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If this thread gets over 100,000 replies...

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Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2002
Ball Ground, GA
I think this one's been done already, but anyway the punishment is that the United Nations places a restraining order on you, forcing you to stay at least 500 ft. away from all babies for 20 years, in every country that's a part of the UN, or you'll be shot on sight.

Crime: Being a Trekkie (or Trekker, whatever those nerds call it)


Smash Ace
Jun 5, 2003
#(W$^(&^@^%#@&@&%R@#$&*@^)#%*)&$^*)&^ NO!!!!

All x-box is is a pc for your tv, i can hook up THIS pc to my TV with ONE WIRE and NO EXTRA COST, and besides does x-box have the New Zelda?

T or F Nintendo rules


Smash Champion
Jan 24, 2003
Wanted: new topic
For the next person to write
I'll make one up then

write about guavas

Metroid Killer

Smash Hero
Jun 18, 2001
XDaDePsak's closet, ready to jump out!
You should have stoped before, and you should have read the Forum Games rules better

"7. Excessive posting. This means no posting everyother time in a game. This makes a game seem spammy.

Ex. In The Person Above Me Game, Male Sheik posts.
Then Devious posts about Male Sheik
Then Male Sheik posts about Devious
Then Devious posts about Male Sheik
Then Male Sheik posts about Devious
Then Devious posts about Male Sheik
Then Male Sheik posts about Devious
Then Devious posts about Male Sheik"

1 warning to each of you, nothing big so just let it be a lesson.



Smash Cadet
Mar 13, 2004
Los Angeles, CA
Boy you really killed the fun huh. Well rules are rules and we have to follow them. But some rules are meant to be broken


Well you just broke another one by not following the game...


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Yeh, but I bet you'll take no less than a hundred. I acept anything. Like Zapdos' 2gil. Ahh. I used it to heal. Anyway, I was too lazy (Ran out of time. Stupid youth group) and results will be up on Thursday.


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
SWF BigBrother2! UPDATE 10/11(AWARDZ!)


what could be a better way to post my 1337 post than in SWF BB2? T0T@L PWN@G3!!!

at any rate.... the first BB ended a few months ago, and ive been teasing ever since that i would do one. i have finally decided that the time has come. for those of you who havent heard of this, click HERE to see what the 1st BB was all about. remember that some of those rules no longer apply. well, heres the rundown on how im running BB2:


roughly every 3 days there will be a contestant vote. it will work slightly different than the 1st one though (thanks to mic_128 for this idea). out of the remaining contestants, you will get 2 votes. heres the catch: you will give 2 votes to one person and 1 vote to the other.

EXAMPLE VOTE: "i vote twice for cerbkirby, and once for sabreant."

you will send these votes to me and tell them to NO ONE ELSE. you may not post a contestant vote under any circumstances, only send it to me via PM. clear?

once everyone sends in their votes, i will tally up how many votes each person has, and the 2 people with the most nominations will be eligible for public elimination. in the event that there is a tie, both people in the tie will be eligible for public elimination. in the event that someone doesnt get their vote into me within the time limit, they will get one vote against themselves.

Now, heres what makes the contestant vote interesting. i will provide a challenge (i.e. a quiz question, random number pick, an essay, etc) right before contestant voting. whoever passes the challenge the best, or first, will escape voting, and he will be safe for that round. however, he still is required to vote, or he will still receive the one vote against himself.

You can escape voting a total of 4 times during the whole contest. there are 9 total rounds of voting (excluding the "winners vote").

sorry, former contestants.... you may not be contestants again this time around.


Thats right! even if you dont sign up for this contest, you can still play!!! isnt that great?!? ok, heres how it works:

lets say that cerbkirby and sabreant are eligible for public elimination. in your post, you can merely say, "I vote cerbkirby" OR
"I vote Sabreant", whoever you want to pick. you can only pick the people who are actually up for public elimination in that round. thats pretty much all there is to it.

for contestants of BB2 that were already eliminated, not only can you vote in the public vote, but your votes count as 2. its a bit of a consolation pize ;)

contestants who are still in the contest are not allowed to vote in the public vote.

in the event of a public vote tie, the contestants who are tied will send me a number between 1-100. whoever is closest gets to stay. the number i pick is completely random.

if you vote, you get 1 FREE GIL!!! YAY!!!

once we are down to our final 3 contestants, there will be a small period, about 3 or 4 days, to vote for the WINNER. the winner will receive a banner, made by someone from SWF (Cerbkirby, you said you had interest in making a banner for BB2. as long as its ok with fantasia that you make it then its fine with me.)


