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how to stop pit arrow spam!?


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
so yeah i have a problem when me and my best friend play brawl, it seems as though the only way he (pit) can beat me (link) is when he continuesly spams his arrows for the entire match...i try to roll and jump and yadda but whenever i get close he then goes into spinning swords of death, i think thats no way to play but it seems to work...anybody have a good way to use his cheapness against him? or at least to be able to get around it safely or something?? haha thanks


Smash Apprentice
Apr 18, 2008
i would say switch characters, it wont hurt to have two mains. try using pit and spam arrows like he did or use his side b move to reflect them


Smash Ace
Sep 18, 2007
Spam Zair, it will deny the arrow incoming and Pit's side B is to short for the clawshot :p

| Big D |

Smash Master
May 7, 2008
Hinamizawa, BC
Personally I don't play as Link, however I think I can still help you. I usually spot dodge the first arrow and then roll to avoid the next one. When your close enough Jump and try to make contact with an arial (don't know if I spelled that right) then try not to keep him far away because if you do he will spam his arrows. Also you should try and DI out of his side speacial, that way you only take 3% or 4%. Also if I'm not mistaken, can't link's shield block the arrows. Anyways, I hoped I helped. Good luck.


Smash Ace
May 25, 2007
NJ of all places.
Personally I don't play as Link, however I think I can still help you. I usually spot dodge the first arrow and then roll to avoid the next one. When your close enough Jump and try to make contact with an arial (don't know if I spelled that right) then try not to keep him far away because if you do he will spam his arrows. Also you should try and DI out of his side speacial, that way you only take 3% or 4%. Also if I'm not mistaken, can't link's shield block the arrows. Anyways, I hoped I helped. Good luck.
SIDE NOTE: Welcome to the Boards!

Try air-dodging followed by the clawshot when up close.
If you're far away, try jumping followed by an arrow of your own while coming closer.

Other than that, you'll figure it out on your own with the help on this thread.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
Yeah, just shield and air-dodge approach. Remember, you can always use a z-air during your air-dodge. The best way to face Pit is probably at mid-range so it's harder for him to spam arrows. Link has more melee range than Pit. At that point, it's all about spacing.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
Calumet City, Chicago IL
Bomb toss goes through ArrowSpam, you may eat one or two arrows while pulling out a bomb and tossing it, but you'll hit Pit and buy some time for counter-MixUp or combo out of it.

It works for me...


Smash Apprentice
Mar 22, 2008
St. Louis
If you want to embarrass him, use the Hylian Shield to block his arrows. You have to move slightly in order to stop Link from looking around (WHY did you make that animation drop his shield, Sakurai? WHYYYYY?). You can't stop Pit's arrows while crouching, either.

If you get caught with an arrow, you have to shield the next one. It's basically your only option, besides spotdodging.

Like others have said, zair is god. Also, knowing the spacing of the Angel Ring allows you to wait just outside its range and grab/Fsmash him. It's great, you get to charge it up a bit because of the Angel Ring's long lag and he can't do anything about it.


Smash Cadet
Apr 13, 2008
New Zealand
why not just try standing/crouching hylian shield? would that work? surely its easier for you to hold nothing or down than it is for him to spam b. and if hes as predictable as he sounds, it cant be too hard to avoid and punish his side b when he decides to come close range..


Smash Apprentice
Apr 6, 2008
San Francisco
Unfortunately, relying on the hylian shield will only work against very weak Pits. Top level Pits are very good at jumping in the air and shooting the spam, or even while standing to get head or feet shots. I main both Pit and Link, and I don't think a good Pit can be tricked that easily. Your real best bet is to keep Pit on his toes so he can't get into his groove in arrow spamming. Link has more range, but Pit isn't exactly helpless either due to his speed. His mirrow shield can screw with your boomerang usage too.


Smash Cadet
Dec 15, 2005
I'm not sure if it would work, but try using Link's neutral air to cancel out the arrow.


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
Crouching w/Hylian shield doesn't work as a Pit Arrow simply shot straight will hit you in the head.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 9, 2008
thank you very much, i tryed the hylian shield but it only worked for so long, i never knew that the clawshot canceled arrows and was longer than his over b...i think thats what im gonna do for up close, as for getting there im going to have to try all your techniques and see which is best.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
Calumet City, Chicago IL
Against ArrowSpam if you...
...roll towards Pit you'll get roll-punished out of it ALMOST ALL THE TIME.
...AirDodge towards Pit you'll end up in a bad spot to eat a throw or charged Smash MOST OF THE TIME.
...use Hero's Shield Pit can still ArrowSpam Link's feet or head, plus Link gets pushed back for more ArrowSpam spacing for Pit.
...SpotDodge, you'll just be in game of patience with no advantage, also Pit can hold the ArrowSpam to punish your SpotDodge's lag.
...PowerShield towards Pit you're only in risk of eating a DashThrow or just get into a MixUp situation with slight advantage given by the PowerShield plus Pit's actions lags.
...Toss a Bomb towards Pit THE BOMB WILL GO THROUGH THE ArrowSpam HITTING PIT AND BUYING YOU SOME TIME TO ADVANCE (and combo them out of the Bomb) AND FORCE THEM TO STOP THE ArrowSpam at least whenever Link is holding a Bomb, the only catch here is that if Pit hit you with a charged arrow Link might drop the Bomb and boom himself up, but that will only encourage Pit to hold the ArrowSpam leaving you time to toss the Bomb or counter-MixUp the ArrowSpam, "turn the table" on him.

