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I don't know you guys, you guys don't know me :o


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
So let's learn about each other :D. I'm not really thinking i'll be in canada any time soon, and some of you probably won't be in Georgia. So how are you guys? Why do you enjoy your community? For your particular selves, what do you wish would be changed?

Who is your Main? What do you wish you could do with them? etc. etc.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Did you ever notice that you're getting really close to 10k posts victra?

I remember when you were going nuts about 9k and what to post for it. LOL.

hmm... or was that 8k?


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
that was 9K hahaha. Which was good cause it was during finals so it gave me motivation to not post, which in the end stopped me from procrastinating on swf xD


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I knew this thread would go really far.

So let's learn about each other :D. I'm not really thinking i'll be in canada any time soon, and some of you probably won't be in Georgia. So how are you guys? Why do you enjoy your community? For your particular selves, what do you wish would be changed?

Who is your Main? What do you wish you could do with them? etc. etc.

It's a cool community, even if it's dead at the moment.

The community reviving.

Captain Falcon.

Nothing I can't do right now.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
I'm too good.

It's above mediocre in BC, especially Jack.

The community is like constant sex while playing.

11, no idea which one yet.

I'm too good, as I said. :\

I own the ****ing world!!!!!


<3 :D


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
I knew this thread would go really far.


It's a cool community, even if it's dead at the moment.

The community reviving.

Captain Falcon.

Nothing I can't do right now.
y'know, i've been telling people ways to revive their community. Obviously the easiest way is to have more people. One way I've been thinking of doing this is to actually go into schools and host smash tournaments for their school. Obviously, most of the money would go to the school for doing the hosting, however the rest of the money would go to the winner.

In the end you could tell them their potential and have them join smashboards. :D

I'm too good.

It's above mediocre in BC, especially Jack.

The community is like constant sex while playing.

11, no idea which one yet.

I'm too good, as I said. :\

I own the ****ing world!!!!!


<3 :D
Lol, you're just too good, but you don't have a main yet? Baah how lame xD


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
We already have enough people.

No one hosts anything though.

(Everyone's pretty lazy)


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
no house tourneys?

no super couch bros?

wtf is goign on here :X

you're the tournament director kr3w! what are you doing?! DX


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I'd organize smashfests, but I live kinda far from everyone else and my house is not really, erhm, setup to have alot of people over.

Some other people do host smashfests but they don't post it here (only for msn buddies) or they post it the actual day the smashfest is happening.

pretty much.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
So let's learn about each other :D. I'm not really thinking i'll be in canada any time soon, and some of you probably won't be in Georgia. So how are you guys? Why do you enjoy your community? For your particular selves, what do you wish would be changed?

Who is your Main? What do you wish you could do with them? etc. etc.
I'm good. I like smash and have friends in the community. I'd get a lobotomy.

I main Sheik. I wish I could do everything I wanted to do perfectly. Specifically, chain grabs, general movement, improved reaction time, and better decisions. So I really wish I was just less dumb and had better execution.


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
So, wanting to do such things perfectly, how long have you been practicing such things?
I've mained Sheik for two years, so about that much time. Probably a bit longer because I like playing around and getting basic stuff down with characters even if I don't plan on actually using them.

Lately I've been practicing less. I used to play a lot at home in my free time a lot (probably 2-4 hours a day?) but now I find I can just play with people what with people off school. That means execution takes a slight hit but whatever. People are more fun and better than computers anyway. My controller is also becoming less responsive but that's expected since it hasn't been cleaned in a while.

What's it like in Georgia? I remember envying your nice weather when I went to TGMTSBCO.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Understnadable enough, I wouldn't even say having perfect movement is necessary as much as it is making good decisions against your opponents.

Georgia is doing pretty well, we've had some weird moments when it comes to weather now that I think about it. In I think February we had it be burning hot one day, then snow the next, then rain (well, maybe it didn't rain, but I think something else absolutely ridiculous happened after it snowed). However for the past two months it's been fair, the heat has been hard to get into, since i'm more of a chill out and cool down kind of guy. I had to pull out the shorts :|

I wish I had as much dedication to practice any longer than 2 hours, honestly I just think that brawl isn't a game that you can practice, there's only so much you can learn with certain characters. Even characters that have 'tech skill' Have things that are merely strict timing. I've been playing peach for about two weeks and I've about five hours or so in playtime, and an hour or two of actual tech practice (trying to get the u-air chain). Not very impressive timing honestly :/

So even though you've only been playing for about two years, you must be really good if you're in the MBR correct?


