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If you had to choose Day 1; Ridley vs King K. Rool (THREAD CLOSED)


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2013
OK let's see a giant dragon from a franchise that only has 1 rep or an overweight Alligator from a franchise that has 2... RIDLEY FTW!


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2013
I have not played any of the two series' games (I know, I need to) but I would say Ridley. His series needs to be revitalized more, plus Ridley is a dragon. A FREAKING EVIL SPACE PIRATE DRAGON ANTAGONIST/PROTAGONIST PARENT KILLING DRAGON!


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2013
Northville, Mi

Am I the only one who wouldn't mind something like this?

That looks horrifically out of place, even disregarding his animations.

I dont exactly want either of them to be playable characters though, but K.Rool fits much better.

I would choose K.Rool

See this makes perfect sense.

If you want a Metroid rep, pick someone who actually seems to fit. Might as well consider Kraid as a candidate if Ridley is considered.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
See this makes perfect sense.

If you want a Metroid rep, pick someone who actually seems to fit. Might as well consider Kraid as a candidate if Ridley is considered.
you do know every one has torn this video to shreds right
honestly I feel embarrassed for the guy who made that video

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I don't have much invested in either, so I wouldn't mind if either didn't show up. However, I think the one most appropriate would be King K. Rool, because his appearance wouldn't make a bunch of people ***** like it would if Ridley arrived (not that I'd care, that's their problem, I just mean I'd rather take the popular and uncontroversial one), and Ridley makes for a good boss anyhow, better than King K. Rool would by far. I realize Metroid has only one in SSB and DK has two, but I'm not looking at it from, "What franchise needs something more?" I'm looking at it from, "Which might be the best choice?"


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
If it has been torn apart youd have to explain it to me.
every single point he made has been disproven in the Ridley thread just go in there and ask or the Roster prediction thread (they can defend Ridley better than me for many reasons)
and the guy is kinda dumb when it comes to smash he doesn't even want Dedede to return
go to 11 min

Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
you do know every one has torn this video to shreds right
honestly I feel embarrassed for the guy who made that video

I don't. Even all size things considered, he is a psychotic mass murdering dragon pterodactyl thing. I mean, some kids are gonna be playing this game and I don't think that's a good look. And honestly shrinking him makes him look like a purple mosquito.

Look dude, I f*cking love Metroid to death. Super Metroid is still my favorite game of all time. I just honestly have had no emotional attachment to Ridley or any of the Bosses, as they are just that; Bosses. I really don't think Metroid needs another rep just because others have more than one, in fact I feel it will derail what Metroid is all about.

Metroid to me is all about Samus and how she develops as a character. She is left in isolation, and constantly on the brink of death. She is vigilant, strong and sharp enough to fight any enemy on her own, however newer interpretations of the game (The Other M) make her appear as some what of a weakling. In Super Metroid when they show how Samus found the metroid, no one suspected the emotional attachment and impact it wold have on gamers, and possibly on Samus. She has an enigmatic air about her, but you can detect some emotion in her person. Samus is the only character in Metroid that matters


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2013
Northville, Mi
every single point he made has been disproven in the Ridley thread just go in there and ask or the Roster prediction thread (they can defend Ridley better than me for many reasons)
and the guy is kinda dumb when it comes to smash he doesn't even want Dedede to return
go to 11 min

You dont have to agree with everything someone says in order to support one thing they say. Ill check it out then.

Edit: Ive seen most of the points in the thread brought up multiple times even when not discussing the video. People are so for adding this character that they are willing to literally scrap the entire idea and model of the character just so something resembling it can be made in game.

I dont see what he could add to the game in terms of playstyles, his latest image would have to be completely reworked in order to even look decent, and popularity isnt a deciding factor in my decisions.

Most of the Pro Ridley arguments in there are, "He is a popular villain from a series that is lacking some reps, make as many changes to him as you want as long as he gets in"


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
I don't. Even all size things considered, he is a psychotic mass murdering dragon pterodactyl thing. I mean, some kids are gonna be playing this game and I don't think that's a good look. And honestly shrinking him makes him look like a purple mosquito.

