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How many characters can they possibly fit in this game?

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Oh God no. Shadow isn't even worth mentioning. A byproduct of SEGA's ill-fated attempts to "coolify" Sonic does not a good Brawler make.

GenesisZero: Raiden won't make it, as SoL was never on a Ninty system. I'm also against enemy characters or broad ones like Gorons and Zoras.

Anyway, since it's the "it" thing, here's my list:

Mario, Luigi, Wario, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Midna, Ganon, Pikachu, Jiggs, Deoxys, Kirby, King Dedede, Meta-Knight, Fox, Falco, Krystal, Wolf, Pit, Samus/Zamus, Dark Samus, Ridely, Snake, Cyborg Ninja, C. Falcon, Ness, DK, Sumo Kong, Simon Belmont, Sonic, Tails, Ike, Hector, Lyndis, Ray 01, Jake, Rachel, Lash, Olimar, Tom Nook, Viewtiful Joe, Jumpman.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2007
There are many newcomes on your list that I just cant see in the new game. The Star Fox series isnt doing to hot anymore if im not mistaken (correct me if im wrong, I havent played since 64) So I dont see Wolf O'Donnel in there.

(Though I think Ridley would be to big and I have no idea who Little Mac is...)
Leaving aside observations about Olimar... Ridley can be many sizes, including appropriately sized for smash, and Little Mac is the main character from Punch-Out! (which is in my mind, the most misrepresented seminal Nintendo series, emphasis on the series part, in recent years)

Star Fox Command for the DS. Flies off the shelves at my work, so the series can't be dead.

As for you Mendez, I totally applaud Jumpman. Imagine an adventure scenario where you're on the original donkey kong map, going up to fight DK at the end of it most of the time, but if you go as Mario something strange happens...

JUMPMAN appears and whacks DK away with the hammer of justice, and then fights Mario for his legacy.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2006
There are many newcomes on your list that I just cant see in the new game. The Star Fox series isnt doing to hot anymore if im not mistaken (correct me if im wrong, I havent played since 64) So I dont see Wolf O'Donnel in there. Captain Olimar was lame in my opinion, I cant even THINK of a move set. Mii is way to general of a character. Megaman would be tight and so would Dedede. Also, Skull Kid in my opinion would make a great new competitor. Other than that the list looks good.

(Though I think Ridley would be to big and I have no idea who Little Mac is...)
My point was that it'll be hard enough to maintain a reasonable amount of characters without getting rid of a few. The idea that almost no characters will be removed is ridiclous. I'd defend my list, which is very reasonable, but that is NOT the issue at hand in this thread.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2005
Here's the list of characters that will be in Brawl. I just know *wink*

1. Mario
2. Peach
3. Bowser
4. Yoshi
5. DK
6. Captain Falcon
7. Fox
8. Kirby
9. Ness or Lucas
10. Pikachu
11. Mewtwo
12. Link
13. Zelda
14. Gannondorf
15. Marth
16. Samus

17. Zamus
18. Wario
19. Pit
20. Metaknight
21. Snake

22. Sonic
23. Megaman/ Geno

24.Tom Nook
25. Olimar
26. Ridley
27. Midna
28. Andross
29. Krystal
30. Balloon Fighter
31. Lucario
32. Stafy
33. Toad
34. King DeDeDe
35. Diddy/ Diddy and Dixie/ Kaptain K. Rool


Smash Journeyman
Mar 28, 2004
I disagree, EnFerris. Two games can easily a tradition make. I would bet money that all the original 12 are coming back, at the very least. I have issues with your list, as well, but obviously this thread is not about that. Besides, you're entitled to your opinion.

I'm not a Pokemon veteran, so I'm unsure of Mewtwo's general popularity and presence in the Pokemon games. If he has had much more of a continual presence than I mentioned, then I retract my comment about him.

I also think it's easily possible to keep all the "main" fighters from Melee and add a ton of variety to the game with new characters. In no way does the roster need to be trimmed to make room for new characters. Most people on these boards are having a hard time even coming up with 35 fighters that don't suck. Seriously.

Also, would people please stop mentioning characters not on Nintendo consoles? Raiden, Master Chief, and all these other people are not even being considered in the remotest sense. Every time they are mentioned, the collective IQ of the board drops a little.

Consider this: 25 Melee characters (Sheik not included - let's say she's also not returning), minus Roy, Dr. Mario, G&W and Pichu brings us down to 21. We have Snake, Wario, Pit, Metaknight as newcomers (I won't count Zamus because I believe she will be a transformation character, not counted just as Sheik wasn't). That's back up to 25. We now have 10 slots to fill. Let's say 2 more 3rd parties get in (Megaman, Sonic, say). Another Pokemon or two (Deoxys, Lucario maybe?), which is being generous. Need 6 more. I think Diddy is a shoe-in, down to 5. People need to start throwing out Balloon Fighter, Mii, Andross (seriously?) to start to fill this up. If more Fire Emblem characters are in, I think Marth may be "replaced" with a different character with a similar moveset.

My point? The original roster does not need trimming simply for the sake of it.

Red Exodus

Smash Master
Dec 7, 2006
I think the notion of 'throwing out characters to make room' is stupid. A character does not take up that much space, that has been discussed already. Throwing out characters is just a shot in the foot if you as me, no doubt about that.

