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How to properly use Diddy in doubles.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
This question is asked every once in awhile and from what I've seen there's never been a really clear answer. So I think we, as a board, should come together and make a guide dedicated to Diddy Kong's performance in teams.

Fortunately, Le_Thien posts here so feel free to get rid of this if I'm beating a dead horse here.


Smash Lord
Apr 7, 2008
It all really depends on your partner, you need someone able to kill...So far I've teamed up with a Rob and Wolf/Snake...The Rob and I did well but when we played a Wario/Snake, we had trouble killing them, while Wolf's Dsmash can finish people off. Also, you might want to team with someone that can stock tank well and more of a aerial player (to avoid banana conflict)...In the match, try to stay away from the action and play opportunist with bananas, and try to create 2v1 situations...


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
As far as bananas go, I usually have 1 with me and just keep track of that banana unless we're on a stage like FD and one person is fighting another person on one side and vice versa with the other side, then I'll have 2 or obviously when it's 2V1


Smash Lord
Feb 22, 2008
watch vids of anti and adhd...thats how you use diddy in doubles



Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2008
Atlanta, GA
A Diddy Kong as a teammate is something that should only be handled by the experienced. If your teammate can be as aware of banana placement and usage as you, then it's all good. However, if they can't, it's best not to try.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
I find Diddy with MK goes pretty well.
We normally make it to where bananas stay in my hands.
Especially since MK seems to be in the air on doubles more often then not, nannerz isn't much of an issue anyway.
In terms of team combos for 2 vs. 1, me and Clel found that if Diddy has 2 bananas. Your partner can grab pummel, Diddy can throw the first nanner while your partner is still pummeling. The pummel will obviously go into a grab release where Diddy can throw the 2nd nanner back into the grab pummel. This will obviously go on until Diddy decideds to charge a DSmash.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 14, 2008
Bowser..never has to land, weighs a ton, finishes your foes off.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
This question is asked every once in awhile and from what I've seen there's never been a really clear answer. So I think we, as a board, should come together and make a guide dedicated to Diddy Kong's performance in teams.

Fortunately, Le_Thien posts here so feel free to get rid of this if I'm beating a dead horse here.
Actually, you are beating a dead horse, but that's not always what warrants the closure of threads. I specifically closed yours because not only was it a repeat topic, but because you half-***** or put no effort whatsoever in even giving discussion a proper place to flourish. Your whole post was in the subject line, for crying out loud. This instantly casts your thread in the light as to whether or not it deserved its own thread in the first place, not to mention that basing a thread on such narrow subject matter made the promise of the thread questionable from the get-go.

Conversely, even though the question as to whether Diddy is a viable teams partner has been touched on in the past, it has not been adequately explored. As long as the promise for good discussion exists, I will leave this open.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 12, 2008
Actually, you are beating a dead horse, but that's not always what warrants the closure of threads. I specifically closed yours because not only was it a repeat topic, but because you half-***** or put no effort whatsoever in even giving discussion a proper place to flourish. Your whole post was in the subject line, for crying out loud. This instantly casts your thread in the light as to whether or not it deserved its own thread in the first place, not to mention that basing a thread on such narrow subject matter made the promise of the thread questionable from the get-go.
I wasn't upset about it. I didn't care that you closed it. I was just saying that I know you're a moderator who posts on this board. So this board can get topics closed easier than others.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2006
Shine Blockaz Central
I wasn't upset about it. I didn't care that you closed it. I was just saying that I know you're a moderator who posts on this board. So this board can get topics closed easier than others.
Don't mind me, I'm just passing through.

On the topic, Diddy is far from one of the strongest doubles choices out there, but that doesn't mean he's unusable. It's just that, aside from banana peels, there is absolutely nothing about Diddy's move set that is exploitable or abusable in teams battle. Diddy is a beast in singles because of his defensive and offensive versatility; both of these narrowed a great deal in teams, however, because the sum of Diddy's play-style is greater than its individual parts. One of the most dominant tactics in teams play is that each player on the team may have a specific task (for instance, one may projectile-camp/stack on damage while the other one dispatches with KO moves). Diddy does not have a dominant move or tactic that rises above the rest as "unpunishable" or "broken" in teams, and even though bananas come close, having team attack standardized kind of thwarts how broke it might be.

