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Meta Hunger Games Simulator Thread, aka the Ultimate Social Summer Retreat


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Fallen Tributes 2:

8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Sweetie Belle
District 7

District 9

Toby Determined
District 3

District 7

District 9

Queen Chrysalis
District 12

Summerween Trickster
District 5

Wendy Corduroy
District 2

Robbie was certainly angry, wasn't he?

Night 2

Bud Gleeful tries to treat his infection.

Applebloom is awoken by nightmares.

Rarity and Derpy Hooves talk about the tributes still alive.

Blendin Blandin thinks about home.

Deputy Durland sets an explosive off, killing Soos, and Mabel Pines. (All of the main cast members of GFs are dying!)

Shapeshifter tries to treat his infection.

Discord loses sight of where he is.

GIFfany and Diamond Tiara tell stories about themselves to each other.

Starlight Glimmer and Trixie Lulamoon huddle for warmth.

Robbie Valentino fends Twilight Sparkle, King Sombra, and Princess Cadance away from his fire.

Rainbow Dash, Big Mac, Candy Chiu, and The Author tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

Cheerilee and Shining Armor hold hands. (Shining, don't you even think about it.....

Princess Celestia lets Rumble McSkirmish into her shelter.

Bill Cipher climbs a tree to rest.

Pacifica Northwest overpowers Princess Luna, killing her.

SHeriff Blubs sets Manly Dan on fire with a molotov. (Yeesh, the cops are going absolutely insane.)

Day 3

Deputy Durland constructs a shack.

Shapeshifter chases SHeriff Blubs.

GIFfany and Princess Cadance split up to search for resources.

Bill Cipher ambushes The Author and kills him. (....well there ya go.)

Twilight Sparkle receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Derpy Hooves stalks Big Mac.

Rarity practices her archery.

Applebloom and King Sombra hunt for other tributes.

Pacifica Northwest receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Princess Celestia runs away from Candy Chiu.

Rumble McSkirmish, Trixie Lulamoon, Starlight Glimmer, Blendin Blandin, and Cheerilee hunt for other tributes.

Diamond Tiara attacks Shining Armor, but he manages to escape.

Robbie Valentino camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Discord diverts Bud Gleeful's attention and runs away.

Rainbow Dash makes a wooden spear.

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
BILL CIPHER OWNAGE <3<3<3<3<3<3 :chuckle::p:colorful:

The Author is dead! I can now rest easy :shades:

In other news....RIP Mabel
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Bill killed the Author?

How fitting :lol:
Easily the most fitting kill of all thus far.

Also morbidly fitting is how Robbie was Wendy's killer.

Fallen Tributes 3

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 1

Mabel Pines
District 1

Princess Luna
District 10

Manly Dan
District 3

The Author
District 2

Night 3

Princess Cadance cries herself to sleep.

Rarity, Shining Armor, Princess Celestia, and Rainbow Dash tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.

Discord and Blendin Blandin talk about the tributes still alive.

Diamond Tiara begs for Pacifica Northwest to kill her. She refuses, keeping Diamond Tiara alive. (How fitting that these two wind up by each other's sides.)

Big Mac, Twilight Sparkle, and GIFfany start fighting, but Twilight Sparkle runs away as Big Mac kills GIFfany. (....How did he....)

Derpy Hooves receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Starlight Glimmer falls into a frozen lake and drowns.

King Sombra attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Bill Cipher and Robbie Valentino run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Trixie Lulamoon tends to her wounds.

Cheerilee quietly hums.

Rumble McSkirmish, Bud Gleeful, SHeriff Blubs, and Candy Chiu sleep in shifts.

Deputy Durland sets up camp for the night.

Shapeshifter ambushes Applebloom and kills her. (This must have been horrifying).

Well that was a lame way for Stan to go. What's next, the frozen lake is gonna claim someone's life?
Starlight Glimmer falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
There ya go!


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Day 4

Derpy Hooves sprains her ankle while running away from Deputy Durland. (....wings, much?)

Diamond Tiara discovers a river.

Bud Gleeful chases Pacifica Northwest.

SHeriff Blubs hunts for other tributes.

Princess Cadance sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

King Sombra discovers a cave.

Rainbow Dash attacks Rumble McSkirmish, but he manages to escape.

Trixie Lulamoon sprains her ankle while running away from Candy Chiu.

Robbie Valentino is pricked by thorns while picking berries.

Twilight Sparkle receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.

Big Mac goes hunting.

Bill Cipher searches for a water source. (Why would he even need water?)

Shining Armor searches for firewood.

Shapeshifter constructs a shack.

Blendin Blandin tries to sleep through the entire day.

Rarity discovers a river.

Cheerilee injures herself.

Princess Celestia steals from Discord while he isn't looking. (Trollestia strikes!)

