Usually, if I can get in physical contact with the person I would try to have a one on one conversation with them. Trying not to be to formal or commanding, I explain to them whatever that needs to be told, never tell more than is needed, for this can cause "information overload". Then I ask the person if they want to try an example, if they say yes I guide them through step by step on what to do. I also tell them that they might want to jot down some notes. However, if they say no and try the task without help, let them take a shot without any guidance. DO NOT let them try it if the task can be somewhat dangerous or if you're concerned about the person's safety i.e. Roof nailing, snowboarding, etc.
There are some tips you might want to keep in mind when teaching people:
1. Good teaching is about listening, questioning, being responsive, and remembering that each person and task is different.
2. Good teaching is also about style. Should good teaching be entertaining? Most definetly! Does this mean that it lacks in substance? Certainly not!
3. Good teaching is about humor. It's about being self-deprecating and not taking yourself too seriously.
4. Finally, good teaching is about having fun, experiencing pleasure and intrinsic rewards.
I hope I have helped you, or others in some way