But in the end is still depends on 50/50 outcome of the MixUp, so GOOD LUCK!

Edit: I gotta try the ClawShot, haven't though of that...


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2008
I find that fighting other characters with reflectors and projectiles incredibly annoying with Link. Like Pit and his arrows, or Falco/Wolf with their guns. The boomerang doesn't cancel out their attacks and the arrow has a much lower rate of fire (because it needs to be charged for range) and the bomb has a terrible rate of fire. And what projectiles that Link fires that makes it to the target just end up getting dodged/reflected.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
Calumet City, Chicago IL
I find that fighting other characters with reflectors and projectiles incredibly annoying with Link. Like Pit and his arrows, or Falco/Wolf with their guns. The boomerang doesn't cancel out their attacks and the arrow has a much lower rate of fire (because it needs to be charged for range) and the bomb has a terrible rate of fire. And what projectiles that Link fires that makes it to the target just end up getting dodged/reflected.
Just keep using the Bomb for at least it will stop them for moment, against Falco I stick to Gale him up for if he reflects it you get minor pushback, but you lost the Gale for a few seconds, they're hard but not impossible.

iron blade

Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2007
Sounds like your friend isn't very good as Pit.

You should try throwing bombs at him and using Zair a lot. What helps when I'm link and my friend uses Pit is standing still and letting the arrows hit my shield, or throwing a bomb/boomerang at him. When I get close, he spams Pit's side B as well. When he does that, I DI away and out and then Fsmash or grab him.


Smash Rookie
May 1, 2008
Just keep using the Bomb for at least it will stop them for moment, against Falco I stick to Gale him up for if he reflects it you get minor pushback, but you lost the Gale for a few seconds, they're hard but not impossible.
I'm not disputing the fact that it's possible to hit them, it's just that it's far more likely they get in a few laser blasts then me landing my attack with the bomb - the bomb being much slower in every respect. Damage wise, that basically evens things out. The fact that Link is likely to absorb a notable amount of damage at long-range already puts him at a disadvantage - even if he deals more damage to his opponent at long range. Link is certainly at a disadvantage at short ranges, and it doesn't take much to gimp his recovery allowing for KOs at lower percentages.

My point is, against a good Falco/Wolf/Pit player (spammer+reflector), Link doesn't dominate the long-range game enough to overcome their superior speed (given that the players using both are equal in skill). Of course, there are counters and anti-counters, but the fact is that the Link player is then forced to rely on being smarter, more skilled and more adaptable than his opponent. The other guy can afford to make mistakes.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
Calumet City, Chicago IL
I'm not disputing the fact that it's possible to hit them, it's just that it's far more likely they get in a few laser blasts then me landing my attack with the bomb - the bomb being much slower in every respect. Damage wise, that basically evens things out. The fact that Link is likely to absorb a notable amount of damage at long-range already puts him at a disadvantage - even if he deals more damage to his opponent at long range. Link is certainly at a disadvantage at short ranges, and it doesn't take much to gimp his recovery allowing for KOs at lower percentages.

My point is, against a good Falco/Wolf/Pit player (spammer+reflector), Link doesn't dominate the long-range game enough to overcome their superior speed (given that the players using both are equal in skill). Of course, there are counters and anti-counters, but the fact is that the Link player is then forced to rely on being smarter, more skilled and more adaptable than his opponent. The other guy can afford to make mistakes.
true, true, (sigh) at least we get to have more fun (IMO)

Edit: sorry for double posting, I don't know how to double quote...


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
I actually recommend a jump -> bomb throw -> quickdraw (from a distance) along with simple bomb throwing.

To be more specific:

1. Check the distance. For safety's sake, we want the bomb to land on his feet.
2. Shield (the bubble shield) an arrow.
3. Quickly jump into the air before the next arrow hits (practice the timing on this one). Depending on how far away you are, you may try a double jump to get the bomb to fly further.
4. Throw the bomb at some point during your jump or during the fall (once again, this differs depending on the situation).
5. Land with a quickdraw (arrow cancel).

