Get a hold of this!
In the country where I live, public transports tend to be very rude against other drivers. The city where I live, which happens to be the capital of the country, is so big, that it's actually divided in two states. Which means that the city is so big that it literally occupies the the territory of a whole state as well as part of another state. Between such States there is no Highway, it's the same main avenues of the city that lead you to the other part of the city.
I live in the peripheral area of this monstrous city, and the college I attend to is at the southern-most area. So, that means that I have to go from tip to tip of the city, cause I live in the northern-most area of the peripheral area as well.
So, if I leave my house at 5:00 A.M. I can manage to get to campus by 6:26 AM. However, if I leave later, say around 7:00 A.M. , I get there by 11:34 a.m. That is if I use my car to get there. However,if I use the public transportation system, which means taking a bus and 3 subways. I can get to campus by 8:30 a.m. that is if I leave at 5:00 a.m.
Now, it's not much of a distance at all, problem is the traffic jams and the rush hour. Everyone tries to get to their jobs on time!
It's roughly 35 miles from my house to my campus, but like i said; it's more because of he traffic jam rather than the distance.
I remember one fateful Friday, which happened to be payday, which happened to be a holiday celebrated here, I had the bright idea of leaving school at 5:30 P.M. which happened to be the most crowded time of the day (people are coming back from their jobs, and it's friday!!!!!) I'm not kidding, I swear I'm not making this up. I got to my house by 11:30 PM.
Good thing it was Friday.m
I'll never make that mistake again.