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I will translate your message to Japanese and send it POST HERE


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2006

Message:hello sakurai,I feel you have alot of presure about releasing brawl by the time its 2007 Im telling you this to delay us.I WANT THE PERFECT GAME NOT SOME ****ED RUBBISH LIKE MELEE IS XD
Anyways Take your time I dont care if I have to wait till 2010 just delay us while making the perfect game.I think a level editor could be nice in which you can disign your very own levels with given tiles and npc's and backrounds,I think the backrounds should be the nice simple a certain color backround with the super smash bros symbol like in super smash bros 64's training mode backround by the way I got suggestions for the new improved adventure mode of individual storys

But of course they should have individual story's =P


Giga bowser will resolve around his past and why he was created etc etc you get the point the why,what,were ****.This has alot of story about master hand and the multi man enemeys but giga bowser will be the last charactor unlocked so the spoilers are for last

fox and most of the other starfox team will be theyre "new missions" to not save just the lylac system but other demensions so he needs to traval to other demensions saving them becuase andross is tearing the space appart and it will be the start of time again which he will rebuild so he can rule EVERYTHING.

sonic will get a threat from metal sonic trying to rule the world and you need to go through high speed action courses while do requirments to go to a speciel stage which you need to get a chaos emerald to face metal sonic.there is 7 action stages in all and you will use seperate warpers like in all star recovery level to repeat/go to a level to get a chaos emerald.when you get all seven the warpers dissapear and a new warp appears so this time there is only 1 which is metal sonic.this story will be rather short but it will be good.speciel stages are when your lifes are set to 1 and the screen scrolls fast so you need to get past obsticals quickly before you get warped out(die from moving screen or also known as the death area)

wario would be uhhhh somthing like dinosuar planet's continent seperation,there is a earth quake and your castle and land around it starts lifting from the ground wario goes for his money and unfortunitly he is to slow by holding the money so before he got out of his basment of his castle a white glove/hand sneaked up behind him and flicks him out through the wall and he falls in the sea which would be his first level.master hand starts luaghing histericly but why does he want the castle and what about wario's PRECIOUS coins?well it doesent matter

meta knight Remember the game revenge of meta knight?Itll be that but his side of the story,meta knight SHOULD stay a villain and the kirby show SOILED IT SOILED IT SOILED IT!!!!!!!!!!!anyways its meta knights story of revenge of meta knight so it should be that but your meta knight and your doing the evil stuff

snake will get a aux call about joining the super smash bros so yeah he does exactly in the e3 of brawl so you go to your recconasis mission.you own the **** out of em in this cutscene with a grenade then a dark link textured head with red eyes appears and tells you about the tornement,it is a tornement were you need to go around solving mysteries and doing missions then fight somone equil to your streangh.Snake sais its what he was here for so he is out to beat this tornement.

and every charactor will have unique gameplay related to theyre games but in a super smash bros version for example

snake will require missions then fighting computer player's

link will be puzzles and some combat.

sonic will be high speed action were you need good reflexes and gotta preform quickly.more of a obstacle course then your normal adventures.

mario is basic,no requirments or anything speciel just kill enemies and get to the end its technicly like ssbm's mushroom kingdom adventure stage but longer and worth playing.this is the easiest story becuase it is basic

giga bowser will be HIGH combat.It is the last adventure becuase he is the last unlocked dude no matter what so it is also the hardest.It is alot of endurance which you will need to master giga bowser's defence and evade tactics.They will take place in mostly glaxie final destinationish like levels.you just need to get past obstacles and the hella of strong enemies.kinda like mario's gameplay with ALOT more combat and you get killed MUCH more easier.It also has the big boss with 800 hp THATS RIGHT 800 WE NEED A CHALLENGE!!!!!!!

fox will have missions and is like snake's story.

falco is a side scroller were you need to open gates and stuff quickly before the slow moving death area kills you.like a combat version of sonic's gameplay adn the screen moves slow

slippy will have turrets and stuff like that,you gotta use technology to support you so you can beat levels but if you want a challenge dont use the technoclogy to defeat enemies.the enemies have avaerage potentiel but alot of hp and somtimes if you dont find machinery to kill enemies it is best to avoid them

meta knight will be with missions that are like mario's but more difficult..kirby is invading your ship along with a army of other people dont expect no enemies on your ship.wheelies,waddle dee's ALL KINDS OF KIRBY ENEMIES are out to destroy meta knight and save dreamland protect your ship and find your destinations on your ship to protect it.a spoiler for this is it is you face kirby as meta knight in the last battle but this kirby is a BOSS!He isnt gonna be normal kirby you see he has sword ability and has 200 hp.He functions like a over powered player and his agility is so fast he is very hard to kill even though he has 200 hp make every possible hit count against him.as I said before this is meta knigths story of revenge of meta knight so you will see what happends of destroying pupupuland and generally what happends if he won.

kirby will be like mario's gameplay but slightly harder and a kirby version

pikachu's gameplay is actually a matter of fact pure combat,it is stamina mode to get the pokemon feel and itll be the only thing of pokemon with actuall combat not just rpg.go around killing enemies which are pokemon then in levels you fight another playable pokemon battle which they also have stamina.bosses should be legendary's.

like my idea of individual story's and gameplay for adventure?
it WILL require a disk 2 but disk 2 well it only has the adventure mode selectable and data of that so everything but the last bit of memory of adventure mode is on disk 1.It share sthe same data though ^__^

Big House #1

Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
Name: Big House #1


I'm pretty sure that fans are giving you loads of suggestions of different characters and levels, and I know that you don't want to disappoint them, so what I would like to say is do as many of their suggestion as possible! Now, you maybe thinking that you won't have enough time to do it, but what I'm thinking is that you can have a few suggestions in the released version, and make the rest downloadable content!

