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I want to Improve


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2008
Hello, I don't post often, but I do read these forums alot and take what beneficial information and gameplay tips I can. I recently was in 3 matches that were recorded. I know alot of these types of topics are littered around the Ike forums, but I'm looking for constructive criticism on how I may improve my Ike's gameplay.
From watching these videos, I know my number 1 problem is walking to a smash attack, also I am in the process of working the different Neutral A combos into my game, What else do I need to improve my Ike in everyones honest opinion?




Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
1. Don't use smash attack unless they're high enough % to KO. Using a smash attack too early just knocks them away, and you want to be in their face.

2. Use quick-draw to close in, not to attack. It's a rather weak move, but it can be used to sneak up and neutral-A them.

3. DON'T JUMP. Ike's strength is on the ground. Jumping gives just about any character an opening to hit you.

4. Don't use Eruption on the edge. Use it or another attack slightly away from the edge, where they'll hop up.

5. Your dodging and grabs are quite effective. Keep at it.

6. If you get knocked into the air, you have 3 choices:

A: QD away. (Poor in small stages)
B: Use mid-air Eruption to get them out of your face so you can land.
C: DI to the side of their attack and use Counter.

7. Powershield, or QD against ranged enemies. Don't let them charge their projectile weapons.


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
Orlando, Fl.
I don't mind these topics, nothing wrong with wanting to get better.

First off, you use Fsmash far too much, any of Ike's moves can kill so only use Fsmash when your opponent messes up big time. Ftilt is a good replacement.

Use Utilt, it is a very good move and I did not see it once, use this instead of Usmash, Usmash is not bad but Utilt is less predictable, mix them up.

If you use your AAA combo and it hits nothing, stop it, you can cancel it by pressing down.

Use eruption less, use Nair, and Bair more. Learn to tech when hit on a wall or the ground.

Others can give more advice that I may have over looked. If you have not read the guide then you should, it can only help.


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2008
Thanks, I do have a habit of using Fsmash when I intended to Ftilt, just need to work on that and using QD to close in. On campy players is the Fair and Nair still suitable?
Bair I have alot of trouble landing on players for some reason so its rare in my gameplay, I'll try to work on that. Your advice is much appreciated.


Smash Ace
Jul 28, 2005
Auburn, WA
1. Don't use smash attack unless they're high enough % to KO. Using a smash attack too early just knocks them away, and you want to be in their face.ehhh I find u-smash and d-smash to be allright to use a lower percents

2. Use quick-draw to close in, not to attack. It's a rather weak move, but it can be used to sneak up and neutral-A them.

3. DON'T JUMP. Ike's strength is on the ground. Jumping gives just about any character an opening to hit you.
uhh.. no actually Ike's air game is all right you just have to know what move to use when...in fact I've read that most other characters hate it when Ike starts to nair spam

4. Don't use Eruption on the edge. Use it or another attack slightly away from the edge, where they'll hop up.

5. Your dodging and grabs are quite effective. Keep at it.
I have to disagree with you on this one (explained below)
6. If you get knocked into the air, you have 3 choices:

A: QD away. (Poor in small stages)
B: Use mid-air Eruption to get them out of your face so you can land.
C: DI to the side of their attack and use Counter.
ugh... idk how many times I have to explain DI... DI is NOT just moving through the air, DI is using your control stick to change the direction your flung DURING BEING ATTACKED

7. Powershield, or QD against ranged enemies. Don't let them charge their projectile weapons.
pretty much if you QD to get close, instead of chargeing they're just gonna launch it (hey it's a free hit *shrugs*)
1. Like the OP said stop running into peoples smash's

2. Your airdodging does seem ok...but for god sakes man learn to spot dodge especially those projectiles, I can't count how many times you just ran into a fully charged Aura Sphere by Lucario. As for grabbing... try and use your grab attack before throwing, it's usefull for some extra damge and it gives you time to think of what to do next.

3. Stop f-smashing so much, it's slow, predictable, and very VERY punishable if you miss

4. You seem to only use a few type of moves...in fact I don't know if I even saw one u-tilt, nair, or bair in both of those video's, they're all some of his best moves

u-tilt: mostly covers an entire platform above you and has decent knockback

nair: REALLY usefull move, short hopping and using this allows Ike to attack in front, below, and behind him. not only that but once landed there is little to no lag from it and is usefull for stringing it into a grab, AAA, and maybe a RAR'd bair.

bair: pretty much Ike's fastest move, hell not only is it fast it's a kill move =D

pretty much read Kirk and Empy's guide it should have alot of useful stuff you can try out to improve your game, also look at some of the Ike vids and try and see what could work and what doesn't.

5. Learn to Tech off of walls and the ground

good luck!:bee:


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
ugh... idk how many times I have to explain DI... DI is NOT just moving through the air, DI is using your control stick to change the direction your flung DURING BEING ATTACKED
I'm a bit used to fighting Meta-Knight.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2008
No really, I quit.
<_< lol you're severely, severely, SEVERELY selling yourself short if you dont jump with ike. Taking away a good setup with no recovery, his longest range wide arc move with also very little recovery, and his fastest KO move all in one go is pretty silly.


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
I only watched the first video so here's some insight from a former Ike main:

You lack QD. Ike is a slower character and QD speeds him up, also allowing for more setups into AAA, Eruption, QD->Shield Grab, etc.

Your Ike seems to be lacking mobility. You tend to stay in one place too much. Keep moving.

Mix up your approaches and play games with your opponent. SH Fair is ok, but SH Nair->AAA, RAR Bair, SH QD->AAA, are all useful approaches.

Never committ to an attack. On the 3rd stock it seemed kind of robotic, as you didn't really try to hit kirby until after you got your grab on him.

Otherwise, good job.


Smash Rookie
Mar 15, 2008
I've managed to mix up my Neutral combos, QD I still get iffy about when I'm facing guys with projectiles. I'm gonna work on my RAR Bair and mixing up my approaches. I did notice I become predictable alot and want to vary my gameplay. I've never given thought to a SH QD into an neutral combo. Also has anyone tried using jump and eruption on foe's who like to Dair alot? Is using an ground to air Eruption even a good option? Again thanks for everyones feedback.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 6, 2008
Eruption isn't great if you jump to use it. By the time you can execute it, you'll almost be on the ground. Eruption is better if used like Counter; use it when you've been thrown airborne.

HW_Dark Link

Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2008
In Shadow...
Good for u man :)
I have to say hes one of the least cheap
U main him for soo long u can **** anyone who uses him against u lol
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