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I Hate Ike


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Anybody who hates Ike needs to learn their spacing and timing. He has no moves that you can't evade / block and then punish except maybe his jab combo.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2008
Every time someone else picks ike, this is what i do

i pick lucario and stand from just the right distances where none of his attacks can hit me (except for his side special), and i side smash, which has more range than you think. Then every time he randomly starts charging a smash, I jump in and double team, usually giving him about 40 damage, kills many times.

some counters for ike are olimar, zero suit samus, and pretty much any heavy character. A good heavy character would be something like king dedede, and spam his fast attacks (down smash/up smash)

everlasting yayuhzz

Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
swaggin' to da maxxx
Ike is cheap(or "too good") no doubt about it. Any ike player that doesn't want to face that is in serious denial. He isn't unbeatable though. I don't have much problems against ike now but at launch it was like "Wtf".

The problem is Ike isn't really slow he just presents the illusion of being slow. His moves have slow start up then go extremely fast. He doesn't move very fast but can use his F-B to cover ground and cancel it into his Jab combo(which is god**** ridiculous because its probably one of the fastest moves in the game!! IT CAN FRIGGIN KO!!). To add to all these advantages he is almost unedgegaurdable/spikable and all that jaz. His up-B is probably one of the best edge grabbers in the game. It prevents alot of attempts at punishing him below the edge. If the Ike player is slow you might be able to do something but thats not likely.

Face it! Ike is popular because he is cheap.. well lets use an nicer phrase. Ike is easier to use than a large majority of the cast. Which makes him a prime choice to alot of players looking for a good character. The same concept applied to melee with characters such as Fox, Falco, Marth, and Shiek. No offense to Ike mains but please don't try to ignore this fact. This is why on random wifi i get into situations where it's me vs. 3 other ikes.

Ike is just a great character... "cheap" but not.... broken. No hate to ike's though, more power to ya.
Lol. Ike's recovery is actually ridiculously easy to edge guard if you have sense. Neutral A doesn't kill that early if you have any type of decent DI. Projectiles make Ike a sad panda. Ike is no where NEAR overpowered or broken, he is just a decent character with some flaws that hold him back.

And lol @ Fox/Falco/Marth being "easy to use." Yeah. I'm mained all three of them in Melee, and I can assure you they weren't easy to pick up or win with. Sheik, yeah, she was pretty easy to pick up and go with.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
Angleton, TX
This is supposed to be forum supporting Ike, not saying "I HATE IKE" in the title!

I would've agreed with you b/c he's slow, but don't complain that you got beat!

They know strategies that deal with his lag, as do I.

Just find a main and start training.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
This is supposed to be forum supporting Ike, not saying "I HATE IKE" in the title!
What's funny is that the real "character discussion threads" for Ganondorf and Falcon where people like.. discuss how to play their characters better are titled:

"Ganondorf is the worst character in the game"
"Can anyone tell my why Falcon is considered the worst?"


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2008
California L.A.
All of you who say that Ike sucks simply because you loose to him to often is just proving to everyone here that you guys are sore losers and your not that great at brawl. Not to mention that Ike is just F***ing awesome (though I dont use him much).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 14, 2008
Swannanoa, NC
just use pit to beat Ike, Pit has the speed to beat him easy, and projectiles are useful and he is good at evading
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