We kinda wreck stuff up with Melee here in Tucson.
I expect at my next UofA tournament, we should have 24+ players most likely. It's really cool to play fast-paced exciting match ups like Pikachu vs Falcon in the Student Union TV Lounge. You get people who come up and say they remember or learned how to wavedash and stuff. Sometimes they'll even come to the tournaments and become avid members of the community, like in AZ, since the start of the semester, we've got Tipper, Book, Dylan, StretchNutz, and Sunnyside who are playing frequently enough.
Back during breaks, in SoCal...we have Stab's local tournaments ranging from like 16 to 35 people.
Also, I really like your attitude WatchYourRadar. That is the mindset to take. I am guilty of putting on the pain train, but whenever I can I try to teach people little unimportant tricks (silly useless things like short hopping or how to recover). It's really hard sometimes, but we gotta put our egos aside and go easy on newer players outside of tourneys.