Look dude, I f*cking love Metroid to death. Super Metroid is still my favorite game of all time. I just honestly have had no emotional attachment to Ridley or any of the Bosses, as they are just that; Bosses. I really don't think Metroid needs another rep just because others have more than one, in fact I feel it will derail what Metroid is all about.

Metroid to me is all about Samus and how she develops as a character. She is left in isolation, and constantly on the brink of death. She is vigilant, strong and sharp enough to fight any enemy on her own, however newer interpretations of the game (The Other M) make her appear as some what of a weakling. In Super Metroid when they show how Samus found the metroid, no one suspected the emotional attachment and impact it wold have on gamers, and possibly on Samus. She has an enigmatic air about her, but you can detect some emotion in her person. Samus is the only character in Metroid that matters
how would Ridley not be ok for kids Snake is from a rated M game and hes in and about the mosquito thing its like saying Olimar looks like a gaint
just saying most people don't feel the same way as you we want more than one character for a great series

You dont have to agree with everything someone says in order to support one thing they say. Ill check it out then.

Edit: Ive seen most of the points in the thread brought up multiple times even when not discussing the video. People are so for adding this character that they are willing to literally scrap the entire idea and model of the character just so something resembling it can be made in game.

I dont see what he could add to the game in terms of playstyles, his latest image would have to be completely reworked in order to even look decent, and popularity isnt a deciding factor in my decisions.

Most of the Pro Ridley arguments in there are, "He is a popular villain from a series that is lacking some reps, make as many changes to him as you want as long as he gets in"
how would they scrap the entire character and model
they gave R.O.B a moveset they can give anyone a moveset come up with better excuses

again the only change is making him the size of bowser (bowser who in every main mario game is a giant like ridley)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
He thinks the point is Ridley was barley taller than Samus in one game so he can be small, but it's not. The point is not Ridley is small, it's Ridley CAN be re sized. Whether you like it our not he can be re sized like Bowser and Olimar were. He has constantly been re sized in every Metroid game. So he can be re sized for SSB4.
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
how would Ridley not be ok for kids Snake is from a rated M game and hes in and about the mosquito thing its like saying Olimar looks like a gaint
just saying most people don't feel the same way as you we want more than one character for a great series

how would they scrap the entire character and model
they gave R.O.B a moveset they can give anyone a moveset come up with better excuses

again the only change is making him the size of bowser (bowser who in every main mario game is a giant like ridley)

Well, Metal Gear Solid may be an M rated game, but it's genuinely an over-the-top game that doesn't take itself seriously all the time. Sakurai made it work just by simply avoiding guns and emphasizing on how humorous Metal Gear can be at times. Hell, my little brother bet most of the Metal Gear games.

The thing about Olimar was explained in the video. He feels natural as a bigger character because there was no other human in the game to compare him to, besides the other human people. You could just as easily say that he could be on a planet full of giant stuff because there was really no other human to compare him too.

You can't really compair Bowser, because he is Bower. And also as the video said, he is a turtle, they come in all shapes and sizes. Ridley is a Dragon, and mythologically speaking, he is supposed to be huge. You could just as easily say the kimono dragon isn't gigantic, then again its not a dragon. Also, Bowser is an extremely recognizable Icon who for the most part is recognized by his near humanoid size. It works for him because of his stature and design as well, shrinking Ridley would just look ugly and wouldn't necessarily be appealing.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
There is a second day now... Isaac vs Shulk, so could we actually stop flaming over Ridley? it's getting kind of boring now, seeing it on 50+ threads already ^^


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Well, Metal Gear Solid may be an M rated game, but it's genuinely an over-the-top game that doesn't take itself seriously all the time. Sakurai made it work just by simply avoiding guns and emphasizing on how humorous Metal Gear can be at times. Hell, my little brother bet most of the Metal Gear games.

The thing about Olimar was explained in the video. He feels natural as a bigger character because there was no other human in the game to compare him to, besides the other human people. You could just as easily say that he could be on a planet full of giant stuff because there was really no other human to compare him too.

