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IDSPISPOPD - Smashing Players Into Small Piles of Putrid Debris; Wichita, KS

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
SSBB Singles
1: MJG ($107)
2: DeLuX ($58)
3: Denti ($30)
4: Domo
5: Doom
5: Fino
7: Stealth
7: Clel
9: Scrub
9: Ratman
9: Zeton
9: Affinity
13: Carlos
13: Josh
13: Jacob
13: Cory
17: Harvey
17: Jason
17: Zach
17: Riley
17: Andrew
17: Eric
17: Moo Moo

SSBB Doubles
1: Trollimar (MJG & Fino) ($75)
2: Hoo Hah! (Denti & DeLux) ($40)
3: Go Play XenoBlade (Stealth Raper & Scrub) ($20)
4: Salty (Zhao & Ratman)
5: IDDQD (Domo & Doom)
5: Chaotic Calamity (Zeton & Clel)
7: Cloud Kake ((i & !)
7: Cobra (Carlos W. & Aaron Frazier)

Hey, thanks for coming guys. More hype for Wichita State University making it to the NCAA Final Four. Let the trash talk commence.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
that's Mr. Doom, get it right

Shout outs to second place



Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
IDK man, he got super unlucky this tournament lol

Probably not all skill related imo


Smash Master
Feb 4, 2009
Brawl Monsters Club House
Ggs everyone. Got decked by ICs twice in bracket. Gota get on top of my ****. Howver I do want that Halberd match uploaded so I can laugh at myself LOL.

On a side note, I did work in doubles during grand finals.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
MJG - The saga continues Wednesday or Friday or Sunday or whenever we see each other again. That's two tournaments in a row we've 1 and 2'd, so our lab time paid off, at least for me. I'm feeling like it's a good time to hit it again pretty soon

Denti - Hey, thanks so much for teaming. It was honestly really fun and am glad we ended up doing pretty
good (at least for my standards). I'm just sorry I couldn't hold it down in Grand Finals since I was pretty outclassed in terms of characters. I also was relieved to be able to play with a lead for the most part during our wnner's semis set, because I remember our MM at whobo and was terrified if things started out poorly. Then I got pretty fortunate during LF but we all have our war stories on stupid stuff happening so I totally empathize. You just gotta relax and have fun with it, something I reminded you a bunch of in our doubles sets :p

Domo - Your MK is always eye-opening to me, especially how fast you adapt to situations. I'm still in disbelief I connected on that off stage shuttle loop to clutch out doubles, because if that missed I probably wouldn't have hit you for the rest of the game. Keep talking MK with me because I learn so much from you every time.

Mr. Doom - Thanks for hosting and I'm glad we could make this part of the circuit. Kind of sad that we didn't get to play outside of the one doubles set. Favorite moment was when I was like "This is a terrible situations" when you aethered me and I knew I was dead like 8 seconds before it even happened lol

Fino - Nice seeing you again. I'm reminded of the phrase, "Do that thing I taught you." I did that thing you taught me

Stealth Raptor - The Thunder God, I'm really hype you're coming out to more events man. Keep playing it up man,

Clel - This is probably the biggest mind game I got from the tournament. I sit down to play Clel in Winner's Quarters and he literally says and I'm not even kidding, "Do you agree to Final Destination." And then I have to stop and think about it for a good 15 seconds and answer, "I feel like you know something that I don't about what's going to happen." Thank god I built a lead early, because he became nearly unhittable on his last stock of game 1. So as I watch my commanding lead slip to almost nothing, I'm sitting there thinking, "man I got tricked. This is bull****." TLDR: Never go to FD with Clel, no questions asked. I don't understand how you move so fast in the ditto. Actually learned a lot playing with your MK. Still salty Frigate like never flipped our whole game lol

Scrub - so hype for you and Danny in doubles. Good stuff. Wish you would come out to some of the Lawrence locals as well since it's awesome playing with you

Ratman - good stuff reverse 3 stocking me on Pictochat.