The number of characters we'll get depends on what Sakurai is focusing on, whether it be music, stages, items, characters [balancing stats, traction, weight etc.], modes, or online. Right now I'd say the focus is on online.

Genesis Zero

Smash Rookie
Mar 21, 2007
Oh God no. Shadow isn't even worth mentioning. A byproduct of SEGA's ill-fated attempts to "coolify" Sonic does not a good Brawler make.

GenesisZero: Raiden won't make it, as SoL was never on a Ninty system. I'm also against enemy characters or broad ones like Gorons and Zoras.

Anyway, since it's the "it" thing, here's my list:

Mario, Luigi, Wario, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Midna, Ganon, Pikachu, Jiggs, Deoxys, Kirby, King Dedede, Meta-Knight, Fox, Falco, Krystal, Wolf, Pit, Samus/Zamus, Dark Samus, Ridely, Snake, Cyborg Ninja, C. Falcon, Ness, DK, Sumo Kong, Simon Belmont, Sonic, Tails, Ike, Hector, Lyndis, Ray 01, Jake, Rachel, Lash, Olimar, Tom Nook, Viewtiful Joe, Jumpman.
But Raiden, though never on a Nintendo console, is still owned by Hideo Kojima. And if he begged enough to get Snake in I would b suprised if they featured any other MGS character besides him or Ninja. I dont think Zoras or Gorons will make the cut, but in my opinion it would b pretty sweet. Im also not a fan of Midna like I am of Skull Kid or other LoZ characters. But what you say makes a lot of sense.


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Mario, Luigi, Wario, Peach, Bowser, Yoshi, Link, Zelda, Midna, Ganon, Pikachu, Jiggs, Deoxys, Kirby, King Dedede, Meta-Knight, Fox, Falco, Krystal, Wolf, Pit, Samus/Zamus, Dark Samus, Ridely, Snake, Cyborg Ninja, C. Falcon, Ness, DK, Sumo Kong, Simon Belmont, Sonic, Tails, Ike, Hector, Lyndis, Ray 01, Jake, Rachel, Lash, Olimar, Tom Nook, Viewtiful Joe, Jumpman.
Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Back up there cowboy. You're the same guy who says that Diddy Kong doesn't deserve a character slot because he's not important enough, and yet you think that Jumpman, who is quite literally Mario with inverted clothing colors, does? Mario wearing different pants doesn't deserve to be separate character.


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2001
Melbourne, Australia
It amazes me how much popularity Navi v.03 has. Yeah Midna's cool, but if she's anything more than a trophy, I cry foul.
I can see 40 being a pretty logical number, though it'll probably be more like in the ballpark, rather than 40 on the nose. Maybe... 37. Yeah, that's a nice number.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah. Back up there cowboy. You're the same guy who says that Diddy Kong doesn't deserve a character slot because he's not important enough, and yet you think that Jumpman, who is quite literally Mario with inverted clothing colors, does? Mario wearing different pants doesn't deserve to be separate character.
Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think he'd make it either. But I really want to see another "what the?" character a la Game & Watch, and who better than the man who gave birth to Nintendo?

You don't see popular media spoofing "Helmet".

P.S. Diddy's not a Brawler!


Smash Lord
Aug 6, 2006
Hey, if it makes you feel any better, I don't think he'd make it either. But I really want to see another "what the?" character a la Game & Watch, and who better than the man who gave birth to Nintendo?!
I was gonna say... you'd have to be sick in the head to think that Jumpman actually had any chance.

At any rate, to answer the questionn asked by this thread: As many as they darn well please. Now, as for how many I expect, that's a different matter altogether. The way I see it, 40 characters is the median for me. Give or take five or six. That's the range I'm expecting the roster to fall into.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Well, they need a final, unlockable, "holy jebus" character. It can't be something like Master Hand (way too strong) or Mr. Sandbag (although that's not a bad idea...). It also shouldn't be a recent character like, er...Chibi Robo or Agent 18.

I'd really like to see Jumpman as the final unlock: he IS Nintendo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 20, 2007
Well, they need a final, unlockable, "holy jebus" character.
Agree'd, and I think something like Jumpman would be a great choice. But I swear to all that IS HOLY if R.O.B. is a character I will BURNINATE UNTIL THERE IS NO MAN STANDING ANYWHERE.

I mean, sorry, if you like R.O.B., but... Well, when I played Mario Kart DS, I was waiting to see who the unlockables were as I played. And I kept playing, and playing, and waiting. I mean, Dry Bones? Cool, I like Dry Bones! And I hit the end of the game, and I'm looking at this last unlockable wondering who it could be. And guess what? Baby Bowser? Shyguy? NO. 15+(?) YEAR OLD NES PERIPHERAL. AAAUUUGGHH.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Well, if it helps, I don't think R.O.B.'d be a good Smash fighter.

But in MKDS: hell yeah. And you can still play as ShyGuy!


Smash Lord
May 1, 2006
40ish is the most believable max. We got 25 Melee characters, minus some 2-4 characters, add in the 5 newcomers, then add around 10 more newcomers who are likely under development as we post. This gives like 35-40 characters. I wouldnt count out 42 or 43, but 45 is pushing it and anything over 50 is just setting oneself up for disappointment...
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