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I feel real bad


Mar 16, 2007
I tried to hold it in, I really did, but she was spasming IN TIME with the music.

What was I supposed to do!

Also, this has nothing to do with flu shots. Inside Edition is just being sensationalist and stupid. Again.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL

So people randomly get crippling illnesses like this?

Yup Autism has got to be completely random, even though many flu shots contain **** like Mercury.

Mmmmm Mercury. I'd love to have that **** in my system. Mabye it would make me smarter.


Mar 16, 2007
Wow, Red Halberd. Wow. Just wow. Please tell me you're in a public high school. Then you might have an excuse for knowing jack **** about statistical significance and the scientific method. Sure you might be able to define them, but you have just demonstrated a total and complete dearth of understanding of their meaning.

For the record, there is not a single respected, peer-reviewed study showing any link whatsoever between any element of vaccination and autism. In fact, most peer-reviewed literature on the topic quite solidly refutes any notion that there may be a causative role. For all intents and purposes, what you are saying, Red Halberd is complete and utter bull****. Furthermore, you as an American will rarely ever encounter a vaccine that contains mercury, since thiomersal, which is a compound containing mercury, is not found in any child vaccines, and is extremely rare in American flu vaccines.

In the case above, if there is any link between the woman's disease, it is probably stemming not from the vaccine itself, but from a preexisting genetic defect that was aggravated by the vaccine. And let me tell you, the likelihood of this explanation is very, very small, and if it is the case, the same thing would have happened if the woman had contracted the flu. Given the virus's communicability, I'd put that as highly likely. You said it yourself; people don't just randomly get crippling illnesses. If they did, vaccines would randomly make people sick. So either the vaccine is one small variable that tipped the scales in a much larger and far more complicated medical equation, or you're just buying into the bull****, and conflating two unrelated occurrences. The second of these explanations is far, far more likely.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
ah dormant vaccines gone wild. ive heard that everyone has a dormant schizophrenic virus in their nerve system o.o and when trigged whether through stress or w.e it causes the schizophrenic disorder o.o tis true?

: http://www.schizophrenia.com


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Wow, Red Halberd. Wow. Just wow. Please tell me you're in a public high school. Then you might have an excuse for knowing jack **** about statistical significance and the scientific method. Sure you might be able to define them, but you have just demonstrated a total and complete dearth of understanding of their meaning.

For the record, there is not a single respected, peer-reviewed study showing any link whatsoever between any element of vaccination and autism. In fact, most peer-reviewed literature on the topic quite solidly refutes any notion that there may be a causative role. For all intents and purposes, what you are saying, Red Halberd is complete and utter bull****. Furthermore, you as an American will rarely ever encounter a vaccine that contains mercury, since thiomersal, which is a compound containing mercury, is not found in any child vaccines, and is extremely rare in American flu vaccines.

In the case above, if there is any link between the woman's disease, it is probably stemming not from the vaccine itself, but from a preexisting genetic defect that was aggravated by the vaccine. And let me tell you, the likelihood of this explanation is very, very small, and if it is the case, the same thing would have happened if the woman had contracted the flu. Given the virus's communicability, I'd put that as highly likely. You said it yourself; people don't just randomly get crippling illnesses. If they did, vaccines would randomly make people sick. So either the vaccine is one small variable that tipped the scales in a much larger and far more complicated medical equation, or you're just buying into the bull****, and conflating two unrelated occurrences. The second of these explanations is far, far more likely.
O good read.

Fair enough.

Anyway, you're probably right about the vaccine aggravating a pre-existing genetic condition. That's why I wouldn't take it or give it to my kids. Anyway your explanation is legit but still saying there's no peer review supported source doesn't mean that it's not possible. Im not saying you're wrong either, because you seem to have more knowledge on the subject, Im saying the fact that we "dont know" is why I wouldn't take the vaccine.

BTW Im definetly a freshman in College, though I'm not in any field remotely related to medicine.


Mar 16, 2007
O good read.

Fair enough.