Zeton - I'm sad that brackets didn't get uploaded so I can make the customary comment "this is how Zeton got bracket ****ed again every tournament".

Affinity - Nice seeing you again. Thank god you had your computer there to stay updated on the tournament.

Fragger - The more you play and the more you do well, the more proud I am of what you've accomplished so far. Keep up the work and you'll win. Keep in mind that stuff we talked about in the car about what your next steps will be to go from where you're at to high level. Welcome to the KS Brawl Brotherhood

Typ_Ex - Your Falco is like my kryptonite. I do not know how to fight it

Wichita scene in general: It was nice seeing all of you guys together again, which is something I've missed since I haven't seen it since I first started playing. Coming down and taking second is sort of going full circle for me, because I remember how bad I used to lose the first few times I attended events. This tournament meant a lot to me

JUST FYI Mr. Doom:

Averil and I played out GF this afternoon. He won 3-1. Just for the record


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE

I'm really, really bummed I didn't make this.

Like really bummed.

Probably the most bummed I've been in a while in regards to super smash brothers.

Mostly because I haven't been this excited to come to a tournament for reasons other than myself.

TLDR; first tournament since SLAST2 I believe (A Mr. Doom production) where I had a full car of NEBRASKA players who wanted to come, we are talking 4 people, plus whatever random named "Ryan" Bpow could get to come with him.

Guys I have a scene, maybe we aren't good, but that's more than I've had since like.....Thugz went to college? And even then it was only one person, and he lived like an hour away.

Then like my life often does, it turned into an old tribute to the Simpsons, specifically the line by Mr. Burns, from the Season 3 Gem "Homer at Bat"

Unless, of course, my nine all-stars fall victim to nine separate misfortunes and are unable to play tomorrow. But that will never happen. Three misfortunes, that's possible. Seven misfortunates, there's an outside chance. But nine misfortunes? I'd like to see that!

So, let it enfold. (This is not entirely chronologically assembled)

Misfortune #1-Tristian, our new sheik main from MD/VA, an old 2009 era player, is told he has a meeting at 9 Saturday, so he bails, sadly, but he's a military man so :(
Misfortune #2-Rocha, all of your favorite player from Nebraska, gets robbed.
Misfortune #3-Ghoul, probably the best new player from Nebraska in any smash game since a certain scrub in 2009 joined, has some b.s. happen with his g/f.

Also Ghoul was supposed to drive and was planning on it since the Topeka tournament Lux threw.

So my murders row of Nebraska players has been defeated before we even left the town. At this point, I scrambled to find some way to come.

Misfortune #4-Bpow, you know him, he loses his job :///////////////

I offered to pay over 60% of the TOTAL gas (including his driving to Omaha by himself) and his entry fees.

But he couldn't afford it.

But before Bpow officailly said he couldn't go, I convinced Tristian to coem with us but after his meeting.

Around 10:30 he messages me asks if I want to go still.

I figured it wouldn't be worth my time, given that I had to be back in Omaha early for family stuff, you know, cute fun things like going easter egg hunting with my niece and nephew and lunch with my grandma, plus work at 3:00. And I didn't want to like BEG someone for housing to game and make it more worth our time of travel, given that, even though I tried to make this a coordinated event, of course it never works that way.

So, we didn't come.

Then my mom calls me around 2:00 and says that she is sick and that easter is cancelled.

Chalk one up to making bad decisions, like choosing family over video games.

Sorry I didn't post this earlier, I was really too sad to do it.

I was really pissed because I had a ****ing great April FOols joke that would have been in bad taste given that I didn't go to the tournament and now it's ruined until next year, and that's assuming Apocalypse doesn't stomp around in his air force 1's.

Mr. Doom

Smash Hero
Sep 25, 2008
DeLux, you should've known by now that Minus loves FD. He becomes Plus and will always win, even if he loses.
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