Now, there are plenty of things that could happen...

A. He'll be hit by the bomb and then stunned by the arrow. Extra damage for you and a brief pause in his spam to allow you to move a bit closer.
B. He'll maybe manage to roll out of the way of the bomb only to be hit by the arrow.
C. He'll shield, allowing you a chance to move forward.
D. He'll try to reflect the bomb using the mirror shield and it will bounce off only to blow up at his feet, ensuring that he takes damage from both the bomb explosion and the arrow.

There are plenty more, and you can rest assured that even if he manages to avoid damage entirely, he's forced to stop his spam, thus allowing you to move forward. Alternate between this and simple bomb throwing, so he's not sure if that arrow is coming or if you're just going to pull another bomb. If you do it really well, he might get frustrated enough that he'll abandon the excessive spam (I'm sure he'll still be doing it every so often just to pressure you) and try a new tactic.

Also, don't underestimate the value of jumping up and throwing an angled boomerang throw in there. If it gets hit by the arrows, it will be negated, but there's also a chance that it might slip in between and hit him. In addition, you can also try using the whirlwind effect to drag him towards you for a surprise attack (so long as you're paying attention). Even if he dodges or shields the whirlwind, he STILL has to stop the spam to do so. Just be careful, because if he reacts before you do, this plan could end up backfiring if the whirlwind pulls him towards you and you're not ready to smash him once he gets within range of your sword.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2008
Directly above you tipping a dair.
If he jumps, there is lag in the start-up of the shot (i think) from the start-up of the jump even if its a short hop. In this window, roll or run to him. Your best bet is to spam bombs while taking a few hits. Also, master using the hylian shield to make a few arrows miss and force him to change the arrows path. Do whatever it takes to get in his face and don't let up. All else fails, choose wolf or lucas. With wolf, spam side smash, reflector, and laser. Lucas can use down b to absorb arrows and side b to piss him off with pk fire.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 15, 2008
Fort Collins, CO
i main pit, and there is actually a blind spot for his arrows if you are close and jump up, the pit you are playing doesnt sound very good if he just spams arrows and side b's so he probably wont jump and shoot arrows so taht he can hit you in the blind spot, which is when you are fairly close and jump, i wouldnt recommend jsut shield because like many have said you gain nothing and he will eventually catch on and start guiding arrows to hit feet and head, i would try rolling torwards him or doing jumps mixed in with air dodges

i wouldnt rely on PK fire too much if you do switch to lucas because its pretty easily reflected by a charging side b


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
Calumet City, Chicago IL
Sorry, I have a bad habit of posting when I see something without checking for any answers.

Also, to double quote, click Quote under the person you want to, highlight the quote, right click it and choose Cut or Copy, press the back button, click Edit under your post, and Paste it in. Bam.
Nah, don't worry, I kind of have this bad luck for this exact situation in many other forums, ppl just don't read what I post (good info made out of self experience), btw it is the 1st time I "complain" about it, anyway its cool, (it kinda happened again, look below your post). I'll just keep going under the shadows till I spook everyone by surprise in a tournament or gathering, muuaAAH,HA,HA,HAA,HAAAHHH...


Smash Rookie
Mar 18, 2008
New Jersey
If I can make a suggestion, just double jump and throw your boomerang in the air at a downward angle at him.

I've never really had trouble with Pit, or any character for that matter. :laugh:

Try your best, man. As a Link player it is your duty to keep the opponent guessing with your array of weapons.

Godspeed, my friend.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
We as Link players need to **** all the foolish competition, and find a way through all "weaknesses" Also, Izaw, does the clawshot really cancel out his arrows?


Smash Cadet
Feb 18, 2008
full hop or double jump toward him and use your arrows/bombs/clawshot/swordplant. just make sure to airdodge as you mup upwards and time your jumps with his arrows.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 6, 2008
Maybe just a shift between crouching and standing can help a little with the shield.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 19, 2008
Chicago, Illinois
LOL, oh I forgot bout Wind waker Link.

too bad this is a LINK FORUM! lol

Short characters always have these little advantages...

Link Lord

Smash Journeyman
Dec 20, 2007
In a place where people are tortured endlessly and
I use 8-bit link, my shield only deflects aerials guys.

I'm guessing you haven't unlocked all the characters, hmm?!?!!
LOL, oh I forgot bout Wind waker Link.

too bad this is a LINK FORUM! lol

Short characters always have these little advantages...
Toon Link isn't 8-bit Link. The Link from the original Legend of Zelda is 8-bit Link.

He was kidding.

Edit: Crouching helps because if they tilt the arrow up, it flies over Link, and if they tilt it down, it hits his now-lower-to-the-ground shield.

The only problem is that if they don't tilt it, it hits Link in the face.
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