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I've actually been playing for more like 3.5 years now. I started with Kirby in early 2007 (join date is kind of wrong) and then eventually dropped them for Ice Climbers when I realized Kirby was horrible and never going to get significantly better. Then my controller broke so I switched to Sheik as a main, since I had been picking her up for the Peach matchup. Peach vs Ice Climbers is really uphill for the Ice Climbers. A lot of Peach's stuff just shuts them down as a character.

MBR isn't really about player skill. I'm not exactly sure what criteria they look for nowadays but they note that just being good isn't enough. Or even what they're looking for.

And, yeah, just making smart decisions and having good experience is way more important than looking pretty. But I want to do everything :D

Brawl is a weird game to me. I really don't know how to play it so I can't really say anything. How do you find Brawl at the moment? All I really hear about it is that lots of people think Metaknight should be banned and a lot of other people don't think that Metaknight should be banned.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Sup Lythium :o

Well at least you decided to make the change from Kirby. To tell you the truth a lot of people don't understand in a competitive setting some characters are just not ever going to be good, and chances are a boost in character choices has to be made to get decent results. I remember hearing about Peach v IC's being a bad matchups. The same aspects of the MU are in brawl too actually, the idea that Peach can float and cause a lot of pressure to ICs. Turnips (I think) can split both characters apart, and makes gimping much easier. D-Smash isn't as effective, but effective none the less.


I assumed as much, however whenever I see the purple name I feel it's someone's highly respected, someone who truly plays the game to learn more, and in return pass that same knowledge along to the public as if it was their major (lol majoring in smashology). Usually the strongest way to get that type of role in this (brawl) community is to well, play the game exceptionally well. It's kind of discouraging considering so many knowledgeable players are just not good enough skill wise (or perhaps are shortened by character), in order to meet BBR's or MBR's strict guidelines, regardless of how much they could've potentially impacted the game for the rest of the community just by being involved. But then again that's another tangent.

Brawl is a weird game in general. In the sense of a casual game it is fantastic, possibly better than Melee (but then again it all comes to opinion, since I started competitively in brawl, I don't like some of the melee controls. Come on, you can't use the C-Stick in training? Waaack :p). However in the sense of a competitive fighting game, it doesn't make any sense at all. With the exclusion of Chaingrabs, there are no seriously input combos that can be done by any characters. The game has no sense of mixups at all that can't be beaten by merely pressing the R (or L, your choice of course) button. While Melee had the same problem, dashdancing implemented another form of mixing up your opponent, that gives it that fighting game feel. Since Brawl doesn't have that, it feels plain to people looking at it from fighting game perspective, and since it's much more slowed down, it looks boring as all hell.

Anyways, back to your actual question. From my current perspective, I'm finding brawl actually really fun. I know it entirely contradicts everything I just said going against Brawl, but the character I play is just an oddball that reminds me of my main in street fighter (chun, balrog).

[collapse=insight on chun and balrog incase you don't know]
Chun and balrog (chun in particular for this conversation) are charge characters. Their moves require you to hold back for two seconds, then press forward along with a punch to unleash a special move. This means when you're blocking an opponent from attacking (which is done by holding back), you're also charging your special attack.

Having to hold back for most of your moves naturally makes chun-li a defensive character. Her basis of being played is to get a lead, then shut down your opponents options while their life slowly dwidles down. There is more to it but that's all that's needed[/collapse]

Peach works the same way, and I never really realized it until recently. She's very defensive, and has the tools to keep people out (a fast jab, a safe f-air, a lot of shield pressure, a slow moving turnip that gives you the ability to gauge what your opponent's doing); she's a test of patience. I'm enjoy Brawl merely for the fact that it's teaching me how to read my opponent and test my opponent using different options. I'm learning more to not throw moves out (as safe as they may be), but instead make every move count towards a certain goal.

As for the MK ban, I'll show you a post I made recently in a south carolina thread, excluding the bits that are unnecessary.

