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I am -done- trying to explain things to people


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
An AIM conversation I had with an old Poke-friend of mine, who seems to have gone senile. Funny read, if you want to read through the whole thing. I doubt this'll get anyone's attention, I just wanted to share my frustration with the world.

BRanDoRKeR: so out of curiousity, why is Garchomp still Uber?
Rayku: Because people are 100% convinced that Platinum didn't make him any worse
Rayku: and he still *****
BRanDoRKeR: I feel hes worse
BRanDoRKeR: Latias can **** his ****
Rayku: he's not worse
BRanDoRKeR: and so can Scizor
BRanDoRKeR: hes not worse, but the meta is better
Rayku: scarfchomp beats Latias
Rayku: and Scizor cannot **** his ****, sorry
BRanDoRKeR: scarf Latias beats scarfchomp
BRanDoRKeR: now what?
BRanDoRKeR: yes he can
BRanDoRKeR: and you know it!
Rayku: LOL
Rayku: 'cause, you know, Fire Fang/Blast/Flamethrower don't beat Scizor
Rayku: you could toss a match at Scizor and he'd die
Rayku: Scarf Latias beats him, yes. But then, that'd be it
Rayku: and Latias shouldn't be OU anyway
BRanDoRKeR: why shouldnt Latias be in OU?
Rayku: because she's overpowered
BRanDoRKeR: Blissey says no to that idea
Rayku: Alright
Rayku: ANY special attacker is overpowered
Rayku: yeah, cool logic
Rayku: so, Darkrai isn't OP
BRanDoRKeR: huh?
Rayku: Mewtwo certainly isn't uber
Rayku: You realize that Blissey walls every special attacker in the game with special attacks save for Kyogre?
BRanDoRKeR: yes
BRanDoRKeR: whats your point?
BRanDoRKeR: how is Latias "overpowered" then when Blissey walls the **** out of it?
Rayku: Alright
Rayku: Latios is overused
Rayku: rather, Latios is uber
Rayku: Blissey walls the **** out of him
BRanDoRKeR: yes
Rayku: but, Latios is still uber
Rayku: that doesn't make any sense?
BRanDoRKeR: true
BRanDoRKeR: why?
Rayku: Because Latios is ****ing too strong
Rayku: 394 x 1.5 + Draco Meteor is -****-
Rayku: Latias's typing, speed and power make her overpowered
Rayku: like
Rayku: Cresselia completely walls Infernape
Rayku: but, Cresselia is UU
Rayku: and Infernape is still OU
BRanDoRKeR: thats the game man
Rayku: Yeah
BRanDoRKeR: your missing that point
Rayku: What ol
BRanDoRKeR: everything has its strengths and weaknesses
Rayku: Yeah
Rayku: Latias has its strengths and weaknesses
Rayku: her strengths greatly overshadow her weaknesses
Rayku: like, seriously
BRanDoRKeR: a **** *** poke in UU could wall an OU poke
Rayku: I want you to go to Smogon and present your logic to them about Latios
BRanDoRKeR: Im not talking about Latios
BRanDoRKeR: never was
BRanDoRKeR: Im talking about Garchomp
Rayku: Well, I am
BRanDoRKeR: you went on the tangent sir
Rayku: because your logic dictates that Latios is not uber
BRanDoRKeR: did I say that?
Rayku: No
Rayku: but
Rayku: once again, l2read
Rayku: your logic dictates that
Rayku: I never said "You said Latios is not uber"
BRanDoRKeR: so where do I need to "learn to read"?
BRanDoRKeR: when I never said anythign like that?
Rayku: Alright
Rayku: you say Latias is overused
Rayku: why do you say that
Rayku: your logic was "Blissey walls it completely"
BRanDoRKeR: I never said that either
BRanDoRKeR: lol
Rayku: right?
Rayku: Yes you did
BRanDoRKeR: I said that Latias counters Garchomp