I mean, if the Wii will be able to download older games onto it's hdd, you would surely have the capability to download extra characters/levels/items/etc.

I just think that this will be a very nice feature that everyone will love. The other option would be expansion packs, so add the files onto a Wii disk and sell it in the market.

Hope you like this idea, unless someone has already said it.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 12, 2006
I can read/write Japanese Katakana but I'm not sire on something. How do you write "Zero" since there's no "zi" instead its "ji"?


Smash Rookie
Jun 20, 2006
Orlando, FL
Name: RoytheNoobOwner

Message: Hey, Mr. Sakurai
I'd love to see some Fire Emblem stages that way Roy and Marth aren't left out. Also it will be cool if you can put a little bit more of the platforming levels, but not too much because it might get annoying. But do whatever you feel like Because it is better that you work on somthing you like instead of something you get annoyed by. Thanks. :)


Smash Champion
Jun 24, 2006
but a pig in the sun

The result of endless experimentation by the military's top scientists, Dark Robo-Link is considered the Principality of Neo-Hyrule's greatest achievement and biggest mistake. The final culmination of overclocking the Robo-Link line of machines, Dark Robo-Link has enough sheer destructive power to render entire cities to rubble. The outcome was unfavorably obvious: Dark Robo-Link simply couldn't be controlled by any means. All it knew was to kill, and kill as quick and efficiently as possible. This caused the moment in time referred to as simply "The DRL event" by the Hyrulean government's insiders.
The DRL event happened shortly after Dark Robo-Link's conception, of which created a gigantic explosion that nearly destroyed the top-secret government sector "PNHSBA-29." But that was only the beginning of the madness, as even the laboratory's thickest restraints weren't enough to hold Dark Robo-Link's body of almost pure dark energy. The monster was left to roam free, where it singlehandedly annihilated 3 of the Science Bureau's vital bases, killing 203 of the nation's top workers and costing the PNH countess amounts of rup33z in damages. Through what could only be described as a miracle, DRL eventually stopped dead in it's tracks, standing still. As the PNH's military stood cautiously around the beast, Dark Robo-Link simply stood still, and did so for hours. After further inspection, the military came to the conclusion that the machine overloaded and shut itself down. But according to one emergency service worker who helped carry the non-moving body back to base, he could still hear the machine talking ever so softly. It simply whispered, "I never wanted much..." over and over again, until it was deported off to the base of operations.
Over at the PNH's top-tier military base, the scientists tasked with the job of dismantling the machine realized that they simply couldn't take it apart. The Dark Energy that comprised it's body was of a sort that nobody could identify, and was completely indestructible in every way. However, through much more research, they did eventually find a way to distill DRL's dark energy, but they couldn't destroy Dark Robo-Link himself. Thus, the PNH came to the agreement to simply reform the dark machine into a more controllable state. To do this, they found a busted Robo-Link MKI, destroyed in the line of duty but certainly within repair, and infused the essence of DRL into the old contraption. The final result was a seemingly completely normal Robo-Link, easily within control of the Neo-Hyrulean engineers. However, this new Robo-Link was found to be much more advanced as the result of his infusion, having a hugely upgraded cybernetic brain able to tangle with Neo-Hyrule's greatest scientists, if not surpass them. This new brand of Robo-Link was able to upgrade himself to become far more efficient and superior than any other, soon being dubbed ROBO-LINK MKIII.
While this side of MKIII's history was kept secret from him, he eventually found out himself. On very desperate occasions, MKIII will let his incredibly overpowered Dark Robo-Link side loose for a limited time, though he goes to great lengths to keep this fact secret from the government agency that employs him.


Dark Robo-Link has the exact same moveset as MYM6 Mewtwo.



Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2006
Where that boomerang came from
Dear Mr. Sakurai,
As you may have heard, a technique known to many SSBM players as "Wavedashing", done by beginning a jump, but immediatly air dodging back towards the ground to achieve a slide, has become a popular, and somewhat vital, part of the game. I am inquiring to find out if SSBB will use the same, or similar, physics engine as SSBM, and whether or not Wavedashing will be possible in the new game. It would also be nice to know if L-Cancelling (Pressing L/R as you hit the ground to reduce recovery time from Air attacks) will remain in the game.
Paranoid Android


Dec 31, 1969
Logan, Utah
I figured I'd post my suggestion:


Hello, I have a couple of things I would like in SSBB. First off, I think it would be awesome if you brought back the character entrances like they had in SSB. Second, I think instead of a four letter name tag like in SSBM, you should make it six, because I know allot of people who really would like it extended even one letter more. Third, regardless of the fact it is very much like Break The Targets, I would like you to bring Board The Platforms back. Fourth, I think it might be a good idea to have past stages from both SSB and SSBM. Fifth, Bring back the bumper item from SSB, I really don't know why it was taken out, it was awesome. Sixth, I would like the character balance evened out a little more than in SSBM. I think that about sums it up, thanks.


Smash Cadet
Apr 27, 2006
Name: Kubba

Dear Mr. Sakurai
I'm living in the U.A.E. and was one of the first people in the country to buy Super Smash Bros. Melee. I would like to complement you on your ideas for third party characters to ensure support and also add a little more colour to the game. I think I speak for everyone when I say that this game should not be rushed. In my opinion, all Nintendo fans will be fully ready to wait the extra few months or maybe year if the game has to be delayed. Another thing i would like to request is higher levels for the CPU. Not higher levels as in numbers i mean level of difficulty, I mean everybody now knows level 9 as the hardest. What I am going to suggest is like for training options like you're in this grid and you can choose "smashed upwards" etc. etc. maybe to practice teching or DI. Keep up the genius work!!!!
Your biggest fan,

~~THX WES!~~

Ryuuseiken Marth

Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2006
Since the polls have ended, should this topic be locked? Or has someone actually found a way to contact Sakurai without the use of the polls?


Smash Journeyman
Aug 20, 2005
montgomery, NY

Please improve single player story. maybe add the c-stick to single player mode. also as said before maybe have a create a character option and then a sort of "carrer mode" where u can build stats and have matches

i would also like to see more characters from the zelda games and maybe a few from DK games as well


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2006
Brooklyn, New York.
First off, thanks Wes.

I would like to see Marth, revamped or make a comeback keep Ganon, but re-think his moves, and abilities in perspective to captain Falcon, and Have snakes roll, the box :D. Thats all i really have to say, except maybe make the voice acting on the characters changable from japanese/english.

Thanks everyone on the hal labs team, ans anyone thats helping in anyway shape or form.


Smash Cadet
Jul 3, 2006
name mewtwo479 I realy want new kirby charecters like king dedede or blocky mabe even buggzy. P.S.i also want dark magician dark magician girl tagteam. :kirby: :pikachu:


Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2004
North NJ
Can you tell them to add Lyndis, from Fire Emblem 7: Rekka no Ken. Or a trainee from 8. Fir, and Farina are also good from 6 and7.


Smash Rookie
Jul 9, 2006
This is so cool you doing this West Coast Wes

Fire emblem - Ike, Rolf, Volke, Ashnard and Griel
Paper Mario - Koops, Vivian, Doopliss, Sir Grodus, Paper Mario and Rawk Hawk
Pokemon - Bulbasaur, Deoxys and Blaziken
Tales of Symphonia - Lloyd and Kratos
Star-fox - Peppy Hare, Slippy Toad, Wolf O'Donnel and Krystal
Resident Evil 4 - Leon S .Kennedy and Jack Krauser
Veiwtiful Joe - Veiwtiful Joe and Captain Blue
Sonic - Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Shadow
Others - Bonk, Geno, Vatti, Waluigi, Megaman, Issac, Chibi Robo, Diddy Kong, Little Mac, Starfy, Tom Nook, Crono, Tingle O_o, BanjoKazooie, Bomberman, Mallow, K Rool and King Dedede.

P.S. Keep everyone from Melee Forza Italia


Smash Rookie
Jun 27, 2006
The Ferr
Charecter Suggestion

I think there's a charecter that few people would think to add into SSBB that could really add alot to the game. Anyone aquainted with the SNES Enix title Terrangima, would most likely agree that the main charecter Ark would be a perfect addition to the already amazing line up of SSB charecters.

His appearence, and fighting style would fit very nicely into the SSB formula, the staff fighting that he uses in the game would make for an excellent new charecter

Although I don't know how seriously you all take these letters, I hope the reader of this message would at least consider the pros of adding Ark

thanks so much


Space Jump
May 7, 2006
Here's the Message


Here's an item idea for Brawl. It's the covetted Luminoth Crystal from Metroid Prime 2 Echoes. In that game, it would help protect Samus Aran from the damaging effects of the dark world and gradually restore her Varia, Dark, or Light Suit energy.

This item would replace the Maxim Tomato, which would restore 50%.
In this idea, the Luminoth Crystal would drop to ground like any other item, but for balancing purposes - cheaply recovering health - remain unactivated. You'd have to pick it up in order to recover 1-2% a second, but similarly to the screw attack, using any standard attacks or throws would result in the crystal being thrown.

When the Luminoth Crystal is thown, it travels through the air like a screw attack - quickly - until it reaches its target. When it hits something, anything, the crystal explodes, and anyone in the range would recover 50%. Of course, like the Bob-omb and motion sensor bomb, the blast would be concussive, and hit enemies, partners, and yourself. The Luminoth Crystal could also be grabbed.



Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2006
Almondia City, NW of Leruki
Nickname: Niwasuke Rodriguez (or Chickenboy, if it sounds better)
Message: I want:
*Blaziken, Rukario, Donkey Kong Jr., Sonic, Shigeru Miyamoto, Geno, Isaac (from Golden Sun) and Stafy as playable characters for Brawl
*Rayquaza, Marx (from Kirby SuperStar) as boss characters
*I hope that the American version can be set in Japanese (like in Melee)
*A 2-players adventure mode


Smash Cadet
Jul 16, 2006
I believe that these characters (listed below) are essential to the variety and balance of the game. All 4 are powerhouses and have huge fan bases. PLEASE ADD them!

Megaman (Megaman)
Ike (Fire Emblem)
Isaac (Golden Sun)
Sonic the HedgeHog


Smash Rookie
Jul 16, 2006
MZero17 said:
I can read/write Japanese Katakana but I'm not sire on something. How do you write "Zero" since there's no "zi" instead its "ji"?
I bet it is. dzi is turned into ji in the word godzilla


Smash Apprentice
Dec 1, 2005
(The suggestion box is still going? I thought is was closed... well, if not, thanks in advance... and sorry for the long post, but I feel it to be important
Name: Cyrus

I would like to suggest the return of several things from the original Super Smash Brothers game.
The Super Smash Brothers series is a fighting game based on Nintendo's history. The original game is, without a doubt, a decently sized bit, of Nintendo history. And furthermore, the series should compromise between sticking to its roots and new things.

Mainly, an item, the item dropped in the sequel, Melee. The bumper. The sound it made, and the way it worked, in general, seemed genius to me, the most innovative item of the game, bouncing off someone, on to the ground, then bouncing clinging to the ground if hit. I was disappointed and surprised by the lack of its return in melee. Some people didn't like the item perhaps even hated it, but since I'm guessing brawl will have a item switch like melee, they can just turn it off and forget it, (like I usually do the lip's stick and poison mushroom)

Also, several stages were dropped, or changed in melee.
-Peach's Castle was replaced by a completely different stage of the same name. The original was one of the most fun stages of SSB, and the first smash stage many current fans ever played in VS mode, the most fun part of smash.
-And Hyrule castle, which was replaced by a completely different stage, Hyrule temple. The design of the stage was simple enough, but with the tornadoes, it made the stage just that much better.
-Sector Z was a well-liked stage because, well, it was huge, even though that's smaller in comparison to fox than it should be. The stage was brought to melee, but made even smaller. I think a compromise between the sizes would be the best.
-Saffron City was seemingly forgotten in melee, replaced by the completely different Pokemon Stadium, as well as Pokefloats
-Mushroom Kingdom's name was still in melee, but the name was completely changed

Character specific intros in SSB were also dropped, however, working on those would take from development of bigger and more important things, such as characters and that's the last thing I for one would want. However, they would make a nice finishing touch.

Also, PLEASE, don't even consider dropping any of the original 12 characters.

So, to finish it off, consider the roots of the SSB series too, hopefully a bit more than done in melee.
(I myself care mostly about the original mushroom kingdom and bumper, but I know for certain there are others that are concerned of other original smash features and things returning.)

And other than suggesting the return of SSB things, I also have a couple other ideas and suggestions.

-Individual Item Frequency Switch
I liked the Item switch in SSBM, but I think there's an advancement to be made...
A menu for controlling the frequency of each item, rather than the general item frequency, and which items are on/off; I know it would be a rather hard thing to do, but I'd like to just once see 3 barrel cannons appear before anything else

- Waluigi for a character
He is a filler character, and has been since his debut. Please, let the guy do his job.

- Make Kirby more powerful, like in SSB. I switched to mainly using Captain Falcon because of Kirby's 'power-down'

- Make Fox and Falco less powerful, Or everyone else more powerful. One series’ characters shouldn’t dominate all others. I’ve heard people even call Fox “god tier”

-"Giga Ganon" as a final boss, he could accompany Giga Bowser. (but still keeping Ganondorf a character, and still in his form like in melee)

- Dark Matter as a final boss, accompanying Giga Ganon and Giga Bowser (He’s already good enough not to need to be in a “giga” form)

- Dry Bones for "creatures" ("Creatures" being like the way Koopas and Redeads in melee were, rarely appearing enemies to all, and terrifically fun to throw at people)
He seems to be returning rather strongly in the Mario series (mostly in party-type games (Mario Kart, Mario Party, and the many Mario sport games)), and I would like to see him in melee, and the "creatures" is where he would most likely fit.

- Hammer Brother for "creatures"
Well recognized, and hated for the difficulty of defeating them, many would like to see them in smash, and beat them in whichever way they please

-"Creatures" appearing more in VS matches

- Bowser's Castle for Stages
This could be a very fun stage, with many hazards. Lava, fireball spinning formations, jumping fireballs, spurts of lava, Thwomps, fireballs coming from the right, as well as many others, most memorable and classic of all... a bridge destroyable by Ax.