Fallen Tributes 4

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

District 5

Starlight Glimmer
District 12

District 8

Lots of people teaming up to stay alive tonight....
Night 4
Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Diamond Tiara, Pacifica Northwest, and Princess Celestia sleep in shifts.

Deputy Durland, Robbie Valentino, and Shining Armor sleep in shifts.

Bill Cipher, Big Mac, SHeriff Blubs, and Candy Chiu sleep in shifts.

King Sombra is awoken by nightmares.

Twilight Sparkle and Discord talk about the tributes still alive.

Shapeshifter, Cheerilee, and Trixie Lulamoon cheerfully sing songs together. (.....this is a very oddball action by a very oddball group.)

Princess Cadance tends to her wounds.

Blendin Blandin and Rumble McSkirmish run into each other and decide to truce for the night.

Derpy Hooves is unable to convince Bud Gleeful to not kill her. (No not Derpy!)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
That doesn't beat the "Katt burns Kon" prediction...
Very much true.


Day 5

King Sombra discovers a river.

Trixie Lulamoon camouflauges herself in the bushes.

Shapeshifter and Big Mac hunt for other tributes.

Rarity, Princess Cadance, Robbie Valentino, Cheerilee, and Princess Celestia hunt for other tributes.

SHeriff Blubs makes a slingshot.

Twilight Sparkle receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Pacifica Northwest constructs a shack.

Diamond Tiara receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.

Discord camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Rainbow Dash receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.

Blendin Blandin discovers a cave.

Rumble McSkirmish practices his archery.

Bud Gleeful, Candy Chiu, Deputy Durland, Shining Armor, and Bill Cipher hunt for other tributes.

Fallen Tributes 5

1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance.

Derpy Hooves
District 12

Night 5

Pacifica Northwest cries herself to sleep.

Princess Cadance lets Bud Gleeful into her shelter.

Diamond Tiara bashes Deputy Durland's head in with a mace. (And so ends the reign of terror of one of the two bloodthirsty cops.)

Shapeshifter receives a hatchet from an unknown sponsor.

Bill Cipher fends Rumble McSkirmish, King Sombra, and Discord away from his fire.

SHeriff Blubs fends Big Mac, Rainbow Dash, and Robbie Valentino away from his fire.

Twilight Sparkle, Cheerilee, and Rarity discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.

Princess Celestia sets up camp for the night.

Candy Chiu sets up camp for the night.

Shining Armor dies from hunger.

Blendin Blandin dies of dysentery.

Trixie Lulamoon attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful.

Three deaths this night, and two of them are laughable.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Y'know at the rate this is all going, I'm worried I might not even be able to finish this one tonight.

Maybe it would've been better if I had waited another day to do it....

Regardless.... Day 6
Trixie Lulamoon thinks about home.

Rumble McSkirmish, Twilight Sparkle, Big Mac, and Princess Cadance hunt for other tributes.

Rainbow Dash stalks Bill Cipher.

Discord unknowingly eats toxic berries. (Death by toxic berries? I haven't seen that one in a long time.)

Princess Celestia forces Diamond Tiara to kill SHeriff Blubs or Robbie Valentino. She decides to kill SHeriff Blubs. (How fitting that Diamond claims the lives of both crazed cops. Even if she was technically forced to here.)

Candy Chiu, King Sombra, and Pacifica Northwest start fighting, but King Sombra runs away as Candy Chiu kills Pacifica Northwest.

Rarity taints Shapeshifter's food, killing him. (She's survived this long and has gotten a kill. Will Rarity claim victory a second time?)

Bud Gleeful practices his archery.

Cheerilee makes a slingshot.

Fallen Tributes 6

7 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Deputy Durland
District 4

Shining Armor
District 10

Blendin Blandin
District 4

District 9

SHeriff Blubs
District 4

Pacifica Northwest
District 2

District 5

Night 6

Diamond Tiara is awoken by nightmares.

Rainbow Dash quietly hums.

Bill Cipher, Robbie Valentino, King Sombra, and Princess Celestia sleep in shifts.

Candy Chiu defeats Bud Gleeful in a fight, but spares his life.

Princess Cadance tends to her wounds.

Twilight Sparkle fends Rumble McSkirmish, Cheerilee, and Rarity away from her fire.

Big Mac tends to Trixie Lulamoon's wounds.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Slow night...

The Feast

The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families.

Rainbow Dash decides not to go to The Feast.

Diamond Tiara decides not to go to The Feast.

Rarity steals Rumble McSkirmish's memoirs.

Trixie Lulamoon pushes Twilight Sparkle off a cliff during a knife fight. (Damn, Trixie sure got her revenge....wait a sec, Twilight has wings! I call hacks!)

King Sombra decides not to go to The Feast.

Princess Cadance decides not to go to The Feast.

Princess Celestia throws a knife into Robbie Valentino's chest.