BRanDoRKeR: and thats it
Rayku: dude
Rayku: I'm going to cite you right here and now
BRanDoRKeR: do it
Rayku: excuse me dearly
Rayku: you said Latias is not overpowered
BRanDoRKeR: cite me
BRanDoRKeR: find it
BRanDoRKeR: I dare y9ou
BRanDoRKeR: do it now!
Rayku: BRanDoRKeR: how is Latias "overpowered" then when Blissey walls the **** out of it?
BRanDoRKeR: I was quoting you
BRanDoRKeR: you said shes overpowered
Rayku: What?
Rayku: Yes
Rayku: I said she's overpowered
Rayku: what the **** are you saying LOL
BRanDoRKeR: I dont think so
Rayku: Yes
BRanDoRKeR: I said shes walled by Blissey
BRanDoRKeR: nothing more
Rayku: Dude
Rayku: I don't get you at all
Rayku: Here's what you just said:
BRanDoRKeR: I dont get you at all
Rayku: Me: Latias is overpowered
You: No she's not. She's walled by Blissey
Me, later: You said Latias is not overpowered
You: No I didn't, cite me
Me: *cites you*
You: That's not what I said
BRanDoRKeR: okay okay
BRanDoRKeR: your point with LatiOs?
Rayku: Latios is uber, you agree?
BRanDoRKeR: agreed
Rayku: What makes Latios SO MUCH BETTER than Latias, then?
BRanDoRKeR: you already stateed that
Rayku: Your logic behind Latias NOT being overpowered was "She's walled by Blissey"
BRanDoRKeR: yes she is
Rayku: alright
Rayku: then, I state that Latios is not overpowered, for he, too, is walled by Blissey
BRanDoRKeR: yes he is
Rayku: Why
BRanDoRKeR: because he is lol
Rayku: lmao
Rayku: you have -got- to be kidding me
Rayku: that's your logic?
Rayku: "I'm right, you're wrong. Why? Because it's so"
BRanDoRKeR: Latios IS walled by Blissey
Rayku: Yep
Rayku: So is Latias
BRanDoRKeR: yepp
Rayku: like, I don't think Latios is OU. He's broken as balls
BRanDoRKeR: so is Mewtwo
BRanDoRKeR: and Darkrai
Rayku: Mewtwo is not walled by Blissey
BRanDoRKeR: and every other **** sp atking poke
Rayku: nor is Darkrai
BRanDoRKeR: yes they are
Rayku: Darkrai can put her to sleep
Rayku: and kill her
Rayku: Mewtwo can sub-punch
BRanDoRKeR: what version you talking about foo?
BRanDoRKeR: yippie!
BRanDoRKeR: thats what switching is for
Rayku: erm...
Rayku: what
Rayku: Dude I can say that about anything
BRanDoRKeR: your such a nerd lol
Rayku: You aren't making any sense in the least
BRanDoRKeR: and Im a poke geek? =P
Rayku: Like, this isn't even about Pokemon anymore
Rayku: it's about you proving yourself wrong with your own statements
BRanDoRKeR: Im not proving anything wrong
Rayku: You JUST DID
BRanDoRKeR: my argument is about Garchomp
BRanDoRKeR: not these ****ing Lati twins
Rayku: dude
BRanDoRKeR: yes dickbanger?
Rayku: you are going on about that, but you're still answering my questions about Latios/Latias, and you even cited Darkrai and Mewtwo being walled by Blissey
Rayku: how is that talking about Garchomp?
Rayku: Yes, that's the original argument
Rayku: Garchomp is still uber. I personally don't think that, but GOOD LUCK convincing anyone else
BRanDoRKeR: yes it is
BRanDoRKeR: he shouldnt be
Rayku: because I think Scizor is better than Garchomp
BRanDoRKeR: sure, we'll go with that
Rayku: dude
BRanDoRKeR: I wouldnt know because Ive never faced that matchup
Rayku: Don't go with my opinion as a statement of fact
Rayku: Scizor loses head to head
Rayku: he gets breathed on and dies
BRanDoRKeR: okay
Rayku: while Scizor takes about 50+% with Bullet Punch
BRanDoRKeR: Garchomp does
Rayku: what?
