Here's my story. Make sure you have popcorn and aren't busy.
Almost two years ago, I met this girl. She was amazing! She had a great body, a beautiful smile, fair blond hair, and looks to die for! Plus she had an
amazing personality. She was flirtatious, but not arrogant or proud, as she seemed to not notice or admire how great she was Infact, she didn't think she was all that special. To top it off, she was smart and she loved computer games!
Unfortuantly, she was almost two years my senior (well, a year and 5 months). She made friends with everybody quickly, including me. After about 2-3 months, we became close friends. I was used to this, as I seemed to make friends with females, but never anything more. I had a crush on her (obviously) and always felt embarrassed around her, but not enough for her to notice.
I thought my crush would pass, but it never, the only thing that happened was we got closer and closer and it got stronger and stronger. I could feel this happening and I tried to ignore it as though it was nothing. But it got to the point where my heart bet so fast around her and I could do nothing but constantly think about her.
We became the best of friends, and would constantly talk to each other. My male friends noticed this and started dropping hints to her that I clearly liked her. They often told us that if I was female, I would be her, and vice versa. She never picked up on these hints though. Annoyed at how useless I was at flirting, I kept to myself, but she told me that I could try practicing my lines on her if I wanted. I longed to tell her how much she meant to me, or how much I thought about her, or how fast my heart beat when I was with her. But I couldn't.
So I practiced my flirting on her whenever I had the chance, (Which usually involved a nudge from one of my friends, after she said something, to tell me that now was my chance to say something flirtatious). My confidence grew and my chat-up lines got better, but my feelings for her just got stronger. But she was completely oblivious to this.
Almost a year after we'd met, a guy in her year asked her out, she accepted. I went back to keeping to myself, but they quickly broke up. But to ruin my moment of happiness, my best friend told me that he's going to ask her out. (He didn't know how I felt about her). I could've strangled him.
I warned her about him, telling her that she would be his 15th girlfriend in 3 years, and how he doesn't treat ladies right, but she didn't seem to pick up on these hints either. Then one night when we were together, I asked her why she broke up with that guy, was it because she liked someone else? My best friend? Someone I knew? She told me that I knew this person
very well. If my heart wasn't beating so fast at that moment, then I would've said something like "Oh? Who?", but instead I blurted out something along the lines of:
"I love you Vikki, I've loved you for ages, since the first time we met, I've never felt this way for anyone else.."
She was caught completely off guard, and to my utter shock, she said the same thing!
It's our anniversary tomorrow. We're moving in together in a few months, and moving away. I tell her I love her every single day.