-All those things that were on the debug menu of SSBM, you might as well implement into the regular menus, as unlockables, as people will just use devices like Action Replay to access them otherwise... Does any of the following seem odd, or perhaps familiar?

SSBM is in my opinion, the best video game ever.
When I said this about SSB, I was corrected, at the release of SSBM.
And I really hope to see that happen again.


Smash Rookie
Dec 14, 2005
Hey this is neat. Thanks a lot WestCoastWes.

Message: I would like to see characters from Golden Sun [Ougon no Taiyou, I think?] in Brawl. Noteworthy are Isaac [Robin], Garret [Gerald...sorry if any of these Japanese others are incorrect], and Ivan. They could use forms of Psynergy and Djinn, and then summons as specials. Also, they each have weapons which could be utilised in melee combat.

thanks tons, yo. =]


Smash Rookie
Jul 31, 2006
Name: Jeff

Fierce Deity Link from The Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask

For too long have I wanted to see him in a Smash Bros. Game. He's only made one apperance. It's time for a second.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 17, 2006
San Jose, California
Name: Tim

Mr. Sakurai,

Concerning online play I think there should be ranks. With ranked games the players should me matchmaked by skill lvl. Maybe caluclated by record of wins-losses. And there should be a mode where you are able to create a game where your friends can join in but those games should not be ranked. Also I think there should be a simple friends list. Like you are able to select the nickname of the person and add them to the list instead of the friends code used on the DS. Thank you


Smash Hero
Jul 4, 2006
The Bay
Name:"hemightbegiant" (Penname, not using real name for safety reasons)

Message: For a long time I have been a fan of your sport titles, "1080 Snowboarding" and the "Wave Race" (I do not know if these are the names in Japan, sorry for any inconvenience) series. I was actually suprised in Melee when Kensuke Kimachi and Ryota Hayami were only trophies, but not playable characters. I believe it woul be a great idea for Brawl to include these two characters, or any character from the series that you like to be in Brawl. There movesets wou;ld be extremelt unique, and they would bring in more "Realistic Human" characters. In addition, you could add in Akari Hayami, since people have been saying that Brawl needs more Female Characters, and she has been in both 1080 Snowboarding and Wave Race. There movesets would consist mainly of their respective elements, Kensuke a snowboarder has Ice, and Ryota as a Wave Racer has Water. I have gone through the trouble of making a "mock movelist" which I believe gets the idea down for what each character can do if they make it into Brawl.



B- Snowstorm - Think Naryu's Love, just with snow and it doesn't reflect anything. It's a good Party-Breaker, like DK's down B. Has a chance to freeze people.

Foward/Back B- Frontflip- Kensuke gets on his board and does a frontflip, launching himself foward. Snow falls from the edges. It cobvers him in a 360 circle, like Kirby's hammer in the air. When he does it on the ground, he travels foward.

Up B- 360 - Kensuke does a 360 that launches him upwards, like Link's up B. Shorter range with snow that come sof both ends. May freeze opponents

Down B- Tailgrab- Kensuke does a tailgrab that propels him down in an angle. Its your basic down B Bomb move, like Bowser,but it just goes at an angle. Snow comes out the end impact

SUPER SMASH ATTACK- 1080- Kensuke goes in the middle of the stage and starts doing a 1080 spin. It has the effect of Articuno from the pokeball, and anyone stuck in the middle will also be hurt by the Melee spining move. Freezing from this lasts longer than normal freezing.



B- WAKE PUNCH- Ryota throws a punch, and a wake follows it. The wake will hurt and push opponents back, as well as items. There will be a short lag afterwards, and the opponents will have lag too.

FOWARD/BACK B- TIDE KICK- Ryota does a Sideways Tornado Kick with 3 spins, but Water is on the the end of his legs and spread out for a short distance after he kicks. If the leg hits an opponent, they will be caught up in the other kick spins.

UP B- GEYSER- Ryota dives foward in the air, covered in water. It's like Fox Fire, just he doesn't charge up and doesn't go as far, but is a little more powerful.

DOWN B- SPLASH KICK - Ryota does an ax-kick that shoots water on both the front of him and the back of him. It's short, but has a pretty decent damage.

SUPER SMASH ATTACK- TSUNAMI- Like Link's Super Smash Attack, it targets only one person. A whirpool covers one player, then Ryota charges in and does a devestating combo. It doesn't send them flying, but just builds up loads of damage.

As you have seen, it is easier to make Kensuke a Brawler than Ryota. However, the decision is up to you, and even though you may end up not putting either one in the game, I will still be looking fowrd to playing Super Sm,ash Brothers Brawl, as well for any plans for a 1080 Snowboarding or Wave Race for the Wii.