BRanDoRKeR: you said Scizor takes 50+%
BRanDoRKeR: Garchomp is the one getting hit
Rayku: takes off*
BRanDoRKeR: there yah go
BRanDoRKeR: okay we'll go with that, Garchomp > Scizor, I agree
Rayku: No
Rayku: that's not what I said
Rayku: I said Scizor > Garchomp
BRanDoRKeR: whoops!
BRanDoRKeR: thats what I meant XD
Rayku: >.>
BRanDoRKeR: wrong symbol lol
Rayku: However
Rayku: Scizor has hard counters
Rayku: Garchomp still does not
Rayku: unless you count the one pokemon, Latias, that can outspeed/kill him under conditions
Rayku: which, IMO, should not even be in the tier
BRanDoRKeR: so.. you believe Latias should be in Ubers?
Rayku: Yes
BRanDoRKeR: why?
Rayku: That's what my entire schpeel was earlier
Rayku: ...
BRanDoRKeR: what is the difference between her and Gyarados?
BRanDoRKeR: between her and Infernape?
BRanDoRKeR: between her and Metagross?
BRanDoRKeR: answer those
Rayku: wait a second, bro
Rayku: you LITERALLY just asked the same question as earlier
BRanDoRKeR: what question?
Rayku: BRanDoRKeR: why shouldnt Latias be in OU?
Rayku: because she's overpowered
BRanDoRKeR: this is going from dumb.. to dumber.. real quick
Rayku: Dude
BRanDoRKeR: I honestly see NO point whatsoever
BRanDoRKeR: none
Rayku: Because you're asking one question, arguing with ******** points that can be applied to things that obviously contradict your own logic, and then asking the same question again
BRanDoRKeR: every argument that can be made, can easily be made about every other pokemon out there
Rayku: Except
Rayku: Garchomp
Rayku: That's the whole point of him being uber, according to everyone that decided it
BRanDoRKeR: and we disagree
Rayku: What?
BRanDoRKeR: forget it
BRanDoRKeR: this is dumb
Rayku: You don't think he should be uber
Rayku: I really don't care
Rayku: This is dumb because you're making absolutely no sense at all xD
BRanDoRKeR: you dont see it my way
BRanDoRKeR: I dont see it your way
Rayku: No, I do see it your way
BRanDoRKeR: neither are you sir
Rayku: I'm not some close-minded *******
BRanDoRKeR: neither am I
Rayku: Wait
Rayku: you just contradicted yourself again
BRanDoRKeR: sure I did
Rayku: "I don't see it your way"
"I'm not some close-minded *******"
Rayku: You -just- said that
BRanDoRKeR: yay
Rayku: you don't even have to scroll up!
Rayku: ...and then you just admitted to something you denied not ONE statement before
BRanDoRKeR: I think Pikachu should be uber
Rayku: what the ****
Rayku: Why
Rayku: Why should Pikachu be uber
Rayku: state your points
BRanDoRKeR: in a matchup against Gyarados, Pikachu wins
BRanDoRKeR: yepp
Rayku: Alright
Rayku: That's what switching is for
Rayku: that's -exactly- what you said earlier
BRanDoRKeR: your point?
BRanDoRKeR: dont care!
Rayku: see, I didn't even ask your point
BRanDoRKeR: your not allowed to switch in pokemon
Rayku: ...
BRanDoRKeR: thats why Lati is soooooooooooooooo "overpowered"
Rayku: Latias
Rayku: Latios is overpowered
BRanDoRKeR: because in a one on one, latias is INSANE!
Rayku: and so is Latias
BRanDoRKeR: sure
Rayku: You admit yourself that Latias is insanely powerful
BRanDoRKeR: I was being sarcastic
Rayku: no ****
Rayku: But
Rayku: Alright
Rayku: Blissey counters Latias
Rayku: what else counters her?
BRanDoRKeR: no ****
Rayku: Keep in mind Blissey still takes 41~% from it
BRanDoRKeR: anything with predictions