In all seriousness, every game has a character that's turbo busted beyond all the other characters. Hell, some have three of them (MvC2), however they can be beaten to an extent with serious skill, mind power, etc. You can win, it's just not going to be easy. People consistently beat Sagat back in SFIV, and hell, the best player in the US used Rufus. Even though Sagat has no bad matchups, people beat him. How is this possible if he technically speaking is the absolute best? The answer is simple, some players are just smarter than others, and Sagat's high points can be forced out, and beaten. If a Sagat main feels "I can hit him with this tiger shot and be safe" he will throw a tiger shot with no worries. You can use this to your advantage by forcing a tiger shot (getting into a certain distance of the opponent) then jumping over and punishing. On paper, if Sagat plays correctly his tiger shot is extremely difficult to punish, i'm not doubting this, however with mindgames that same high point that Sagat has can instead be his downfall. The past couple of tournaments that were nationals, the outliers of Diddy, AND Snake, have beaten MKs of high caliber (granted, they did not beat M2K, but they did beat players like HRNut, Tyrant, etc.). Hell, recently Shaky's Ness in FL beat Seibrik's MK on rainbow cruise, a matchup that's considered HORRIBLE in the first place, on a stage that's amazing for MK. It's a matter of beating smart you see? Not making excuses for yourselves as to why MK should be banned. Trust me, a lot of characters go even with MK in brawl, they are merely shoved to the side during the MK-Ban argument because they have more even or close advantage MUs. Hell, if you think about ratios 65:35 is manageable with skill, smart stage choices, etc.

ITT: Roxy makes really big walls.


Smash Cadet
Nov 30, 2004
What they look for in terms of getting into the MBR is making intelligent posts or arguing intelligently here regarding Melee or Brawl, and you could also get in for being good at the game. I am not sure about the BBR though because it seems like being good at the game is much more important, and I'd say it's harder to get in if you don't play/place in the USA.

:|. I really don't know swordgard or if he's good or not.
If it's any indication, I am a little better than Swordgard at Melee (I think he'd agree with me here, but I am not sure), and I lost every one of my pool sets (I won one match) at Pound 4 (pool 4 iirc, mango was in my pool). At the last local tournament I was at I won 4 sets and lost 4 in pools (2 players were really new to the game), so I guess from that you could tell how Swordgard is at the game. I'm not too sure how he'd do at local Melee tournaments though since he only plays Brawl now.

For Brawl it's a completely different matter though >_>;;,. I would like to say that he'd place top 32 in a big USA tourney at least, but I don't really want to say that he'd do better also because I might be wrong, seeding might skew my predictions (top 32 is safe, and top 64 I'd say is given pretty much), he might have a bad day (which is of course important with ICs), and lastly what makes it problematic to judge his skill level in my opinion is the fact that it's hard to judge Canada's good players because at least for Brawl it's super centralized where the top 4 (there are probably one or two more, but I know very little about Ontario) are a lot better than the rest, but only 2 players have gone to the USA iirc. Just to be clear, I think that Swordgard is very likely a lot better than top 32 material at Brawl at an international tourney, but I am not gonna pull numbers out of thin air when I can't play Brawl in the first place because that's stupid =(.

I think I just wrote a wall of text accidentally x_x.


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Well, Swordgard is a Brawl Back Room member, so I guess it makes sense that he got in if he's top 32 potential with his ICs. Yeah, I think MBR worries more about intellectual conversation more than your discussions on the game itself, while BBR is more on have the elite in the group because "technically" they should be able to speak intellectually as well. I remember Afro_Thundah and Inui being members of the BBR back when they had great placings, however after a while they got kicked out when they became inactive, or just didn't place well in huge tournaments. Pretty saddening too, because I know Afro_thundah when he isn't trolling is a smart dude. Hell, Inui is smart too when he's not talking about himself xD.

And don't worry about writing walls, I like reading them anyways :3


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
I've been invited to the BR multiple times, once even before I ever went to my first tournament. As well, I've only been playing the game for a couple years and barely monthly in that time.

I use random characters never the same one consecutively and all inconsistantly, almost never play good players since I live so far and play so little when I do, I play lulzy every match and go for hikes and explore instead of smash at events, haven't played a serious match almost ever, and several other silly things, yet somehow I still do exceptionally well no matter how good my opponent is, how experienced they are, how long they been playing, match ups, anything.

Someone being good at smash doesn't mean the same person is smart. Being smart can indirectly make you good at smash. That's the difference, I'd assume that's their criteria. lol


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Makes sense, doesn't it. ;)

Usually the 2 go together, but there are exceptions.
And the word 'good' is a variable.

