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I want to move...


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Kissimmee, FL
Because I really tired of my mother blaming my friends and how she doesn't believe me. I told the truth and she doesn't believe me, "Your friend never paid for gas," "little roaches come from (not naming whom and is NOT true)" "they didn't help you pay the tip,"

Then my step-dad fills it only for her to use it to drive my bro back and forward for school. Then she wants me to take her to Sanford to take her car. Oh, and I told her that everyone payed gas money and she still doesn't believe me. I really want to move away now just because of this. I can't take a break to have a good time with my friends with out her breathing in my back, meaning that she calls my friend to see where my where about, (Sometimes is my fault because my cell battery runs out.) And now my step dad (might) take my car away forever. She have this thing where she'll go to war with anyone regardless what they said. Like I told her where my laptop, only to find out that it was on h-box, and she goes "I am going to juans house, so tell them no one leaves." Like WTF?

Seriously...I can't live like this anymore, I mean I am 24 years old and no matter what I said she won't believe me and she will always blame my friends. She have this hatred with everyone cuz she think I am not responsible with my stuff, witch I am. So yea I really don't know what to do, and I feel like my reputation as a really good smasher, among other things, being killed by *mom johns* like I can't avoid it but I want too. A few of my friend told me to get up and just talk to her. But no, they don't understand man...

I feel like I want to quit going to places so my friend wouldn't be blames for stupid ****, Oh I was thinking of quitting going to smash tournaments because every time I go there, she calls a friend or complain about wasting money, (btw, I haven't enter a melee/brawl tournament in months since I got from P.R and even before that) Sure, I spend 50 bucks this weekend but at the end, I had one hell of a blast that I will never forge because the melee is TOO good.

other than that, Yea, I can't shake this situation, I want to move already -_-; Feel free to give me tips and the likes. And this is why I said *Maybe* I'll be at pound 4 but thanks to this, I don't think I'll make it.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Wow action.

That blows your mom seems to have the wrong take on smashers.

They aren't theives 95% of them are extremely nice, if you have a stable job consider moving out maybe?

Look for an apartment??? See if any friends wanna room with you maybe?

Iono man, good luck


Smash Hero
Feb 5, 2008
Lake Mary, Florida
Let's move in together bra!!
Seriously though
I would like to consider moving out of my moms place pretty soon
I'll be job hunting later in the month


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
if you moved to jax

i'd house you indefinitely at my apartment

you get such accommodations as a couch/lazyboy


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Action regardless I still think your mom is an idiot.

A complete, ignorant, idiot.

Yes, please take offense from it. You should.

Move out as soon as you can (but plan it financially first, lol)
his mom is funny as hell
i have a blast listening to her yell at action


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Kissimmee, FL
Action regardless I still think your mom is an idiot.

A complete, ignorant, idiot.

Yes, please take offense from it. You should.

Move out as soon as you can (but plan it financially first, lol)
No offense needed cuz is true <=p.

I'll probaly move with zoro :p.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
No offence to you but being 24 you should be wanting to move regardless XD. There's only so long that a person shoudl really be okay with living with their parents. I say whenever you get a job, if you're serious about melee move in with one of your closer melee friends, preferrably someone near by incase you DO have to go back to your parent's for whatever reason.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
No offence to you but being 24 you should be wanting to move regardless XD. There's only so long that a person shoudl really be okay with living with their parents.
to be fair, the notion of "moving out" is diff. in diff. cultures

in a lot of caribbean and latin american cultures it's a lot more acceptable (and desired) to stay with the family


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Kissimmee, FL
No offence to you but being 24 you should be wanting to move regardless XD. There's only so long that a person shoudl really be okay with living with their parents. I say whenever you get a job, if you're serious about melee move in with one of your closer melee friends, preferrably someone near by incase you DO have to go back to your parent's for whatever reason.
Your telling me that I should move with F-zero? :p
because he lives like right down the block X3


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
I can't see anyone wanting to yell at you...

You seem like a generally nice person who wouldn't give anyone a reason to be pissed at you


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
Kissimmee, FL
I can't see anyone wanting to yell at you...

You seem like a generally nice person who wouldn't give anyone a reason to be pissed at you
I tend to avoid on making my friends upset by any means unless they did something to upset me...with never been the case <=P. If I do, I just say it to the person and ask to stop, other wise, move on.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
You are the master of your own destiny. If you are unable to speak your mind, it is due to a fear which you do not have the courage to face or overcome. You are fearful of being thrown on the street because you are, in your current situation, unable to support yourself financially. You have two options to break free from this condition:

1) Eliminate the fear. If you hate your situation enough to not care about the consequences, do it. Maybe breaking free mentally is more important than being able to support yourself each day. It works for some. Dignity and pride will skyrocket, food supply may drop. Or you may get lucky and have her back off? Who knows, kind of a wildcard here.

2) Do something about your condition. Become more independent, pull away by doing things that are productive. Spend your time at home looking for jobs, look up places that you could potentially move to, spend time researching things to better yourself in general. When she says something harmless like asking what you want for dinner or what you are up to, interrupt her and tell her you are busy researching X or reading a book about Y. With an overbearing mom, a little statement of productivity could easily throw her off guard and rethink her attitude towards you. This method involves a more subtle form of insult - and it is okay when asked about it to honestly inform her that you are becoming this way to get away from her.....when you feel the time is right.

Option 2 in the short term is really easy to feign to impress people, but be careful, if you don't produce something....it will backfire.

I hope my vague and generic-sounding ramblings can help you. We'll see.

Life After Death

Smash Champion
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
wurd i feel u son its one of the reasons why i moved out i dont wanna live with any family cuz i dont like people giving me orders wen to go to school wat u should be and dealing with family drama....lol im too independent for that ****. no one tells me wat to do i make my own choices in life. cant let ur parents brainwash u into being someone u dont wanna be or unsure of.
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