Rayku: from a meteor*
Rayku: like what/
Rayku: I need examples, thanks
BRanDoRKeR: no she doesnt
Rayku: Yes, she does
BRanDoRKeR: Im doing a damage calc ir
BRanDoRKeR: sir*
Rayku: I'm going off of what I've seen in the past
BRanDoRKeR: Im going off facts
BRanDoRKeR: numbers
Rayku: and Salamence deals 40-44% with a Draco Meteor at 525 attack
BRanDoRKeR: statistics
Rayku: erm...what do you think I'm going off of?
BRanDoRKeR: Ive never seen that in my life
Rayku: I have
BRanDoRKeR: yay
BRanDoRKeR: party time
Rayku: EVERY time
BRanDoRKeR: hold on while i look
Rayku: No, seriously
Rayku: alright
Rayku: tihnk of this scenario
Rayku: Latias used Draco meteor
Blissey takes damage, doesn't matter how much
Rayku: am I allowed to switch now?
BRanDoRKeR: yes?
Rayku: like, am I allowed to switch Latias?
Rayku: okay
Rayku: I switch to Scizor
Rayku: while Blissey does what
Rayku: Thunder Wave?
Rayku: Awesome
BRanDoRKeR: sure?
Rayku: Blissey switches, Scizor uses either Superpower or Swords Dance, depending on the predicted switch
Rayku: if it's Swords Dance, Scizor now has a Swords Dance
Rayku: and that's silly
Rayku: so, you probably switched to a Pokemon that is Scizor's main counter, because it has to be on your team, otherwise Scizor runs through you like toilet paper
Rayku: (that's me making a point that Scizor is uber, and is overcentralizing)
BRanDoRKeR: I got 26% sir
Rayku: lmao
Rayku: you think Blissey takes only 25% from a 525 sp.atk draco meteor?
BRanDoRKeR: hell yes
Rayku: What're you going off of 405 special defense?
BRanDoRKeR: nope
BRanDoRKeR: 307
Rayku: Would you like to test this now?
BRanDoRKeR: how?
Rayku: I'm honestly curious
Rayku: go on shoddy
BRanDoRKeR: Im not downloading shoddy..
Rayku: you don't have shoddy?
BRanDoRKeR: not anymore, I deleted it cause it was making this comp slow
Rayku: it's not a very big program
Rayku: I don't get how it would make your computer slow
BRanDoRKeR: it always freezes on here
BRanDoRKeR: I dont know why
Rayku: It freezes for me al ot
Rayku: but not always
BRanDoRKeR: its like every other battle for me
BRanDoRKeR: the stats I got were...
BRanDoRKeR: 173 min damage
BRanDoRKeR: 204 max damage
BRanDoRKeR: 188.9 average
Rayku: I'm going to get this from a friend
Rayku: and I will copy/paste the results
BRanDoRKeR: 189/714 = 26.5%
BRanDoRKeR: dont trust meh?
BRanDoRKeR: haha
Rayku: Nope
Rayku: I'm curious, also
BRanDoRKeR: do it
Rayku: I'm trying, douche bag
BRanDoRKeR: wait..
BRanDoRKeR: for some reason it didnt count in Choice Specs... I dont know why?
BRanDoRKeR: so I just gave it a +1 stat mod since its practically the same thing
Rayku: >______________________>
BRanDoRKeR: and it came out to be...
BRanDoRKeR: 259 min
BRanDoRKeR: 304 max
BRanDoRKeR: 281.96 average
BRanDoRKeR: so tahts about right
Rayku: You don't believe me, I'm testing this myself
BRanDoRKeR: go for it
BRanDoRKeR: I just gave you the numbers sir
BRanDoRKeR: that told you its around 40%
Rayku: Oh wow
Rayku: you actually AGREE with me
BRanDoRKeR: of course
Rayku: that I -might- know what I'm talking about?
BRanDoRKeR: cause I checked the numbers
BRanDoRKeR: well when shoddy actually gives you % of damage, yes Im going to believe you
BRanDoRKeR: I just had to see it for myself
Rayku: ....
Rayku: you didn't believe me when I gave you % of damage
BRanDoRKeR: nope
Rayku: you even said I was a liar