I'm not good, but do better against better people than most good players do a lot of the time.
See? lol


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Makes enough sense, I'm glad you posted in this thread :). So since you just told us. Why did you decide not to accept being in the BR?


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
Sup Lythium :o

Well at least you decided to make the change from Kirby. To tell you the truth a lot of people don't understand in a competitive setting some characters are just not ever going to be good, and chances are a boost in character choices has to be made to get decent results. I remember hearing about Peach v IC's being a bad matchups. The same aspects of the MU are in brawl too actually, the idea that Peach can float and cause a lot of pressure to ICs. Turnips (I think) can split both characters apart, and makes gimping much easier. D-Smash isn't as effective, but effective none the less.


I assumed as much, however whenever I see the purple name I feel it's someone's highly respected, someone who truly plays the game to learn more, and in return pass that same knowledge along to the public as if it was their major (lol majoring in smashology). Usually the strongest way to get that type of role in this (brawl) community is to well, play the game exceptionally well. It's kind of discouraging considering so many knowledgeable players are just not good enough skill wise (or perhaps are shortened by character), in order to meet BBR's or MBR's strict guidelines, regardless of how much they could've potentially impacted the game for the rest of the community just by being involved. But then again that's another tangent.

Brawl is a weird game in general. In the sense of a casual game it is fantastic, possibly better than Melee (but then again it all comes to opinion, since I started competitively in brawl, I don't like some of the melee controls. Come on, you can't use the C-Stick in training? Waaack :p). However in the sense of a competitive fighting game, it doesn't make any sense at all. With the exclusion of Chaingrabs, there are no seriously input combos that can be done by any characters. The game has no sense of mixups at all that can't be beaten by merely pressing the R (or L, your choice of course) button. While Melee had the same problem, dashdancing implemented another form of mixing up your opponent, that gives it that fighting game feel. Since Brawl doesn't have that, it feels plain to people looking at it from fighting game perspective, and since it's much more slowed down, it looks boring as all hell.

Anyways, back to your actual question. From my current perspective, I'm finding brawl actually really fun. I know it entirely contradicts everything I just said going against Brawl, but the character I play is just an oddball that reminds me of my main in street fighter (chun, balrog).

[collapse=insight on chun and balrog incase you don't know]
Chun and balrog (chun in particular for this conversation) are charge characters. Their moves require you to hold back for two seconds, then press forward along with a punch to unleash a special move. This means when you're blocking an opponent from attacking (which is done by holding back), you're also charging your special attack.

Having to hold back for most of your moves naturally makes chun-li a defensive character. Her basis of being played is to get a lead, then shut down your opponents options while their life slowly dwidles down. There is more to it but that's all that's needed[/collapse]

Peach works the same way, and I never really realized it until recently. She's very defensive, and has the tools to keep people out (a fast jab, a safe f-air, a lot of shield pressure, a slow moving turnip that gives you the ability to gauge what your opponent's doing); she's a test of patience. I'm enjoy Brawl merely for the fact that it's teaching me how to read my opponent and test my opponent using different options. I'm learning more to not throw moves out (as safe as they may be), but instead make every move count towards a certain goal.

As for the MK ban, I'll show you a post I made recently in a south carolina thread, excluding the bits that are unnecessary.

In all seriousness, every game has a character that's turbo busted beyond all the other characters. Hell, some have three of them (MvC2), however they can be beaten to an extent with serious skill, mind power, etc. You can win, it's just not going to be easy. People consistently beat Sagat back in SFIV, and hell, the best player in the US used Rufus. Even though Sagat has no bad matchups, people beat him. How is this possible if he technically speaking is the absolute best? The answer is simple, some players are just smarter than others, and Sagat's high points can be forced out, and beaten. If a Sagat main feels "I can hit him with this tiger shot and be safe" he will throw a tiger shot with no worries. You can use this to your advantage by forcing a tiger shot (getting into a certain distance of the opponent) then jumping over and punishing. On paper, if Sagat plays correctly his tiger shot is extremely difficult to punish, i'm not doubting this, however with mindgames that same high point that Sagat has can instead be his downfall. The past couple of tournaments that were nationals, the outliers of Diddy, AND Snake, have beaten MKs of high caliber (granted, they did not beat M2K, but they did beat players like HRNut, Tyrant, etc.). Hell, recently Shaky's Ness in FL beat Seibrik's MK on rainbow cruise, a matchup that's considered HORRIBLE in the first place, on a stage that's amazing for MK. It's a matter of beating smart you see? Not making excuses for yourselves as to why MK should be banned. Trust me, a lot of characters go even with MK in brawl, they are merely shoved to the side during the MK-Ban argument because they have more even or close advantage MUs. Hell, if you think about ratios 65:35 is manageable with skill, smart stage choices, etc.

