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I need some advice on Generation Team


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
*sigh* I would love some help lol.. It's so hard to develop a team w/o usin the luxuries of previous generations.. I'm trying to develop a team using only the new generation. I've done this w/all pkmn games but wow.. this is one of hardest to develop it seems it's hard.. ;_; well this is what i've come up w/so far... I jus want to know any critique.. and advie would be nice.. oh yeah and BTW i'm startin over again.. (for the 4th time) *sigh* it's fun to start over.. i always do but this is what i've come up w/so far..

Luxray -Electric -Mild Nature

Bronzong - Steel/Psychic - Quiet Nature

Magmortar - Fire - Brave Nature

Gastrodon - Water/Ground -Sassy Nature (Manaphy in unranked battles) Water - Careful

(Lucario) -Steel/Fighting (Gallade) -Psychic/Fighting (haven't decided yet) which one. both are serious natures. lol (Dialga in unranked matches) Adament Nature

Garchomp - Dragon/Ground - Hardy Nature

*sigh* so if anyone can help me form a generation of only D/P Pokemon.. that' would be great... also.. if the pkmn can only be caught in diamond.. then i want to use in diamond only not pearl.. you know..

LOL IS ANYONE ELSE LIKE THIS? well yeah i could use some advice. n_n thx all. WOOT WOOT FOR STARTING OVER.....(AGAIN)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 18, 2006
Chernoble with my Spetsnaz unit
hmm, id go with

and id go with lucario-modest over gallade

but i mean that's just a quick opinion i made up. my idea is rather lacking in areas other than attack. but usually when someone gives someone advice that isnt amazing (like this) i find that someone pro will step in and help. so hopefully that will happen. :)


Dirty camper
Mar 20, 2006
Playing melee and smash ultimate
I'm confused. Is this for ingame or for battling people on wifi? Your natures aren't very good, and you don't have any movesets posted, which is why I'm asking.

Anyway, I would use dusknoir/bronzong/garchomp/rhyperior/azelf/cresselia

That should provide a decent combination of offense and defense. Of course if you don't wanna use legendaries, you could use porygon-Z over azelf, and uh... *something* over cresselia. You kinda need cress to protect you from special attacks.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Yea.. i don use legendaries.. well i do.. but.. idk.. i haven't in so long... in ranked or nething so i'd like to keep it that way.. as for movesets.. omg.. i catch like two or three of the same pkmn and work from there.. w/movesets.. ^^ I'll pos them in a sec i suppose...
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