Cheerilee decides not to go to The Feast.

Bud Gleeful snaps Bill Cipher's neck. (.....but he doesn't even have a neck!)

Candy Chiu shoots an arrow into Big Mac's head.

Day 7

Diamond Tiara fishes.

Cheerilee, Princess Cadance, Trixie Lulamoon, Candy Chiu, and Rainbow Dash hunt for other tributes.

Princess Celestia accidentally detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Rumble McSkirmish sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.

Bud Gleeful stalks Rarity.

King Sombra tries to spear fish with a trident.

It's mostly ponies as of now.
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Fallen Tributes 7

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Twilight Sparkle
District 7

Robbie Valentino
District 4

Bill Cipher
District 6

Big Mac
District 8

Princess Celestia
District 10

Two of my favorite characters just got unfair deaths in the same round. lol

Night 7
Rumble McSkirmish cries himself to sleep. (Come on Rumble, when did you become such a wuss?)

King Sombra is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Candy Chiu convinces Rarity to snuggle with her.

Princess Cadance, Diamond Tiara, and Rainbow Dash get into a fight. Princess Cadance triumphantly kills them both. (Yup, that's definitely the princess of Love, alright...)

Bud Gleeful shoots an arrow at Trixie Lulamoon, but misses and kills Cheerilee instead.

Day 8

Candy Chiu bashes King Sombra's head in with a mace. (He hardly did anything in this game anyway. :p)

Trixie Lulamoon stalks Rarity.

Bud Gleeful camouflauges himself in the bushes.

Princess Cadance overpowers Rumble McSkirmish, killing him. (Holy hell, Cadance will stop at nothing to ensure her victory.)
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The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Just like in the show :troll:
Accuracy FTW!

Fallen Tributes 8

5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Diamond Tiara
District 11

Rainbow Dash
District 9

District 11

King Sombra
District 12

Rumble McSkirmish
District 5

Night 8

Bud Gleeful defeats Rarity in a fight, but spares her life.

Candy Chiu goes to sleep.

Trixie Lulamoon is unable to start a fire and sleeps without warmth.

Princess Cadance cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide. (...are you freaking serious right now?)

Day 9

Candy Chiu makes a wooden spear.

Rarity throws a knife into Bud Gleeful's chest. (It's about time!)

Trixie Lulamoon dies from hypothermia. (Holy crap. Rarity might actually win this again.)


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Fallen Tributes 9

3 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.

Princess Cadance
District 10

Bud Gleeful
District 6

Trixie Lulamoon
District 11

Are you ready for this?

Candy Chiu strangles Rarity with a rope.

Whoa! Talk about a close game!

The winner is Candy Chiu from District 3!

I guess the RNG doesn't hold a grudge against UNiK0RN after all!

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
I'm just glad the winner wasn't Bud or the Author :chuckle:

Although I am glad the winner wasn't a repeat. Makes the game progression more interesting.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
The Placements

Candy Chiu
District 3
4 Kills


2nd Place
District 7
2 Kills

Trixie Lulamoon

3rd Place
District 11
1 Kill

Bud Gleeful

4th Plac
District 6
3 Kills

Princess Cadance
5th Place
District 10
5 Kills

Rumble McSkirmish

6th Place
District 5
1 Kill

King Sombra

7th Place
District 12


8th Place
District 11
2 Kills

Rainbow Dash
9th Place
District 9
2 Kills

Diamond Tiara

10th Place
District 11
2 Kills

Princess Celestia

11th Place
District 10
1 Kill

Big Mac

12th Place
District 8
1 Kill

Bill Cipher
13th Place
District 6
1 Kill

Robbie Valentino

14th Place
District 4
1 Kill

Twilight Sparkle

15th Place
District 7


16th Place
District 5
2 Kills

Pacifica Northwest
17th Place
District 2
3 Kills

SHeriff Blubs

18th Place
District 4
2 Kills


19th Place
District 9
1 Kill

Blendin Blandin

20th Place
District 4

Shining Armor
21st Place
District 10
1 Kill

Deputy Durland

22nd Place
District 4
3 Kills

Derpy Hooves

23rd Place
District 12


24th Place
District 8

Starlight Glimmer
25th Place
District 12


26th Place
District 5

The Author

27th Place
District 2
1 Kill

Manly Dan

28th Place
District 3

Princess Luna
29th Place
District 10
1 Kill

Mabel Pines

30th Place
District 1


31st Place
District 1

Wendy Corduroy
32nd Place
District 2
1 Kill

Summerween Trickster
33rd Place
District 5
1 Kill

Queen Chrysalis

34th Place
District 12


35th Place
District 9


36th Place
District 7

Toby Determined
37th Place
District 3


38th Place
District 9

Sweetie Belle

39th Place
District 7

Dipper Pines

40th Place
District 1

41st Place
District 6


42nd Place
District 3

Old Man McGucket
43rd Place
District 2

Gideon Gleeful

44th Place
District 6

Pinkie Pie
45th Place
District 8


46th Place
District 8

Sunset Shimmer

47th Place
District 11

Grunkle Stan
48th Place
District 1

Now for the Summary:

The Bloodbath
The Author kills Grunkle Stan with his own weapon.
SHeriff Blubs kills Sunset Shimmer with a hatchet.
Applejack is unable to convince Deputy Durland to not kill her.
Pinkie Pie cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.
Rumble McSkirmish throws a knife into Gideon Gleeful's head.

