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i need help against sonic


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
washington NJ
my friend used his sonic against my ike and he was just too fast for me to do anything but sit around.. i eventually won but only because he ran at me..or moreso my fsmash, any tips to make it easier tto play sonic. or anyone else who is real fast, other than being defensive?


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
Christ he sucks with Sonic.
Anyways Sonic is one of your worst match ups in the game.
He has a phenominal recovery which means edge guarding is a bad option. He has a massive amount of approach options.

Now I main Sonic so the best thing you should do is take advantage of Sonic's lack of priority.
You want to play defensively but you also want to control spacing. If Sonic starts controlling how close or far he is away fro you, then you are defeinitely going to have problems.
Do not get knocked off the edge. If you hit 50% Sonic WILL try to gimp you, in which case try fast falling and then side Bing to the ledge. Or just pray to God he screws up sice Sonic is beast when it comes to air guarding.

Sonic has no priority in the air, so when he tries to take it into the air, attack before he does. not only will it block his attack bu tyou will hit him and also prevent him from pressuring you.

I really do not recommend fighting Sonic's as Ike, as a fellow Ike user I find that my main just hurts Ike quite badly.
Countering is no good since Sonic's homing attack can trigger it without being hit and then Dair you as punishment for trying.
His side B has massive priority when he starts it up and can actually bypass an Fsmash.
His jump canceling makes approaching a breeze from the air.
The onnly time you will be winning against Sonic is if they suck.

Your best bet is to switch to Luigi who counters everything Sonic can do.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
do you just think every one sucks shadow link? btw thanks ll use that, and definately NOT switch to luigi, the only mario i played was doc...
I am a rather pessimistic characters.
While Ike has many good matches, characters like Sonic and Zelda pose a problem for Ike.
The reason for this is ebcause the are difficult to approach.
in general, anyone who is much faster than Ike or has a projectile he will have problems fighting against.

Sonic is not as major a threat as let's say Link because Sonic is mostly close quarters, but Sonic's speed and ability to gimp you at low percentages makes him tough.
This is even more so considering that Sonic has a variety of approach options as well as his ability to control spacing and chase makes him a character that Ike is hard pressed to fight against.

Yes the person you are playing does suck because if they were a good Sonic they wouldn't be so predictable for you to be able to smash them during a spincharge/spindash.

If you play against Darknes you'll see what I mean.

As for Zelda Ike has issues because she can maintain spacing. Granted she isn't fast but she can slowly peck away at Ike until he's ready to be smashed.
Considering her Fair and Bair are much faster and have as great a reach as any of Ike's aerials means fighying is her is incredibly difficult.

SImply put, if Ike is facing characters who can control spacing, chase, approach, combo or just pressure well, he is going to be hard pressed in order to win.
Coupled with Ike's poor recovery you really shouldn't be winning against a character that can outmaneuver you and make it hard to land a hit.
Granted Ike doesn't need many hits to kill an opponent, but he can't continue the pressure on his opponent so he can't maintain an advantage for very long.
he can't approach well nor can he combo which hurts him further when it comes to pressuring and approaching acmpy characters.

That is why I said whomever you are palying sucks.
Since you are playing against 2 characters who clearly are one of Ike's poorer match ups.

If you were facing let's say Mario or jigglypuff. It wouldn't be too great a problem since those characters can't outmaneuver him very easily nor are their projectiles too great a thread. Jigglypuff doesn't dare get to close to Ike considering how lgihtweight she is and the fact that Ike outranges her in everything.
granted Jigglypuff can outmanuever him but with the lack of hitstun it really means that her attacks can't stack as they did in melee.

I said to use Luigi because Luigi makes up for nearly everything Ike doesn't have and then some.
He has massive priority in the air, his projectile while not the best certainly counters Sonic's spindash and charge. He is jsut a great character overall and while his recovery isn't terribly amazing, it is pretty good and makes Sonic hardpressed to airguard considering Luigi outpriopritizes and is faster with his aerial attacks.

That's why you choose Luigi as a counter to Sonic.
You don't need that much skill to beat Sonic since he is Sonic's worst match up.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2006
New York
The good thing in this fight is that sonic has no projectiles.
QD is kind of useful except for the fact that a good sonic is always going to shield dash and punish your QD so spacing is hard.
Sonic can edgeguard via springspike, bair, dair and he has a overall a really good hit-and-run game.

The good thing about Ike is that his uptilt/slanted ftilt ***** sonic's aerial approaches. If the sonic player makes a spacing mistake, then Ike can fully capitalize that mistake with a ftilt in the face. Retreating fair is amazing as well.

I'll say a slight advantage on sonic for the most part. Even on Yoshi's story/battlefield.


Smash Legend
Mar 9, 2008
New Jersey (South T_T)
Shadow Link i have defeated dNes with ike. Not every time but i have managed more than one victory with Ike.

Now from starting off fighting sonic since day 2 (friend was so eager to play him and he's not bad) I have been able to adapt to sonic's fast speed. But he was too defensive. dNes is offensive so i have experience against that too. Basically you have to read his moves and attack through them. You have priority which he lacks. Its the only thing that kills sonic. Also you have QD! You can use it to APPROACH sonic but the lag from QD will screw you over if you use it to hit him. I stopped QD because of that. You will be damage in this battle because sonic's speed will definitely get you punished from ANY lag you have. that's why Nair is great in this match because of it's landing lag.

Watch out for dthrow chain. Sonic has a huge running dash range SO DON'T SHIELD when he charges at you. A smart sonic will NEVER dash attack unless they think you are expecting a grab. Rolling won't work either since sonic isn't too slow at turning around.

counter homing attack ---> utilt beats his dair.

A good sonic will do this to you when you are high on damage Uthrow ---> Spring ----> bair, this WILL kill you sometimes even a star KO. If your damage is just right you'll be send to the peak of the spring height meaning avoiding it will be hard since you are in hit stun.

If sonic uairs you and tries to fall fall to spring back at you use eruption!!! This can kill sonic and even turn around the match.

There is much more but i'm not gonna say more because you need to learn on your own somethings like i did.

I say Ike is at the advantage because of his priority and range. Sonic may have speed but that's all he has. Once you are used to sonic's speed it won't matter how fast he is.
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