Rayku: what
Rayku: the
Rayku: ****
BRanDoRKeR: cause I never saw a specs Lati yet
Rayku: but...
BRanDoRKeR: and if I have, no one used DM on my Blissey
Rayku: Salamence and Latias have the same special attack
Rayku: you stated that earlier
BRanDoRKeR: yepp
Rayku: >__________>
BRanDoRKeR: point?
Rayku: My point is that you proved yourself wrong without me even having to tell you
Rayku: like, just add the numbers
BRanDoRKeR: what did I prove wrong sir?
Rayku: I told you that Latias would take about 40% from Blissey with a Meteor
Rayku: and earlier, you said Salamence and Latias = same special attack, which is true (I was unaware)
Rayku: but, you did not believe me
BRanDoRKeR: nope
BRanDoRKeR: everytime I got hit with a Meteor it did next to nothing
Rayku: Because you didn't believe my real life experience
BRanDoRKeR: I didnt realize it was like 40%
Rayku: Because it was probably a mixed Salamence
BRanDoRKeR: I dont see percentages on wifi like you do on shoddy
Rayku: You should talk to me like I -might- know what I'm talking about
Rayku: instead of talking to me like an ignant foo
BRanDoRKeR: and you should talk to me like Im not a child or an idiot?
Rayku: I don't
BRanDoRKeR: I know what Im talking about
BRanDoRKeR: and Latias IMO is NOT overpowered
Rayku: but...your reasoning behind that was the following:
Rayku: "Blissey walls it"
BRanDoRKeR: like every pokemon out there it has its advantages and disadvantages on all other pokes
Rayku: and "Because it just is"
BRanDoRKeR: Latias is no different
Rayku: Well, then I ask you
BRanDoRKeR: because it does
Rayku: why is someone like Mewtwo uber?
BRanDoRKeR: alot faster
BRanDoRKeR: higher sp atk and atk
BRanDoRKeR: its plain as day to see that
Rayku: Blissey walls it
BRanDoRKeR: Ive always walled it
Rayku: like, Mewtwo has hard counters
Rayku: but, he's still uber
Rayku: why is this?
BRanDoRKeR: you tell me allmighty pokemon gawd =P
Rayku: I would but I'm asking you the question
Rayku: because I don't believe you know exactly why things are better than others.
BRanDoRKeR: oh I do
BRanDoRKeR: he only has minimal counters
Rayku: like, if I asked you why Metaknight was the best character in Brawl, what would you say?
BRanDoRKeR: next to nothing
Rayku: minimal? I could probably counter a regular Mewtwo set with Mismagius
BRanDoRKeR: honestly couldnt tell you, dont play brawl
Rayku: well, I'm just using that as an example
BRanDoRKeR: I gotcha
BRanDoRKeR: Mewtwo has a movie! thus hes Uber
Rayku: >.>
BRanDoRKeR: you know its true
Rayku: Lucario has a movie
Rayku: he's uber too
BRanDoRKeR: is Mew Uber?
Rayku: Yes, Mew is uber
BRanDoRKeR: why?
BRanDoRKeR: tell me
BRanDoRKeR: is it the fact that they can learn virtually any move?
BRanDoRKeR: yes?
Rayku: are you going to retort with something smart-alic before I actually answer?
Rayku: Yep
Rayku: Alright
BRanDoRKeR: I said that with knowledge, not as a question
BRanDoRKeR: I know thats the answer
Rayku: Mew has access to virtually any move taught via legitimate means in Pokemon. Why isn't Smeargle uber, then? Because Smeargle's best stat caps too low
BRanDoRKeR: yepp
BRanDoRKeR: agreed
Rayku: Ubers are a unique tier because people treat them more as a "banned list" than an actual tier
BRanDoRKeR: yepp
Rayku: and they're the only tier that does not go off of usage statistics to determine their placing