That said, double Diddys is hilariously effective. Instant throw banana strings FTW.


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
Don't mind me, I'm just passing through.

On the topic, Diddy is far from one of the strongest doubles choices out there, but that doesn't mean he's unusable. It's just that, aside from banana peels, there is absolutely nothing about Diddy's move set that is exploitable or abusable in teams battle. Diddy is a beast in singles because of his defensive and offensive versatility; both of these narrowed a great deal in teams, however, because the sum of Diddy's play-style is greater than its individual parts. One of the most dominant tactics in teams play is that each player on the team may have a specific task (for instance, one may projectile-camp/stack on damage while the other one dispatches with KO moves). Diddy does not have a dominant move or tactic that rises above the rest as "unpunishable" or "broken" in teams, and even though bananas come close, having team attack standardized kind of thwarts how broke it might be.

That said, double Diddys is hilariously effective. Instant throw banana strings FTW.
I think you summed up his performance in comparison to other doubles characters really well. I also think to be able to use Diddy effectively on teams, you must have a partner that will adapt to your playing style, because in my opinion every Diddy style is too unique and different from another let alone every other character. If your partner fails to play efficiently because of the bananas, which seems to happen a lot, then the team will obviously end in failure. That however should not rule Diddy out for any reason though. We all know ADHD and Anti perform very well on teams, and the same can be said about DPhat and DMG. However, each of those teams have amazing chemistry.
Additionally, I think one of Diddy's most vital parts in teams is his speed (attack not running). If my partner every needs help, it always seems like I have enough time to always fair his opponent and then bair my opponent right away.
In the end, Diddy is a monster. Enough said.

Edit: Don't let my sig fool you. I play Diddy on doubles, I just didn't want to put another Diddy image in that slot...and I ran out of room. xD


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
A Diddy Kong as a teammate is something that should only be handled by the experienced. If your teammate can be as aware of banana placement and usage as you, then it's all good. However, if they can't, it's best not to try.
thats how i figured :) and that is a fact. my partner would not know my mindgames if they werent thinkin what i was thinkin


Smash Ace
Apr 8, 2008
I've had great success using Diddy in doubles. Donkey Kong is a great teammate, such easy kills for him while you rack up insane damage.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
I've had great success using Diddy in doubles. Donkey Kong is a great teammate, such easy kills for him while you rack up insane damage.
that should be the default and mandatory team mate for diddy :p


Smash Legend
Feb 12, 2006
Diddy is fantastic in teams except when his partner cannot handle someone like Wario. Diddy is terrible vs Wario in teams, and if his partner cannot kill Wario or track him down well then you will have trouble. MK Diddy is a good team, Marth Diddy works sometimes too. MK Diddy I think is good if you are facing a G&W/MK or G&W/ZSS team. He severely disrupts the ability to abuse bucket in teams.

I try to camp with Diddy in teams. With a MK partner, I will let him try to go 1 vs 1 on someone and if they try to double team him I will wait for a spacing mistake, punish with maybe a glide toss to Dsmash or Grab, and then leave that area. So kinda like hit and run.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
IMO the best characters I can think of for Diddy in teams would be:

ZSS, Snake, MK, D3, Wario, DK, and Olimar. I think Marth and GaW are up there but quite his best. I want to try a Diddy-Luigi team with a Luigi named BigLou some time, I think it could be interesting

Kaptain Kong

Smash Lord
Jul 7, 2008
To the SE of Port Town.. ..send - Seattle, WA
IMO the best characters I can think of for Diddy in teams would be:

ZSS, Snake, MK, D3, Wario, DK, and Olimar. I think Marth and GaW are up there but quite his best. I want to try a Diddy-Luigi team with a Luigi named BigLou some time, I think it could be interesting
i've done some diddy - luigi teaming, but not in a tourney
it works pretty well since luigi likes to stay in the air, and if you trip him its harder for your opponents to punish


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
i just want to team with a good donkey kong and be the end of that xD.

tho teaming with a luigi would be interesting o-o

white peachy

Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2004
Connecticut, USA
I like DK, D3, and Snake myself. DK's my favorite because his crazy stage gimps are way too good in doubles. And f-throwing people into his crazy-ghetto dsmash is nuts too.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
awesome combos i like with dk are

nana throw> they trip > dk forward grab > tosses it to me to do as i please xD


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I believe you can simulate a standing infinite with D3 if you Dthrow with D3 then throw the banana and trip the opponent back into D3's grab, I think this works with even the people that can tech D3's CG, but I'm not sure.