Last time around there was a big problem with complaining/flaming, excessive posting, etc. it nearly got the game closed. since Tic already dislikes this game, im gonna do him a favor and run things MUCH tighter around here. here are some basic rules ya gotta follow if ya wanna play:

-NO EXCESSIVE POSTING. a lot of the posts in the beginning of BB1 were merely, "when ya gonna update, TMF?", or "ok! i sent in my vote!". please, none of those. if you have a legitimate question, it is ok to post it, although i prefer all questions be sent via PM.

-NO FLAMING. another big problem last time around. there was a controversial move in the elimination of a certain contestant, and after the decision was made i didnt hear the end of it. if you are mad about something, or you dont like someone, please just PM me about it, and hopefully the issue can get sorted out.

NO STUPID POSTS. this is pretty much the same as no excessive posting, but im really serious about it. public, dont say stuff like, "OMG!!! l0l l!k3 $@BR3@nT Ju$t G0T 3L!m!n@t3D!!!11one11!eleven". if a contestant just got eliminated, feel free to post a nice little goodbye or something, and the eliminated contestant has permission to post good byes, if they wish. but please, please, PLEASE nothing rediculous like the example above.

ok, i really hope i covered everything. i understand that in the early going, there will be many questions, so for now if ya wanna post them here feel free. however, as we get into the swing of things i want the public questions to minimize.

i dont have much time now, so anyone who is interested just go ahead and sign up.

one more thing... i am very busy this summer, so i may miss an update or 2, but ill do my best not to. just wanted to let everyone know.

ok, NOW you can sign up ;)

EDIT: current list of contestants:






-thomsonsst 2

-Ness EX-2 Plus ALPHA





i forgot to mention earlier..... there will be a total of 12 contestants. so far we have 5, so there are 7 spots left!

cerbkirby: thank you very much! just be creative with it, make it look good ;)

6/24: VENOM DREAM: ya, its cool man ;)

6/28: uh, just awaiting the last contestant!

6/28: CONTEST HAS STARTED! read latest post....

6/30: matt escapes voting, time for 1st contestant vote. (his name is temporarily blue so everyone remembers)

7/3: ultimaiq2 and marthnroy eligible for elimination.

7/6: MnR eliminated. gil votage shortened to 2.

7/10: ultimaiq2 escapes vote

7/12: TMF had fury

7/14: metal mario and zap up for the public elimination

7/14: TMF patents the evil mask (c)

7/17: metal mario eliminated

7/20: ultima escapes voting

7/26: matts gone -_-

8/05:rmusgrave escapes votage

8/12: ness is gone, and my comp is infected w/ viruses. may not be here for a few days...

8/21: ult, zappy for public elimination

8/24: zappy gone

8/31: ultima, stopsign up for pub. elim.

9/11: ultima eliminated in the longest round ever.

9/12: stopsign escapes voting

9/15: argh big mixup, read latest post....

9/18: cubed64 and thomson up for pub elimination

9/24: thom eliminated

9/29:cubed escapes vote

10/4: stopsign and quetzalcoatl up for pub elimination

10/7: stopsign gone, final round coming up!

10/11: 3rd place: cubed64, 2nd place: quetzalcoatl, 1st place: rmusgrave

last updated 10/11 at 2:47 PM


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2002
Aye, it's good.

Ah, this looks like it's much more organized than before. I hope any future contestants the best of luck, and to hang on for a bumpy ride.

Oh, by the way, Richie said it was okay if I made the banner. He was fine with it, and I am able to make it. Thanks!


Smash Master
Apr 10, 2002
Santa Clarita
Originally posted by Afrotaki
I'm up for it again, if that's alright.

sorry, former contestants.... you may not be contestants again this time around.

sorry afrotaki :( as much as i want to let you in, then id have to let all the other former people in and that would be a mess. remember, you are still entitled to public vote, although you only count as one now.
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