You can't really compair Bowser, because he is Bower. And also as the video said, he is a turtle, they come in all shapes and sizes. Ridley is a Dragon, and mythologically speaking, he is supposed to be huge. You could just as easily say the kimono dragon isn't gigantic, then again its not a dragon. Also, Bowser is an extremely recognizable Icon who for the most part is recognized by his near humanoid size. It works for him because of his stature and design as well, shrinking Ridley would just look ugly and wouldn't necessarily be appealing.
it is still rated M so your point with Ridley still doesn't make sense

he was smaller than a damn battery in the game (which you can see is gaint compared to him) he doesn't know what hes talking about he probably has never played Pikmin

so because Bowser is a turtle hes special what sense does that make and Dragons can be small there are tons of fairy tails with small dragons
no Bowser is every single main Mario game is a giant (other than the NES one where Ridley is the size of samus)
and Ridley not looking good shrunk down is a opinion and wer haven't even seen him shrunk down (brawl doesn't really count because hes a shunk down boss if they made him a character they will make him small from the start making him look different)

I swear ever anti Ridley argument is "I don't want him to be shrunk down because I don't think he will look good" which is a crappy argument


Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2013
Just look at 0:25
Ridley is perfectly scaled to what he would be if he was a playable character, they already did the work in Melee.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2013
Northville, Mi
They gave R.O.B a moveset they can give anyone a moveset come up with better excuses

again the only change is making him the size of bowser (bowser who in every main mario game is a giant like ridley)
Playstyle =/= moveset

Knowing Smash, Ridley will be a Heavy Character, have multiple jumps, and a decent fireball projectile. I know it sounds odd, but it seems like Charizard would play very similar to him if they stay true to his character.

The size change is not the only thing changing about him. They would have to raise his tail or curl it around him, heavily shorten his wings or make them folded at nearly all times, and generally scrunch him up even with the overall size change so that he isnt just a giant hitbox.

Ridley being Bowser size is like making Olimar the same size as Marth or Samus. It would work, but it would be incredibly forced. Kinda like if we had Giga Bowser the same size as Bowser...

Just look at 0:25
Ridley is perfectly scaled to what he would be if he was a playable character, they already did the work in Melee.

Perspective is an odd thing isnt it?
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Just like everybody suffering of toobigotry,100% opinions,0% fact.

You even started something with "Samus is TO ME..."
lol oh ok, instead of replying with some sardonic bs, why not come up with your own compelling argument as to why you feel this character should be included in the game? Atleast i'm trying to give somewhat of a reason.

And just how you can put me in the "toobigotry" crowd, I could just as easily label you as "just because the metroid series needs another rep" crowd, or the "Ridley was small in Metroid one crowd"

Take that bull sh*t somewhere else if you just want to derail what i'm saying.

Moon Monkey

Smash Hero
Nov 20, 2006
The Moon
Switch FC
If it has been torn apart youd have to explain it to me.
I already did in collapse:
[collapse= Look and compare]
He brings up that Ridley is bigger than Samus in the cutscene

But what about Ridley's size during the actual fight:

Compare Ridley's head to Samus' body in the 2 last pictures.
Look how Samus is the same size as Ridley's head without stretching out her legs.
This size argument means nothing. He claims that olimar gets the pass because there are no characters to compare him too;
Wrong! Last time i checked in Pikmin 2, there is a game & watch treasure you can obtain. and the system itself is bigger than Olimar.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Well, Metal Gear Solid may be an M rated game, but it's genuinely an over-the-top game that doesn't take itself seriously all the time. Sakurai made it work just by simply avoiding guns and emphasizing on how humorous Metal Gear can be at times. Hell, my little brother bet most of the Metal Gear games.

The thing about Olimar was explained in the video. He feels natural as a bigger character because there was no other human in the game to compare him to, besides the other human people. You could just as easily say that he could be on a planet full of giant stuff because there was really no other human to compare him too.