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
I believe you can simulate a standing infinite with D3 if you Dthrow with D3 then throw the banana and trip the opponent back into D3's grab, I think this works with even the people that can tech D3's CG, but I'm not sure.
not sure about the teching o-o. but hell that sounds pretty bad ***. too bad all this awesome **** is only cool 2 vs 1 :\


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
Diddy is fantastic in teams except when his partner cannot handle someone like Wario. Diddy is terrible vs Wario in teams, and if his partner cannot kill Wario or track him down well then you will have trouble. MK Diddy is a good team, Marth Diddy works sometimes too. MK Diddy I think is good if you are facing a G&W/MK or G&W/ZSS team. He severely disrupts the ability to abuse bucket in teams.

I try to camp with Diddy in teams. With a MK partner, I will let him try to go 1 vs 1 on someone and if they try to double team him I will wait for a spacing mistake, punish with maybe a glide toss to Dsmash or Grab, and then leave that area. So kinda like hit and run.
Agreed. Diddy and MK has been the most successful team I've practiced with. I've noticed that virtually every game, Diddy will not get many kills which is normal. The reason Diddy is so effective is because he racks up damage so quickly and has the ability to gimp exceedingly well. Since MK is there, getting kills should not be difficult. Also, when I play Diddy on teams, it seems to be a lot easier to hold stock; I don't know why but it seems like I never die.

I believe you can simulate a standing infinite with D3 if you Dthrow with D3 then throw the banana and trip the opponent back into D3's grab, I think this works with even the people that can tech D3's CG, but I'm not sure.
Yes. This works. Me and Affinity were practicing doubles yesterday. I thought the banana would act as Wario's fart so we could do the mocko combo, but instead the banana has knockback. So in essence, if timing isn't ruined, it's virtually an infinite; D3 has to take one step after the banana hits the person being down thrown.

Also, I found another semi-combo that works. MK down throws into Diddy's down air. The timing isn't too hard but the person being down aired must tech which most likely won't happen. On a lighter note, this looks really pretty and ***** super hard when Diddy leapfrogs over your partner and spikes after the down throw. :)

I think we need to talk about the number of bananas that should be in play. Personally I think it would be awesome if we could find a way to make sure Diddy always has two. However, I've heard from other teams and a couple partners I've had as well that they really want there to just be one. I think it hurts Diddy's overall performance, but is it more detrimental to Diddy to have one or more detrimental to the team to have two?


Smash Master
Jun 6, 2006
i team with a ganon, we have loads of stuff and we always practice :O...

very good really...lots of damage done =O

pit is very good too :O..

maybe its because they already know my nana game :O


Smash Hero
Jul 10, 2008
would it be necessary for your team mate to know how to catch and avoid our bananas? or do we limit our play o.o?


Smash Lord
Oct 14, 2008
would it be necessary for your team mate to know how to catch and avoid our bananas? or do we limit our play o.o?
That goes back to my question on how many bananas to have out though. To me, bananas are totally dependent on situation. If your partner can use it and you won't make it to it, they should because it stops the opponent from using it. At the same time however, if your partner can't use bananas or feels like the bananas get in the way...that's a big issue which I'm trying to figure out right now.

Whether or not it's necessary doesn't seem like a right question to me.

This is for MK and Diddy teams in a 2 vs. 1 situation.
MK down throw ==> Diddy Kong monkey flip ==> Diddy Kong waits a little then presses JUMP ==> the character will land and MK will re-grab and down throw again

Repeat until the end of the level ==> MK down throw ==> Diddy Kong leap frog spike.
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