You should put that under your name so people instantly know where you are from. And VA has a great scene. It's usually referred to MD/VA because MD usually plays with them and their players interact with VA's players too. There are great players in that region. Lie (high-level Diddy), Logic (high-level Olimar), ChuDat (arguably the best Kirby in the world and a top-level melee IC's main), Coney (arguably the best Dedede in the world and a high-level ness player), Junebug (Top-level Lucario. Although, he went Falco last tournament he went to.), ans Seagull Joe (high-level wolf.) There are plenty of other amazing players, but those are just a few of the best. I'm glad you live in MD/VA because I feel like it has the best character diversity out of all the regions, so it's a great place for a new player to learn a lot of things. Sadly, MD/VA has really nothing planned that I know now (unless you like melee) and often goes into periods of inactivity. However, I hear that they are planning to have more tournaments. So, with a little bit of asking and researching I bet you can find what's going to happen next.
Check here and go to your region (Atl North) and find what you need:
I hope you have a great time learning the game and getting into your tournament scene. Also, about you being too young. I'm 15. I started playing when I was 14 and I've already been to six tournaments. Plus, I'm going to one this Saturday. Maybe it's because I've got good set of parents, but I'm pretty sure they'll let you go if you show you can be responsible and truly care about going. You may not go far, but if you try to advocate a few things I'm sure they'll let you:
1.) If they are scared, let them come in the tournament and watch you.
2.) If it's distance, only tell them about the closest tournaments for now. You may have to be patient, but it will come.
3.) If it's money, again go only to close ones to save gas money. But also, save up your own money. It costs around $20 to enter the tournament and one event of your choice (if you enter more it can be $5-$10 more each.) And gas will probably range to about $20 if it's close. Plus food if you want it, $50 should be enough to guarantee you cover everything there is. However, I'm pretty sure if you research the tournament you're going to then you can find out how to make it less.
I hope everything works out for you.