You can't really compair Bowser, because he is Bower. And also as the video said, he is a turtle, they come in all shapes and sizes. Ridley is a Dragon, and mythologically speaking, he is supposed to be huge. You could just as easily say the kimono dragon isn't gigantic, then again its not a dragon. Also, Bowser is an extremely recognizable Icon who for the most part is recognized by his near humanoid size. It works for him because of his stature and design as well, shrinking Ridley would just look ugly and wouldn't necessarily be appealing.
Somebody remind me to buy a tombstone for this argument, it's been dead so long I keep forgetting to do so. Ridley can work in Smash Bros, deal with it.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Playstyle =/= moveset

Knowing Smash, Ridley will be a Heavy Character, have multiple jumps, and a decent fireball projectile. I know it sounds odd, but it seems like Charizard would play very similar to him if they stay true to his character.

The size change is not the only thing changing about him. They would have to raise his tail or curl it around him, heavily shorten his wings or make them folded at nearly all times, and generally scrunch him up even with the overall size change so that he isnt just a giant hitbox.

Ridley being Bowser size is like making Olimar the same size as Marth or Samus. It would work, but it would be incredibly forced. Kinda like if we had Giga Bowser the same size as Bowser...

they can do what ever they want with Ridley if they wanted they could make him a light character because of how skinny he is (heck Mewtwo was a light character)

again you are not making this game you don't know what they would have to do to make him playable

that is an opinion stop trying to act like opinions are good points in an argument
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
it is still rated M so your point with Ridley still doesn't make sense

he was smaller than a damn battery in the game (which you can see is gaint compared to him) he doesn't know what hes talking about he probably has never played Pikmin

so because Bowser is a turtle hes special what sense does that make and Dragons can be small there are tons of fairy tails with small dragons
no Bowser is every single main Mario game is a giant (other than the NES one where Ridley is the size of samus)
and Ridley not looking good shrunk down is a opinion and wer haven't even seen him shrunk down (brawl doesn't really count because hes a shunk down boss if they made him a character they will make him small from the start making him look different)

I swear ever anti Ridley argument is "I don't want him to be shrunk down because I don't think he will look good" which is a crappy argument

Whatever dude, you still don't get it. I'm not trying to argue with you or any of your supporters because yall tend to throw semantics at people for hours on end. The dude doesn't have to play PIkmin, there are plenty of videos on the internet. Sure, Metal Gear was an M rated game, but that doesn't mean **** because for the most part all the respected characters are human. The simple fact that a shrunken character, and a character in an M rated game can make it before Ridley just screams that it's not meant for him to be playable. I can't paint a clearer picture, then again discussing characters really doesn't matter lol.

If Ridley was going to be a character in Smash Bros his shot was in Brawl. All things considered, I still don't feel like he is going to make it. Now you can argue historical relevance, re-sizing, character comparisons (Comparing him to Bowser, Really?) all you want, but you're just blinding yourself from something that seems like common sense. He's ****ing huge, and shrank, he is an ugly purple psychotic looking mosquito. Ridley should just be a Boss, and the appeal for wanting him as a playable character doesn't even make sense, but that's just me.

I'm being a realist here. The best thing you guys could do is lower your exceedingly high expectations for your characters to be in the game and just accept it for what it is. It's not a good look.


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
Except she shoots a charge shot the size of his head.
Wait,were you for or against Ridley?
Besides,she didn't shoot a charge shot...

lol oh ok, instead of replying with some sardonic bs, why not come up with your own compelling argument as to why you feel this character should be included in the game? Atleast i'm trying to give somewhat of a reason.
With my own?As in,you did one?

And just how you can put me in the "toobigotry" crowd, I could just as easily label you as "just because the metroid series needs another rep" crowd, or the "Ridley was small in Metroid one crowd"
No,because I have more to that,your entire post was "too big im not pleased bye"

Take that bull sh*t somewhere else if you just want to derail what i'm saying.
Take yours in the Ridley thread,this one you already derailed.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Whatever dude, you still don't get it. I'm not trying to argue with you or any of your supporters because yall tend to throw semantics at people for hours on end. The dude doesn't have to play PIkmin, there are plenty of videos on the internet. Sure, Metal Gear was an M rated game, but that doesn't mean **** because for the most part all the respected characters are human. The simple fact that a shrunken character, and a character in an M rated game can make it before Ridley just screams that it's not meant for him to be playable. I can't paint a clearer picture, then again discussing characters really doesn't matter lol.