BRanDoRKeR: meaning?
Rayku: they go off of raw stats, like it should be created
Rayku: Cresselia is UU because of usage statistics. That's how Smogon makes the tier list
Rayku: it doesn't matter if NO ONE IN THE WORLD would ever use Mew, he's still going to be uber
Rayku: Lati@s was relatively common in ubers, yet one got bumped down. Like I said, it's more of a "banned list" than it is a tier
Rayku: and people who play in ubers are more of a "traditional" style of player (it's a Yugioh/Magic term)
Rayku: Traditional basically means "whatever's out there is fair game"
BRanDoRKeR: okay
BRanDoRKeR: and OU people only use the best?
BRanDoRKeR: thus why Scizor and Latias are on every team?
BRanDoRKeR: correct?
Rayku: Latias isn't on every team; I haven't seen any
Rayku: but, Scizor is
Rayku: and because of Scizor being on every team
BRanDoRKeR: regardless, yes thats why OU is different?
Rayku: you are almost guaranteed to see Zapdos/Heatran/Rotom
Rayku: OU is just a tier of the best Pokemon that aren't banned (uber), yes
Rayku: and UU is just The Forgotten Pokemon of OverUsed
BRanDoRKeR: is there a BL tier anymore?
Rayku: If there is, there are literally less than 10 Pokemon on it
Rayku: I haven't checked it in a long time
Rayku: I stopped caring when Raikou got UU
BRanDoRKeR: awwwe..
BRanDoRKeR: I bet that was a sad day lol
Rayku: Yeah. Same day I found out PorygonZ and Cresselia were UU
BRanDoRKeR: lol
BRanDoRKeR: okay, so based on what you said, WHY is Latios OU and Latias OU?
BRanDoRKeR: Latios Uber*
Rayku: Latias is uber as well
Rayku: IMO
Rayku: but, who cares what I think
BRanDoRKeR: agreed
BRanDoRKeR: why IS Latias OU?
BRanDoRKeR: we dont want your opinion, we want fact
Rayku: Why is Latias OU now?
BRanDoRKeR: yes
BRanDoRKeR: and wasnt before
Rayku: well, at one point, Lati@s was OU
Rayku: Lati@s was uber (and still should be) because their bases stats are above 600
Rayku: that was the "barline" for uber requirement
Rayku: which is why, before D/P came out, Tyranitar was expected to hit uber status
BRanDoRKeR: I see
Rayku: since Tyranitars stats are right at 600, and the sp.def boost from SS would hit him above that
BRanDoRKeR: so based on that information
BRanDoRKeR: why is Slaking not Uber?
Rayku: his ability
Rayku: same with Regigigas
BRanDoRKeR: thats stupid
Rayku: why is that stuipd
BRanDoRKeR: if Ubers is based on requirements
BRanDoRKeR: they should be in?
BRanDoRKeR: they hit 600+
Rayku: Yes, they do
Rayku: but, I guess getting wailed on for one free turn doesn't really matter at all?
BRanDoRKeR: guess not
Rayku: >.>
BRanDoRKeR: you know Im agreeing with you
BRanDoRKeR: Im just trying to prove what you say wrong
BRanDoRKeR: Slaking and Regigigas both hit 600+ so based on that, they should be Uber
Rayku: by...giving points that don't make sense?
BRanDoRKeR: they make sense
Rayku: Based on stats, yes, they should be uber
BRanDoRKeR: by all rights, they should be Uber
Rayku: unfortunately, that's not the ONLY requirement that goes into it
BRanDoRKeR: yepp
BRanDoRKeR: and I understand that
BRanDoRKeR: so whats the next requirement?
Rayku: Look it up
BRanDoRKeR: they need a movepool and NON sucky abilities?
BRanDoRKeR: on?
Rayku: on what the next requirement is
Rayku: that last question you asked before I responded "look it up"
Rayku: what else