In addition, more Likely characters that I would like in Brawl conist of Little Mac from "Punch-Out" (The Famicom version), Stafy (The Legend Of Stafy). and R.O.B (The Famicom robot, since you seem to be taking strides to make him known with cameos in 'WarioWare' and 'mario Kart DS', he seems likely)

For third party choices, I believe you should include Rockman.EXE, since that series has helped with the GBA's popularity, Pac-Man, since you and Namco seem to be close friends now ever since Link had an appearance in "soul Caliber 2", Geno or Mallow from "Super Mario RPG" on the Famicom, and Bonk from "Bonk's Adventuire", since he was one of Mario's competitors for the best system of the time with the Super Famicom out, like Sonic was with the Genesis. The ONLY reason I didn't include Sonic was because I'm, positive he's already planned to be in the game.



that's really cool of you WestCoastWes, and I hope you find time to translate and message all of our requests! :)


Smash Cadet
Aug 1, 2006
In Your Closet
Okay, Grimer fan in the hizouse. Well, let me get straight to the point.

Name: WhenJigglypuffsAttack
Message: Well here's the badizzle. I think you should put grimer in SSBB. He would be unique, and fun to be. He has a huge fanbase on smashboards (the largest online smash community).


A charge attack like Mewtwo's Shadow ball wihout the recoil, and instead of exploding on contact it explodes after it hits something or if it stayed in the air too long. Causes poison with an effect like the flower thing on SSBM.

Poison Effect

Contracts body and springs upward, drains a small amount of energy if it makes comtact

Swallows the opponent, and they ooze out of his back. Poison effect.

Like Jigglypuff's

Charges towards opponent with body

UP A: Headbutt
Like Mario's Up A

Presses his body down so he looks like a puddle.

Please consider mu suggestions,


Smash Ace
Aug 4, 2003
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Although I landed up being a little long winded, I would really appreciate it WestCoastWes if you could translate everything here and send it to the development team. I always wanted to make my voice heard and I think I have some pretty beneficial ideas!


Name: MagnuM

Message: Suggestions for Super Smash Brothers Brawl

First of all, I would just love to thank you for creating the most incredible game I have ever played, Super Smash Brothers Melee! The game is so well made and polished as well having an enormous amount of depth to it. The graphics still amaze me to this day when you zoom in on the characters and see the detail on them. The gameplay is the most addictive and fun gameplay I have ever experienced in a videogame! The game is truely an amazing accomplishment, and many fans are eagerly awaiting it's sequel. It must be hard to attempt to create a sequel that will outperform its predecessor, but I would like to offer a few suggestions as to how it may be easier to do that.

I was absolutely thrilled knowing that my most favorite character of all time, King Bowser Koopa was going to be a playable character in Super Smash Brothers Melee. Unfortunately after playing with Bowser for a while, I noticed that he was a lot more disadvantaged than most of the other characters and could not compete. His lack of speed was much too exaggerated and he was not much more powerful than all of the other fighters. This disappointed me because I wanted to play competitively as my most favorite Nintendo character. Another character that was unfairly disadvantaged in Super Smash Brothers Melee was Mewtwo. It seemed very ironic that big, strong, powerful characters like Bowser and Mewtwo could be such pushovers in a fighting game compared to the rest of the characters. My number one suggestion for Brawl is to focus excessively on gameplay balance.

Another suggestion I would give to improve gameplay balance would be to release periodic online balance patches. It is very hard for the game developers to get it right the first time and create a perfectly balanced game, which is why I think adjustments should be made after the game is released and tested out for long periods of time by the players. Many other games have utilized this idea and have gained very positive results from it obtaining very balanced gameplay in their games.

I would also like to see more villian characters in Smash Brothers. I think there should be a more balanced ratio of hero and villian characters in the roster. Villians I would like to see added in Super Smash Brothers Brawl are Wolf O' Donnel, Ridley, King K. Rool, Bowser Jr., Kamek, and Hammer Bros.

Thank you very much as well for opening up to the fans and asking for suggestions. It shows that you guys really care about making a great game! Thank you so much once again!


Smash Rookie
Aug 2, 2006
Name: MetaKirby (a.k.a. FullmetalGoemon)

Message: Please add these characters to the Super Smash Bros. Brawl roster;

Goemon, from the Mystical Ninja series.
Dark Samus, from Metroid Prime 2.
Diddy Kong, from the Donkey Kong series.

Thank you.

Scafl D. Salazzar

Smash Cadet
Jul 31, 2006
Nickname: Scafl D. Salazzar

Dear Sakurai-san,

I want to first congratulate you on the work you've done so far on Dairantō Sumasshu Burazāzu Ekkusu. The trailer was excellently made and I can't wait to play as Pit.

If possible, could you please make Mario's Mario Tornado a 14-hit combo like in Nintendō Ōrusutā! Dairantō Sumasshu Burazāzu? The 7-hit combo used in Dairantō Sumasshu Burazāzu Derakkusu was very disappointing.

