No, no no no. You're LJBF'ed. It's over. You need to build attraction from day 1 and escalate with kino and playing it cocky/funny. You don't love her, you just really want to **** her. You're also a romantic at heart, so this is your psychological way of constructing it. Search for a book called Magic Bullets or The Juggler Method and buy some pheromone spray. androticsdirect is a great place for the latter.
The thing is she isn't attracted to you. That's your fault. Attraction isn't a choice, but not as much as you think. Put some MAJOR distance between you and her right now. Why are you keeping around her right now? Because you want to take things to the next step but are too much of an AFC to do it?
Don't call her, don't talk to her, don't send her emails or hang out with her or any of that stuff you do. Just live your life, and improve it. Get a new hairstyle, some new, nice clothes from a trendy place(or ask some other chick friend who seems to know what she's doing, if she doesn't JUMP at the chance to help you out there then she is pretty strange), make sure you've got superb hygiene, and take up activities or hobbies or a lifestyle that would set you up to display higher value to others. This is one of the most important things that attract women. Higher value men. Men who know they are the prize. If you're in high school, go play football or some sport. That's pretty much the easiest way to do it. But it doesn't have to be physical- choir is another sweet way to do it. But you better be **** passionate about whatever it is you are going to do. Are you a good actor? Rower? Writer? Chemist? Something that would impress people and yourself.
Start lifting weights and running. Get your body in great shape. And after you've done all of this stuff, take the improved you out to a club or somewhere you can go sarging. Have fun with random women. Women are also attracted to pre-selection, and they can smell the other girls on you. Pheromones.
You do all this, and when your chick friend starts missing having an orbiter like the old you on hand to compensate for her LSE or whatever the **** she's doing, she will be blown away and instantly attracted to you.
There's obviously a lot more to it than just this. If anyone ever needs help with girl ****, I know female psychology like the back of my hand, and I hate seeing guys get ****ed over like I used to in my early years of high school.