TL;DR - Garchomp is still uber


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2009

wowwwwwwwwwwwwww (at you... not the other guy)

anyone wanna money match my oldass haymaker?



Reset Project
Jul 28, 2008
Glencoe, Al
So I read up to about half, and skipped to the bottom, just to see he's still on about that.

Lmao this guy

xD how did you manage to sit there and deal with this?


Jan 3, 2006
Some random trainer sent out Scizor!
Charmander used Ember!
Scizor fainted!

There are no periods in Pokemon.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Some random trainer sent out Scizor!
Charmander sat there!
Opponent's Trainer lit a match and threw it at Scizor!
Scizor fainted!

There are no periods in Pokemon.
Fixed for hilarity

I think I was getting trolled hard. Apparently my definition of trolling as his are completely different.

I take Pokemon too seriously when people try to discount facts I've experienced :/ Personal flaw.

Also, @ph00tbag: Garchomp's still uber because no one believes he is OU anymore. They're so bound to the vote they won't even consider putting him back in, even though there are better/equal Pokemon now.

Basically, Pokemon players are about 3x as bad as Brawl players.


Jan 3, 2006
Fixed for hilarity

I think I was getting trolled hard. Apparently my definition of trolling as his are completely different.

I take Pokemon too seriously when people try to discount facts I've experienced :/ Personal flaw.

Also, @ph00tbag: Garchomp's still uber because no one believes he is OU anymore. They're so bound to the vote they won't even consider putting him back in, even though there are better/equal Pokemon now.

Basically, Pokemon players are about 3x as bad as Brawl players.
Teach me how to make a UU team!
I wanna beat Snipa.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
It's true, Albino. It's hilarious. It's why I'm not part of the community, I just play :)

@NickRiddle: To build a UU team, look at the increasingly smaller OU/Ubers list. Those guys are banned.

Have at you.

Keep in mind that PorygonZ and Cresselia are UU


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2008
On a boat.
It's true, Albino. It's hilarious. It's why I'm not part of the community, I just play :)

@NickRiddle: To build a UU team, look at the increasingly smaller OU/Ubers list. Those guys are banned.

Have at you.

Keep in mind that PorygonZ and Cresselia are UU
can you link me to a list of what pokemon are what?

I can't seem to find one.


Jan 3, 2006
can you link me to a list of what pokemon are what?

I can't seem to find one.
Smogon is down... just look there when it's up.

Rayku: I know HOW to look at it, but I just wanna know what the good ones are. XD
And since when is PorygonZ UU?!


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2004
Minot, ND
Smogon is down... just look there when it's up.

Rayku: I know HOW to look at it, but I just wanna know what the good ones are. XD
And since when is PorygonZ UU?!
PorygonZ is good
Raikou's the best CM sweeper in the game
Cresselia's ****
Swellow is awesome

Put those four on a team and pick two favorites. Bam, you're set to go. Get someone who knows Stealth Rock.


Jan 3, 2006
PorygonZ is good
Raikou's the best CM sweeper in the game
Cresselia's ****
Swellow is awesome

Put those four on a team and pick two favorites. Bam, you're set to go. Get someone who knows Stealth Rock.
I'mma throw in a Medicham, because it's pretty **** too.
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