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I need help with z canceling and I have been playing online for over a year


Smash Rookie
Oct 8, 2007
I have been playing this game for over a year online and can win most of my matches against good people (which includes people who can z cancel) but I still can't z cancel well. Whenever I have seen someone ask for help z canceling the response they usually get is to practice more but I have been playing the game for over a year online so I think if I was going to learn z canceling by practing I would have learned it by now.

One thing that I have noticed about z canceling is that almost everyone has trouble using it consistantly (with rare exceptions like malva). Why is this? I suspect it has something to do with not being able to get the timing right every time but why can't they get the timing right every time? Why only sometimes? Is there anything that anyone can tell me about the timing for z canceling so I can z cancel as good as malva can?


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA
most of the matches I've seen you play in you don't make any attempt to z cancel, you just sit on the side of the stage with kirby and roll/fwd smash or up tilt. To get better at something you need to practice it.

For the 2nd paragraph I think there is a cool down time on how often you can press z and get in the timing window of the "cancel" and pressing z early just makes it not work when you press it later. A lot of people spam it (including myself) so that might be why.


Smash Cadet
Oct 7, 2007
Redmond, WA
Some air attacks make your character stay on the ground for a second if you land in the middle of the attack. However, with Z Canceling you can shield so your character won't be stuck on the ground. To Z Cancel, you must press Z right before you touch the ground. Here's some attacks that can be Z cancled:

Link's Air Down+A (His sword gets stuck on the ground)
Pikachu's Air Down+A (He bumps into the ground and tries to get up)
Kirby's Air Down+A (He kind of ducks and then tries to get up)

Z Canceling can be useful so you don't get vulnerable. ;)


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
Here's some attacks that can be Z cancled:

Link's Air Down+A (His sword gets stuck on the ground)
Pikachu's Air Down+A (He bumps into the ground and tries to get up)
Kirby's Air Down+A (He kind of ducks and then tries to get up)

Z Canceling can be useful so you don't get vulnerable. ;)
Why did you add this? You could have just said every aerial a move can be z canceled.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 22, 2006
I would land a Z cancel every time if I had a controller.

Anyways, yeah you really need to learn to Z cancel. Spamming smashes with Kirby won't beat me. :)
You would land most not ALL z-cancels... no ones perfect... even isai misses

anyway to the OP: stop playing kirby alone.. also this isnt as hard as melee ... you can tap z as many times as you want before landing so if u short hop you can start spamming z as soon as you reach the peak of your jump... its so easy compared to melee


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2006
kuz's house
It's because you don't really get any practice doing it. As Met said, you just sit at the side waiting for the other person, never making an attempt to go after them. If you play more aggresively (or at least don't camp) then you'll probably get it down fast.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2007
Did someone named PrincessPeach register for swf and try to punk boom?
Whats wrong with people today.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 10, 2007
get in a habit of pressing Z everytime you land, even if its UB or just a normal jump. once it becomes a habit you'll hardly miss any, unless you want to.

drills are harder to Z cancel than Link's Dair and stuff. you just have to get used to it.
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