For possible characters, I would like to see Takamaru from Nazo no Murasaemjou and Flint from the cancelled N64DD version of Mother 3. If more third-party characters are to be included, I think Ryu Hoshi (Street Fighter ((don’t know how it’s pronounced in Japanese. Sutoruto Faita?)) and/or Mike Haggar (Fainaru Faito) would make for great combatants. Ryu because of his overall fighting style (would be a great character for beginners and experts) and Haggar for his brutish, aggressive fighting style in Fainaru Faito and Muscle Bomber: The Body Explosion (I don’t think there have been any human characters as heavy as Donkey Kong or Bowser).

Dark Yoshi77

Smash Journeyman
Mar 18, 2006
Nickname: Dark Yoshi

Dear Sakurai,

Please reveal more about the game. For me and probably many others this is the game that decides wether or not to get the wii. It would be very helpful if you could unvail any of this.

Characters-Are there screenshots of characters that were not in the E3 trailer? Will more than 4 characters be able to participate in a single fight? Will sonic be playable?

Stages-How many to expect? Any screenshots of new stages?

Modes- What do you have in mind for a more robust 1 player mode? What are some new modes that will be in brawl?

Release date? When will Brawl release? Is there any chance of a release before Christmas? If not when in 2007?


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2004
West Lafayette, Indiana
I sent my suggestions in English, but this couldn't hurt, as they are things that I personally feel very strongly about:

First, I'd suggest the following characters:

Third Party Characters: Mega Man, Simon Belmont from Castlevania, and Sonic The Hedgehog

New Character: Diddie and Dixie Kong. This would be a two-player tandem like the Ice Climbers, however by pressing down-B, the player could switch which one was controlled. The switch would be signaled by the animations from Donkey Kong Country 2. Diddy and Dixie would have different moves and abilities.

Also, Ganondorf should be made separate from Capt. Falcon and given his own moves.

Gameplay suggestion: Yoshi should have the ability to eat shells and spit them out, just as in Super Mario World. He could eat them by pressing B, carry them in his mouth while he fights, and then spit them out again by pressing B. Red shells would become three fireballs when Yoshi spits them out.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 28, 2006
Nickname: Zuloon

Dear Sakurai,
I'm a fan of all your games, I love your way of making games. You use what works for you (sidescrolling, 2d) instead of trying to make everything so complicated. My favorite game series are Super Smash Brothers and Kirby. The whole elemental thing, the idea and all, the way it was put together--is astounding.
Because I love Kirby so much, I definately like how Metaknight will be included in Super Smash Brothers Brawl. He will definately be a favorite of mine. However, I would also like King Dedede to be included.
I would also like Alucard from Castlevania to be in SSBB. Personally, I feel the series needs more villians, which is why I like him.
Another great character for SSBB would be Sonic. I feell for the hoax that was in America about 3 years ago. That was when I realized it would be awesome for him to be in SSBB.
But the character I would like most for SSBB would definately be Isaac, from Golden Sun. Also, his friend Garret, as SSBB would need an axe-weilder. I would be so happy if they were included. Their stage could be the Mars Lighthouse, or the Colosseum that you fight in for multiplayer battles.
Thank you very much for your time, I look forward to SSBB.


Smash Rookie
Aug 7, 2006
Dear Sakurai,
As a designer and competetive fighting game player, I have a lot of thoughts in this area. Something I've wanted from the first Smash Bros, is a sort of 'targeted smash.'
This special type of smash would make the player hit by the attack fly in an arc toward the nearest player.
For teams you could knock characters back and forth until the timing became too difficult or another player interrupted.
In a free for all situation, the character in the path of the 'smashed' character would have to dodge, block, or hit the 'smashed' character or receive damage from the flying opponent. The back and forth would still apply here.
This would be very useful for throwing items as well.
A targeting smash would be ideal, but another thought would be to have 360* instead of a 4-way smash that has been in the other games. The animations could remain limited/practical, but to be able to aim in 360* would create way more options for players in such intense battles.

While this may seem to take away some skill in the game, I think it does not. In fact I feel this is an obstacle that gets in the way of what the game could be. Not only does this bring rookie and advanced players closer together, it opens up the game so that players can make more use of their current situation, their surroundings (like the stage itself and other players), and create more thrilling and fun battles at all times, rather than only in specific cases.
The mechanic of knocking an enemy player or item back and forth creates a balanced, yet fun and open-ended situation that would promote a lot of strategy while being very exciting if not comical.

Two other things I always wanted were over-the-top or super moves. These seem to be present already! So, finally, I wish the surroundings, in some if not all stages, could be damaged or destroyed if players or explosives or whatever smashed into it. This would create very exhilerating battles, and force players to change strategy due to the changing battlefield.

These games have become a phenomenon. They have appealed to a very, VERY large audience. As a competitive fighting game it has brought about the attention of gamers that usually play Virtua Fighter, Tekken, or Street Fighter. At the same time, it has appealed to casual gamers and those who may never liked 'arcade fighting games.' Not only have these games brought these communities of gamers together, they have taken it and created the phenomenon that it currently is, and continues to grow especially with the coming of this new game.