Anyway, you're probably right about the vaccine aggravating a pre-existing genetic condition. That's why I wouldn't take it or give it to my kids. Anyway your explanation is legit but still saying there's no peer review supported source doesn't mean that it's not possible. Im not saying you're wrong either, because you seem to have more knowledge on the subject, Im saying the fact that we "dont know" is why I wouldn't take the vaccine.

BTW Im definetly a freshman in College, though I'm not in any field remotely related to medicine.
Maybe it's because my ex-girlfriend is a psych major, or maybe even a half-science major like Linguistics was enough to give me a taste, but I feel like I was able to learn enough about how science works by osmosis. I'm not saying you should have by now, but you'll definitely find value in hanging out with some bio majors.

I didn't just say there's no evidence to support it, either. I also mentioned that there's a large body of evidence absolutely refuting it, namely that even with the removal of thiomersol, more kids are being diagnosed with autism than before.

And the fact is that even if there is a minuscule risk that it causes a problem, or aggravates a pre-existing genetic defect, the risks of that are overwhelmingly dwarfed by the risks of not taking the vaccine. Just in the last few years, there was measles outbreak in NY, and a large majority of the children who had contracted the disease had never been given the MMR vaccine, because their parents refused. It is very likely that some of these children even died. The thing is, for every person that might be adversely affected by taking a vaccine, many hundreds, possibly thousands, more are saved. Yes, the consideration is coldly economical, but it's the truth. Vaccines overwhelmingly save more lives than they ruin. I'd rather be tremendously unlucky and be crippled by a vaccine than have average luck and die from smallpox.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
LOL Lade got **** on

what a dumby

btw, i wouldn't take that vaccine either (but i was saying that before the story of this chick even got out)

this is mean but it is semi-funny


^^ Crashic... the baddest fuker in the world (even tho i hate him)


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2009
<---Biochem major here. I actually discussed this with our immunologist on-campus and according to all known research, there is NO link between the H1N1 vaccine and dystonia (or autism for that matter).


Because **** just got real. (Yes his research was published in a peer-review journal and his findings replicated by at least 6 other independent labs)


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Maybe it's because my ex-girlfriend is a psych major, or maybe even a half-science major like Linguistics was enough to give me a taste, but I feel like I was able to learn enough about how science works by osmosis. I'm not saying you should have by now, but you'll definitely find value in hanging out with some bio majors.

I didn't just say there's no evidence to support it, either. I also mentioned that there's a large body of evidence absolutely refuting it, namely that even with the removal of thiomersol, more kids are being diagnosed with autism than before.

And the fact is that even if there is a minuscule risk that it causes a problem, or aggravates a pre-existing genetic defect, the risks of that are overwhelmingly dwarfed by the risks of not taking the vaccine. Just in the last few years, there was measles outbreak in NY, and a large majority of the children who had contracted the disease had never been given the MMR vaccine, because their parents refused. It is very likely that some of these children even died. The thing is, for every person that might be adversely affected by taking a vaccine, many hundreds, possibly thousands, more are saved. Yes, the consideration is coldly economical, but it's the truth. Vaccines overwhelmingly save more lives than they ruin. I'd rather be tremendously unlucky and be crippled by a vaccine than have average luck and die from smallpox.
Well I'm biased because I have an unusually strong immune system (I dont really eat American food, I eat home cooked food from my mommy :)), so I'd be much happier taking the risk (Malaria was like an average cold for me).

I think that diseases like Autism are mostly caused by environmental toxins. Im sure you know that the toxin levels are exponentially increasing in newer generations of children and that's likely the caused of these things increasing.

And didnt they say that the regular flu is more potent than swine flu at this time anyway? Im just saying I think that vaccines are hyped for economic reasons. If you're healthy in general you shouldn't have to worry about things like Swine flu. This chick was a 25 year old cheerleader and I really doubt swine flu would've been much for her to worry about dying from.