If Ridley was going to be a character in Smash Bros his shot was in Brawl. All things considered, I still don't feel like he is going to make it. Now you can argue historical relevance, re-sizing, character comparisons (Comparing him to Bowser, Really?) all you want, but you're just blinding yourself from something that seems like common sense. He's ****ing huge, and shrank, he is an ugly purple psychotic looking mosquito. Ridley should just be a Boss, and the appeal for wanting him as a playable character doesn't even make sense, but that's just me.

I'm being a realist here. The best thing you guys could do is lower your exceedingly high expectations for your characters to be in the game and just accept it for what it is. It's not a good look.
Looks like I was a few bucks short of buying that tombstone, anyone want to chip in so we can lay this dead argument to rest? I mean seriously, the guy's using opinions to try and prove a character unplayable, someone just put the nail in the coffin already....
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Wait,were you for or against Ridley?
Besides,she didn't shoot a charge shot...

With my own?As in,you did one?

No,because I have more to that,your entire post was "too big im not pleased bye"

Take yours in the Ridley thread,this one you already derailed.

Contrary to your belief, your ability to point out errors in my argument doesn't make you a superior arguer.

It's just like all these english people who are on reality T.V., the only value they have is to criticize what other people do. you're doing the same sh*t buddy. get real.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Ridley looks terrible like that just accept the fact he is a boss character all series need boss characters. You got master hand, crazy hand and ridley.
Sorry, but please clarify...what of anything you've shown, said or done ever been a fact? :p None? Okay, thanks for clearing that up. ;)

If you want to ignore common sense that's on you you wil be enjoying ridley as a boss just like in brawl lol.
Just because we're not as narrow-minded as you to believe an idiotic youtuber's horribly put-together video as well as a terribly flawed/narcissistic opinion, we lack common sense? Perfect argument, 10/10. :p


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
Whatever dude, you still don't get it. I'm not trying to argue with you or any of your supporters because yall tend to throw semantics at people for hours on end. The dude doesn't have to play PIkmin, there are plenty of videos on the internet. Sure, Metal Gear was an M rated game, but that doesn't mean **** because for the most part all the respected characters are human. The simple fact that a shrunken character, and a character in an M rated game can make it before Ridley just screams that it's not meant for him to be playable. I can't paint a clearer picture, then again discussing characters really doesn't matter lol.

If Ridley was going to be a character in Smash Bros his shot was in Brawl. All things considered, I still don't feel like he is going to make it. Now you can argue historical relevance, re-sizing, character comparisons (Comparing him to Bowser, Really?) all you want, but you're just blinding yourself from something that seems like common sense. He's ****ing huge, and shrank, he is an ugly purple psychotic looking mosquito. Ridley should just be a Boss, and the appeal for wanting him as a playable character doesn't even make sense, but that's just me.

I'm being a realist here. The best thing you guys could do is lower your exceedingly high expectations for your characters to be in the game and just accept it for what it is. It's not a good look.
and all anti Ridley fans do is act like opinions are facts
yes plenty of videos od pikmin that prove his video wrong so he doesn't have to play them he just needs to watch them which he hasn't done
the point with the rated m thing was you thought Ridley wasn't good for kids but we have Snake as a character meaning Ridley can be a character (Snake got in before because Sakurai was doing it for a friend Snake would have gotten on over almost every character)

diddy Kong was a highly requested character before melee and he didn't get into Melee but guess what he got in brawl
being too big is an opinion first off and second off you are not a game developer for smash so why do get to decide he is too big
wanting to play as one of your favorite characters and a dragon at that is a great reason for wanting to play as him

you are not being realistic you are being biased and trying to make your opinions facts

