despite every1 spamming "sonic sucks" this board is pretty productive i think. If we really want an organized informational thing on sonic, we should just make a wiki...
or if we want to clean up these borads, we would probobly need an active admin that is on our side. and devoted to the sonic boards.
Edit: if you look at some of the other character boards... they are really a lot fo the same as this, some are even worse than this really.
I can kill people faster with Falcon than I can with Sonic. However, I also tend to live much longer as Sonic than I can with any other character. When I'm tired, sleepy, not on top of things, I'll lose matches simply because when you play as Sonic, as Izzy said in his other thread, you have to stay on top of your game to win (or in his case, win quickly) even against bad players.
This is part of the reason why Sonic, as a character, is considered bad in Brawl.
It doesn't mean we won't win, that there are impossible matchups- it just means that we have to work harder to win than with any other character in Brawl. Sure, I can sometimes play well enough to the point that Sonic's weaknesses aren't so apparent, or beat people like comboking and average a game at 2:30, but you can't be lax and just tilt/smash people to death.
As for moderating boards, just press this button:
I was, among others, I'm sure, reporting certain threads to be locked in the past few weeks. If you don't take initiative to report threads, then mods won't know what to close.