And not speaking for myself, but some people would rather die than be crippled like that.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009
Dude, stop talking about things you don't comprehend. Learn to cook for yourself and stop being a momma's boy (this is America son, 2nd most individualistic country on DA PLANET). Swine flu is/was a joke and that's a fact, but you still gotta realize that some crazy epidemic **** could easily go down. knowhati'msayin?

i'll let someone handle the autism thing cause i don't know a lot about it and i think it's honestly an excuse for some people (kinda like depression) but i know my views are prolly wrong, unmerited and *other negatively-charged adjective*

Oh, and only speak for yourself. f@ggle face


Smash Journeyman
Jul 9, 2008
Ocala, Fl
These arguments remind me of religious ones, lot of guessing, no complete facts, and everyone looks dumb in the process.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Dude, stop talking about things you don't comprehend. Learn to cook for yourself and stop being a momma's boy (this is America son, 2nd most individualistic country on DA PLANET). Swine flu is/was a joke and that's a fact, but you still gotta realize that some crazy epidemic **** could easily go down. knowhati'msayin?

i'll let someone handle the autism thing cause i don't know a lot about it and i think it's honestly an excuse for some people (kinda like depression) but i know my views are prolly wrong, unmerited and *other negatively-charged adjective*

Oh, and only speak for yourself. f@ggle face
Lmfao please re-read this and realize how stupid you sound.

I actually made a coherent arguement, and even if I'm wrong on some points it doesnt matter because what I said makes sense. It may be based on incorrect information and assumptions but at least it makes sense.



Mar 16, 2007
Just because you have a strong immune system doesn't mean everyone else does. Bias is what's thrown out the window when you try to come to conclusions about science and medicine in particular. You don't need to consider your lightweight case of malaria (which I can guarantee you would never have been immunized against anyway--tell me about the last time you had polio) at all. All you need to consider is that vaccines to significantly more good than harm.

Would you like to know the simplest explanation for the increase in autism diagnoses in the past few years? More doctors know about it, and how to diagnose it reliably. Autism was only properly defined in the sixties, and hasn't even been well-understood until the last few decades, so it's not an unlikely explanation. Honestly, there are so many theories as to causes for autism, to the point that some of them contradict one another. Of the hypothesized causes, though, vaccines are the most thoroughly and completely refuted. IMO, it's best not to speculate too much, and wait for science to do its thing.

Finally, Pharmaceuticals in general are hyped for economic reasons. There's a drug for premature ejaculation, for Christ's sake. This is no new suggestion you're making. But don't use it as an excuse to paint a black mark over medicine in general. It just means you have to judge each drug on its utility; weigh the costs and benefits before you pass judgment on it. Vaccines are unmistakably beneficial to public health. The case of that girl is unfortunate, but you have to remember: economic reasons impact Inside Edition's decisions very heavily, too. For instance, telling people their lifestyle might be in danger--tune in to find out why is much more capable of producing viewership than telling people that most of them will never see adverse effects, then showing someone happily playing with their kids after getting their flu shot. The latter is boring. The former is compelling and holds interest much better. There's not much information about Desiree Jennings out there that isn't sensationalist tabloid feces, but I suspect it's worlds more complicated than any news sources have said.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
is that true that schitzophrenia is dormat in everyone and can be triggered by stress or other things related to that?
the question was asked but never asnwered and im curious now.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
yea i asked that question, asked my psychology professor (phd) and he answered most if not all i did not understand what he meant like if he meant that we all contain that virus or if its a gene like passed down or w.e. it wasnt clarified in both question and answer so meh


Mar 16, 2007
Most dormant psychological disorders are a genetic predisposition to a chemical imbalance in the brain caused by various factors. Stress is a common cause because of the extreme levels of adrenaline being pumped through your brain.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 15, 2009
Most dormant psychological disorders are a genetic predisposition to a chemical imbalance in the brain caused by various factors. Stress is a common cause because of the extreme levels of adrenaline being pumped through your brain.



Smash Ace
Dec 13, 2007
I didn't laugh, cause I immediately knew the girl and her story. Maybe if this was the first time I've ever seen it....


Smash Cadet
Nov 12, 2009

Lots of mental disorders have genetic roots, meaning different people have different amounts of chemicals in their brains during similar situations. (what might make you made would make another person laugh). Adrenaline quickly changes the amounts of chemicals in your brain, usually stress being the source.

Hope that helps...if not then...L2science.

Figured I would toss this link out again...according to this mans research, which has been published in a peer-review journal and replicated in 6 independent labs, he has found the cure for cancer and a treatment for HIV+ patients.
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