Mother Franchise
I have no idea.

F-Zero Franchise
I'll have to say Samurai Goroh, as he was my favorite. He also seems to be pretty popular.

Kid Icarus Franchise
Hades of Medusa

Animal Crossing Franchise
She's already there in the form of mii costumes, but I would do nearly anything to have Isabelle/Shizue as a playable character.

Star Fox Franchise
I think Leon would be cool, or maybe a return of Wolf.

Xenoblade Franchise
I haven't played enough Xenoblade to say.


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
Starbase, where no turtle has gone before.
...You know, by adding Konami/Bomberman to your list, you kind of broke your own rule of "already repped Smash franchises". As you said, Bomberman isn't even in the game. [Shrugs] That said, however, "Learn all the rules so you know how to break them properly" (Dalai Lama).

Super Mario Franchise

As Nintendo's mascot, frankly you can't have enough of these. Mine pick is Paper Mario. Moveset potential aside, he would promote Paper Mario: Colour Splash, and overall represent the Paper Mario series--which I feel is underrated.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
Wolf Link & Midna. Since Wolf Link is in Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I could see it happening. Young Link would just be another clone of Link.

Pokemon Franchise
Decidueye. We already got a fire type and a water type. All we need now is a grass type.

Fire Emblem Franchise
Whomever the main character of Fire Emblem for Nintendo Switch is--provided he/she has a unique aspect. Also, Celica from Fire Emblem: Gaiden; and its imminent remake, Fire Emblem Echoes. She's the first protagonist in the series to wield magick. That said, anyone who's played Gaiden will see her potential.

Donkey Kong Franchise
Defitely King K. Rool. Dixie Kong would likely just be a Luigified version of Diddy Kong.

Wario Franchise
Young Cricket. He could be similar to Lucario--only faster, and sans the Aura mechanic. Instead of being weak at 0% and deadly at 100+%, Cricket's power would always be the same. Just how Lucina is favourable to those whom have trouble landing Marth's sweetspots, Cricket could be favourable to those whom don't want to deal with the Aura gimmick.

Anything Konami
After Super Bomberman R, if more Bomberman games with storylines on par with that of Bomberman: Second Attack get made for the Switch, I could see Bomberman being added. He's got both the popularity and seniority.

Final Fantasy Franchise

If Final Fantasy XV ever got ported to the Switch, definitely Noctis. Though honestly, I think every third party franchise in Smash should be limited to one character.

F-Zero Franchise
Spade. He could use all kinds of card and circus tricks.

Kid Icarus Franchise
Virdi or Magnus.

Xenoblade Franchise
Elma, from Xenoblade Chronicles X. Also, the main character of the upcoming Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Xenoblade is a phenomanal series worthy of more representation than just Shulk. And now is the best time to promote both successors.

Azure Striker Gunvolt
Gunvolt. He may not be nearly as old and popular as Mega Man (both created by the same person), but there's no denying he's unique. And Sakurai has shown that he values uniqueness above notoriety.
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Smash Rookie
Feb 13, 2017
...You know, by adding Konami/Bomberman to your list, you kind of broke your own rule of "already repped Smash franchises". As you said, Bomberman isn't even in the game.
Snake was in Brawl though.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2016
Mario: Captain Toad
LoZ: replace sheik with Impa
Pokemon: Ivysaur/Venasaur
Donkey Kong: K Rool
Sonic: Knuckles
Kirby: Daroach
Earthbound: Flying Man or whoever that dude was from the 3ds stage
Final Fantasy: Black Mage
Other third party: Banjo-Kazooie

If I didn't put down a certain franchise, that's because I don't know a lot about it.


Smash Cadet
Oct 26, 2013
Mario: Toad

Zelda: Probably Impa

Donkey Kong: K. Rool/ Dixie

Metroid: Ridley

Yoshi: Ideally no one, if I had to pick, probably Kamek?

Kirby: Bandana Dee

StarFox: Wolf, if he counts. If not, Krystal

Pokémon: Decidueye/ Meowth

Earthbound: Porky?

F-Zero: Goroh I guess

Fire Emblem: Again, ideally no one. I don't know much about FE so I'll jut say Lynn

Wario: Waluigi

Kid Icarus: Hades

Punch-Out: King Hippo I suppose

Animal Crossing: Tom Nook

Sega: Tails

Konami: Bomberman if Snake doesn't count


Smash Master
Sep 11, 2015
British Columbia
Mario: Waluigi
Donkey Kong: King K. Rool
Metroid: Ridley
Yoshi: There are other characters?
Kirby: The painter girl from Kirby 64. Forget her name.
Star Fox: Wolf
Pokémon: Pichu
Earthbound: Ninten, I guess?
F-Zero: Goroh. And give him Ganon's moveset so we could have an actual ganon.
Fire Emblem: Azura or Camilla
Wario: There are other characters?
Kid Icarus: Nope. Nobody please. You know if they added anyone it'd be like Dark Brown Pit or something.
Punch Out: Nobody, they'd probably all be clones.
Sega: Blaze
Konami: Don't know enough


Smash Cadet
Nov 16, 2015
Super Mario Franchise
I mean, i gotta go with my boi Waluigi.

The Legend of Zelda Franchise
Tetra. I can dream.

Kirby Franchise
Prince Fluff

Pokemon Franchise
I know it's obvious, but i flipping love Decidueye

Metroid Franchise

Fire Emblem Franchise

Pikmin Franchise
Captain Brittany i guess. She's my favorite from Pikmin 3 so yeah.

Donkey Kong Franchise
Cranky, Dixie or King k rool. Hard choice. I'd have to go with K rool just for more villains.

Wario Franchise
See Super Mario Franchise. But since i already said that let's go with Kat & Anna. They can be kinda like Ice climbers but with katana swords.

Punch-Out!! Franchise
Erm i don't really like Punch out. But the final boss guy? I know he used to be Mike Tyson but i forget his new name.

Sonic the Hedgehog Franchise
We don't need another Sonic character but i'm gonna say Knuckles.

Anything Konami

Final Fantasy Franchise
Can we have a lone Chocobo like in Chocobo tales?

Street Fighter Franchise
Cammy please.

Mother Franchise
If they added Masked Man,
AKA Claus i would die from feels every time someone used him.

F-Zero Franchise
Black Shadow and steal Ganondorfs moveset so Ganon can finally be free.

Kid Icarus Franchise
I love Hades, but i ADORE Viridi so i have to chose her.

Animal Crossing Franchise
Tom Nook. His attacks can be money based, please Sakurai.

Star Fox Franchise

Xenoblade Franchise
I don't know much about Xenoblade, but one thing i do know from watching a few episodes of a few lets plays and my friends playing it is that it's always, ALWAYS, Reyn time.


Smash Ace
May 27, 2015
Buena Park, CA
Mike Tyson repping Punchout, and his final smash is biting a character's ear.
Since somebody memtioned the paint girl from Kirby, I think Smeargle would be a fun character. His Sketch means it can have many different attacks, as well as custom moves.
And I'd like to see Knuckle Joe before Bandana Dee, personally.
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