Day 1
Summerween Trickster, Rainbow Dash, and Cheerilee track down and kill Old Man McGucket.
Wendy Corduroy silently snaps Grenda's neck.
Princess Cadance, Jeff, and Dipper Pines get into a fight. Princess Cadance triumphantly kills them both.

Night 1
Princess Luna kills Sweetie Belle for her supplies.
Cheerilee kills Scootaloo with her own weapon.
Toby Determined dies from hypothermia.
Rainbow Dash, Pacifica Northwest, and Discord track down and kill Spike.
Shapeshifter bashes Fluttershy's head in with a mace.

Day 2
Deputy Durland forces Pacifica Northwest to kill The Author or Queen Chrysalis. She decides to kill Queen Chrysalis.
Shining Armor shoots a poisonous blow dart into Summerween Trickster's neck, slowly killing him.
Robbie Valentino kills Wendy Corduroy with a hatchet.

Night 2
Deputy Durland sets an explosive off, killing Soos, and Mabel Pines.
Pacifica Northwest overpowers Princess Luna, killing her.
SHeriff Blubs sets Manly Dan on fire with a molotov.

Day 3
Bill Cipher ambushes The Author and kills him.

Night 3
Big Mac, Twilight Sparkle, and GIFfany start fighting, but Twilight Sparkle runs away as Big Mac kills GIFfany.
Starlight Glimmer falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Shapeshifter ambushes Applebloom and kills her.

Day 4
No deaths occurred.

Night 4
Derpy Hooves is unable to convince Bud Gleeful to not kill her.

Day 5
No deaths occurred.

Night 5
Diamond Tiara bashes Deputy Durland's head in with a mace.
Shining Armor dies from hunger.
Blendin Blandin dies of dysentery.

Day 6
Discord unknowingly eats toxic berries.
Princess Celestia forces Diamond Tiara to kill SHeriff Blubs or Robbie Valentino. She decides to kill SHeriff Blubs.
Candy Chiu, King Sombra, and Pacifica Northwest start fighting, but King Sombra runs away as Candy Chiu kills Pacifica Northwest.
Rarity taints Shapeshifter's food, killing him.

Night 6
No deaths occurred.

The Feast
Trixie Lulamoon pushes Twilight Sparkle off a cliff during a knife fight.
Princess Celestia throws a knife into Robbie Valentino's chest.
Bud Gleeful snaps Bill Cipher's neck.
Candy Chiu shoots an arrow into Big Mac's head.

Day 7
Princess Celestia accidently detonates a land mine while trying to arm it.

Night 7
Princess Cadance, Diamond Tiara, and Rainbow Dash get into a fight. Princess Cadance triumphantly kills them both.
Bud Gleeful shoots an arrow at Trixie Lulamoon, but misses and kills Cheerilee instead.

Day 8
Candy Chiu bashes King Sombra's head in with a mace.
Princess Cadance overpowers Rumble McSkirmish, killing him.

Night 8
Princess Cadance cannot handle the circumstances and commits suicide.

Day 9
Rarity throws a knife into Bud Gleeful's chest.
Trixie Lulamoon dies from hypothermia.

Night 9
Candy Chiu strangles Rarity with a rope.
The winner is Candy Chiu from District 3!

This was a really close game, especially in regards to Rarity's near-victory.


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
This was very fun overall, butI kinda enjoyed last night's just a tad bit more as we were all a lot more active during it, as was the thread itself.

This one went on way longer, to the point where I was worried I couldn't finish it. Ah well, at least it didn't come to that point.

Grunkle Stan in last :cry::cry::cry:
I'm sad about that too....Stan went way too early....


Element of Kindness
Jul 19, 2010
School of Friendship
:hulk: :hulk: :hulk:
AOL smash sheriff and shapeshifter for killing best ponies :hulk: :hulk: :hulk:
... What the games already over? Eh *continues Smashing :4nigel: :dazwa:

Hat N' Clogs

John Tavares is a Leaf
Feb 9, 2012
Southern tier NY state
Switch FC
I have a very simple idea. How about melle versions of characters versus brawl versions so we can see some irony?

Q: would it be the original 12, or would melee newcomers take up slots as well?
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