I am so thankful for games like this (i'm also very thankful that Snake is in it. I would dream about this, but thought it could never happen!). They are truly a pleasure to play, promote all types and ages of gamers to play together and continue to be fun.
I hope you consider my thoughts, but I know your game will be great!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 27, 2006
Django from Boktai - Hideo Kojima begged you to include Snake, so he'd gladly let you use the star of his other, less well-known series. His super (if the common theory about those insane moves from the trailer is true) would be the piledriver. He'd use down-b to transform into Vampire Django like Zelda/Shiek, and his super would be that weird move where he flies around the screen to damage everyone.


Smash Cadet
Aug 1, 2006
In Your Closet
Dear Mr. Sakurai.

A lot of people say pichu is and always will be exactly like pikachu, but that is not necessarily correct. I have listed a pichu moveset that would be way different than pikachu

B: Sweet Kiss
Broken Shield Effect (Either charged or low success rate, just to make it not as cheap)

vB: Growl
Sort of like fox shield. Weakens any oncoming attacks. Traps opponents in something like young link ^B+ Fox vB Power weakens over time. Timing must be like fox shield to get the Y Link effect (Better range than fox or ness

>B: Thunderbolt
Horizontal thunder-like attack coming outward from pichu (Pichu Damages Himself)

^B: Quick Attack
Use the control stick to control the direction of the attack. Resembles Fox illusion sort of except it looks like the quick attack on TV (Pichu Damages Himself More if he make contact)

A: Tail Whip
Strikes enemy with tail. Gets stronger with use until a certain point

vA: Iron Tail
Like most vA attacks (ie: Yoshi, Zelda, C. Falcon) excpt he does it with an iron tail

>A: Slam
Pichu flings his body forward (pretty far for his young side. (Pichu Damages Himself)

^A: Frustration
Pichu Spazzes upward. It does more damage the higher pichu’s damage

>>A: Thunder Wave
Pichu Dashes towards the enemy, and rams them while he’s zapping himself (Pichu Damages Himself)

Nair: Headbutt
Pichu flips hitting people with his head.

Dair: Encore
Pichu goes upside down and claps if it makes contact every button the opponent presses is the same tactic (attack, wave dash, air dodge, ect) for a short period of times (2,3,4,5) seconds

Bair: Shockwave
Pichu slides back in the air, and make tiny electric tremors (Pichu Damages Himself)

Fair: Thundershock
Pichu electrocutes himself while spinning forward (Pichu Damges Himself)

Uair: Double Team
Pichu makes three clones of himself they hold hands and spin

Dtilt: Doubleslap
Pichu hits the enemy with his tail 2-5 times

F/Btilt: Attract
Hits enemt with hearts making them automatically walk towards pichu 50% of attacks will not happen for short period of time (the second effect only happens at the sweet spot the very edge of the hearts

Utilt: Light Screen
Like Peaches Toad (only works on B attacks)

And if you redo pichu either make him faster of heavier. I had some moves that make pichu not ALWAYS suffer from the damage he inflicts on himself (i.e. the frustration attack) The growl attack makes it so people can't knock him off as easily (he IS the lightest in the game, plus he doesn't have anything to make up for it and the him hurting himself doesn't help either. No offense but he isn't exactly balanced. If he would be balanced make him extremely fast. He'd probably have to be the fastest in the game to be considered balenced). I made his attacks resemble the video games because he's only appeared in one or two episodes. Like tail Whip, Doubleslap, growl, ect are have game like qualities. I love Pichu, and taking ANYONE out would disappiont. Every Character has its fanbase. After all this game decides wheather alot of people buy wii or not. It's my deciding game. So please consider my suggestions. You don't even have to look at the prototype moveset, just don't take anyone out. Revamping moves would make alot more people happier than if you just take them out. Don't listen to the people who say "Pichu bugs me just being there, take him out." That's why there's 30+ characters.
Thank you


Smash Hero
Jul 3, 2006
Bowie, MD

Please, restore Ness' power. He was very good in Super Smash Bros. and was lowered in power in Melee. Please make him better. He is now considered one of the worst. And please decrease the power of Fox and Falco. They are now considered the best and try to do your best to balance the characters out. Thank you!


Smash Rookie
Aug 11, 2006
Ridley from the Metroid series would make a good Smash Brawler.

Deoxys from the Game Boy Advance Pokemon series would make a good Smash Brawler. He could have some transformation moves (B, left/right+B, down+B) and comeback move (up+B). He could have a large beam or a speed, power, or defense transformation as a super and for each of his transformations have a separate set of normal moves.

Starman from earthbound would be a good Smash Brawler.


Smash Champion
Jun 4, 2006
Glen Cove/RIT, New York.
Dear Sakurai,

With all of the initial panic going on starting from brawls speculated release about the controller, I was a bit worried. But then It was heard that Brawl will supposedly use the Gamecube controller. I support the Idea of not including motion sensor support in Brawl, but why use the Gamecube controller? I personally do not entertain the idea of playing the new Super Smash Brothers on the same controller I've been using for years now. Maybe you should consider using the traditional styler controller shell for the Wii instead of gamecube controllers. It would be a refreshing change and allow Smash fans to feel like this is a truly new game.

Good Luck,
Armando Alemán
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