Ridley looks terrible like that just accept the fact he is a boss character all series need boss characters. You got master hand, crazy hand and ridley.
again opinion and that is a shrunk down Boss version of him if we get Ridley in Smash4 they will make him small from the beginning so he will look totally different

If you want to ignore common sense that's on you you wil be enjoying ridley as a boss just like in brawl lol.
your opinion is common sense now?
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
Sorry, but please clarify...what of anything you've shown, said or done ever been a fact? :p None? Okay, thanks for clearing that up. ;)

Just because we're not as narrow-minded as you to believe an idiotic youtuber's horribly put-together video, we lack common sense? Perfect argument, 10/10. :p
A lot of the stuff discussed in the video were indeed facts. It us a fact that he was only the size of Samus in one game, that being the first one. How could you deny that? Did you watch the video?

And just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't make him an idiot, it just makes you and the people you represent look worse by thinking so highly of yourself.

And Renzor, how am I trying to make my opinions facts? did I not say "but that's just me"? I'm not biased because i'm not taking any particular side, i'm just stating my own opinion as an independent. I don't give myself expectations for characters because it's not needed. I'll enjoy the game regardless without worrying about who is getting in, I accept it and move on with my life.

Put the pieces together. M rated character, got in as a playable character Microscopic character, got in as a playable character. Ridley was a boss, now with all of the sizing and theme issues presented, why wouldn't they do that? He just doesn't work as a playable character, man. It's just something about HIM, as sizing and theme isn't even an issue. Ridley in my opinion just works best as a boss anyway.


work in progress
Nov 24, 2008
A lot of the stuff discussed in the video were indeed facts. It us a fact that he was only the size of Samus in one game, that being the first one. How could you deny that? Did you watch the video?

And just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't make him an idiot, it just makes you and the people you represent look worse by thinking so highly of yourself.
its also a fact that Bowser isn't a giant is in the NES game

the whole video is false facts and opinions


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
Ridley looks terrible like that just accept the fact he is a boss character all series need boss characters. You got master hand, crazy hand and ridley.
I indeed, think your right, Leave him as a boss... But I wouldn't mind it if Nintendo gave us something like that if we abseloutly was to get Ridley... I want K.Rool more than anything lol


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
A lot of the stuff discussed in the video were indeed facts. It us a fact that he was only the size of Samus in one game, that being the first one. How could you deny that? Did you watch the video?

And just because someone doesn't agree with your opinion doesn't make him an idiot, it just makes you and the people you represent look worse by thinking so highly of yourself.
Shokio? Using facts? The only fact he gave was that he's big in his own franchise, nothing else. Using Mario Spin-off titles for Bowser's size is pointless as those are just as non-canon as Smash Bros, he knows nothing about Pikmin, and frankly, the ending just makes him look like an immature bigot.

It's not about Ridley being the size of Samus you dolt, it's about the fact that Ridley's size is never the same, hell, even in between the cutscenes and the boss battle in Brawl Ridley isn't even the same size. The Smash Bros series isn't canon, size has never mattered, so saying it applies because a select character is large doesn't mean anything. Ridley has been shown to fit before, and just because you're butthurt about him being smaller doesn't make it any less possible.

And all I have to do are mention three things and the argument's over...inconsistent size...Smash series isn't canon...and Melee opening. Kay thanks, I think this argument's been dead for a while, it's like beating the bones of the dead horse that's been dead for months on end now...


Smash Lord
Feb 29, 2012
Baguetteandwine Land
Contrary to your belief, your ability to point out errors in my argument doesn't make you a superior arguer.

It's just like all these english people who are on reality T.V., the only value they have is to criticize what other people do. you're doing the same sh*t buddy. get real.
How ironic,you saw "Ridley" and started a post that would not have changed the thread if as you could just have written "King K. Rool."

And What the heck dude?In your last post you even said :
but that's just me.

And all I have to do are mention three things and the argument's over...inconsistent size...Smash series isn't canon...and Melee opening. Kay thanks, I think this argument's been dead for a while, it's like beating the bones of the dead horse that's been dead for months on end now...
You know,I think Imma follow.
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