ITT: Roxy makes really big walls.
I don't play mk lol

hrnut on gdx's account


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
The first time, it was cause I went "wtf? I haven't even played anyone outside my smaller ****ty town, come back to me later lol"

Aside from that, I don't think I would contribute much. I don't have much experience playing in most match ups at a decent level, even most common match ups I don't, and I don't watch videos or anything so I don't really learn the characters that way either.

Pretty much, my discussions/reasons/why they invite me is because I can call out anyone's next move every time I see someone play. Whenever I **** talk or comment I usually have people comment on how I always say what's gonna happen up to 5 seconds before it happens. On the boards it's simply the way I can help people clear up what they're trying to say or why people are bringing up points or flaws in arguments. Usually I just prove that this game has no limitations and to stop being so opinionated LOL.

And things like how Superboom pointed out how I always land the first grab in Falcon dittos in 64, even when I don't play that game, or how Diakonos pointed out how I land ridiculous amounts of easy upsmashes in Pika dittos and he can't get any on me and the reason he can beat me is his great aerial spam game beating mine, or etc etc etc the list goes on.

You should read my thread called Bamesy's LLL in the Luigi section. I don't know hitboxes, theory, stratagy, tactics. I know how to make players scurred or not know wtf I'm gonna do, like how Noobking says I do ****ed up **** that shouldn't work but does, or how fuzzyness says it doesn't even look like I know what I'm doing so he doesn't know if I'm approaching or ****ing up technically. Tiz the way I play, player to player. Character to character means nothing until you get into real specifics and I don't even know much of that. I just learned last week that Doc can chainthrow, and I've been playing as him for half a year LOL)

I know **** about Super Smash Bros Melee, the game that I barely ever play. I understand what it means to be good at the game more than anyone I've met to date.



Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
lol that's pretty legit xD. It sounds like a natural talent. :o

@hrnut - nice namesearch, i mistook marth for MK, soz bot :(


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
The first time, it was cause I went "wtf? I haven't even played anyone outside my smaller ****ty town, come back to me later lol"

Aside from that, I don't think I would contribute much. I don't have much experience playing in most match ups at a decent level, even most common match ups I don't, and I don't watch videos or anything so I don't really learn the characters that way either.

Pretty much, my discussions/reasons/why they invite me is because I can call out anyone's next move every time I see someone play. Whenever I **** talk or comment I usually have people comment on how I always say what's gonna happen up to 5 seconds before it happens. On the boards it's simply the way I can help people clear up what they're trying to say or why people are bringing up points or flaws in arguments. Usually I just prove that this game has no limitations and to stop being so opinionated LOL.

And things like how Superboom pointed out how I always land the first grab in Falcon dittos in 64, even when I don't play that game, or how Diakonos pointed out how I land ridiculous amounts of easy upsmashes in Pika dittos and he can't get any on me and the reason he can beat me is his great aerial spam game beating mine, or etc etc etc the list goes on.

You should read my thread called Bamesy's LLL in the Luigi section. I don't know hitboxes, theory, stratagy, tactics. I know how to make players scurred or not know wtf I'm gonna do, like how Noobking says I do ****ed up **** that shouldn't work but does, or how fuzzyness says it doesn't even look like I know what I'm doing so he doesn't know if I'm approaching or ****ing up technically. Tiz the way I play, player to player. Character to character means nothing until you get into real specifics and I don't even know much of that. I just learned last week that Doc can chainthrow, and I've been playing as him for half a year LOL)

I know **** about Super Smash Bros Melee, the game that I barely ever play. I understand what it means to be good at the game more than anyone I've met to date.

your post pretty much applies to me, so no, no gg.

predicting people in smash is like, so easy. It's too bad I have no technical skill lulz.


Smash Master
Feb 16, 2008
I'm not saying they win because they're more technical than me, I'm saying I lose because I'm not technical at all.
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