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How does one go about combating Falco?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Purdue, West Lafayette
I play vs. a relativity techy Falco on a regular basis, and I usually beat him, but it's due to the fact that I can abuse mistakes he makes in his combos. Lucky jabs, shield grabs when he doesn't L cancel, fairs when he mis-spaces. Now, he's just getting techier and I need to figure out how to up my game and keep winning the matches.

I've got two big issues.

1. How do I shut down the lasers? I can't figure out how to move in on him safely. Rolling winds up too predictable, and I usually get Fsmashed when things go bad. If he comes at me, I get drill shined.

2. What's the best DI to escape a pillar? I almost always get stuck going up and down twice per shine.

Thanks for the advice in advance.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2007
I ****ing love ****.
If you get off a stomp...there goes 60-80%, if you know what to do after it...

techchase techchase techchase....emphasize his mistakes...make sure you get a stock off if you get a grab off...

If he starts laser camping...light shield and make him come to you...if he does a drillshine and doesnt waveshine out of it...jump out of shield and uair.


Smash Lord
Nov 7, 2006
East Lansing, MI
Do you abuse the heck out of your chain grabbing prowess? If not, you should consider it...

consult this (notice how the falco is desperately trying to DI >:D ):

For the lasers there is nothing really you can do but dodge them or wait for Falco to approach, the worst is if the Falco insists on camping then you have to make the move. If this happens just space your fairs well so you don't get shield grabbed if you try to go offensive, or delay your stomp. (Safest way to approach a camper imo) Also, learning to powershield even a few lasers here and there doesn't hurt.

Don't really know about the drillshine because the height you're launched from the shine is a big factor in determining how you can get out of it. You may have to keep soaking multiple drillshines but always attempt to DI because at a certain percent on ganon you shouldn't be chained in a second one again. Timing the tech when you're spiked and tech rolling out of the way can help. Oh and use those jabs wisely to mess up the Falco's flow if he's trying to tech chase with waveshine.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2006
You can learn to grab him out of the drill shine. It's hard as **** to do, but it is possible.
That is assuming he drill shines infront of you and not behind.

For lasers, don't forget that the side-b will bypass lasers once horizontal movement is started.

Also, ban FD :p


Smash Lord
Jun 17, 2006
Patience. take advantage of all of his mistakes. You cant really stop him from lazering, but pressuring him will most likely stop him from doing it so much.

FD isnt as bad against falco as one would think. you might not be able to hide on platforms, but neither can he.

Everytime he is off the stage should result of him losing a stock. dont forget gimping him!


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
TO fight falco you have to have a the mind set that all AND I MEAN ALL, you are going to do to him is gay him. you need to gay falco 4 times a game to win. no point in fighting with honor

uthrow, over b if he techs behind you, that's a simple way to start a combo, not gauranteed. it also works with dthrow. other than that, you just gotta get your tech chasing down so you can stomp him


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
uthrow, over b if he techs behind you, that's a simple way to start a combo, not gauranteed. it also works with dthrow. other than that, you just gotta get your tech chasing down so you can stomp him
If you d-throw they will always land right near you so if you get yourself right ontop of them you can just forward-b in either direction just after they hit the ground (doesn't matter which side you're on when you do it, and don't actually try to read what they do since you don't have time) you will get them with it if they don't tech, tech in place, or tech roll in the direction you chose to forward-b in. That's 3/4 possible landing options guaranteed basically.

Similarly, with the d-smash you start it like the frame before they hit the ground, but they need to be a little bit away from you (like the distance your hand reaches when you grab), and it will cover every option except a techroll away from you.

I generally get more damage reliably from throws through techchasing than chaingrabbing Falco if they're under 60% or so, and I'm pretty good at it. It's just incredibly hard to do in general when they DI well/unpredictably and especially when below that percentage imo. DIing away randomly between 40-60 usually screws me up since you need to start JCing it then for that DI and I'm often just a tiny bit too late to catch them after being sure they DIed that way.


Smash Lord
Jun 22, 2006
Herndon and Newport News, Virginia
so you dthrow, then charge the dsmash just barely to time it right?

or do you dsmash immediately pretty much

yeah I've done that dthrow to overb I didn't know if it was a fluke but I over b behind and I hit them even though they DIed in front. nice, I'll utilize it more. too bad its soo easy to get a strong DI after an over b


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2003
Close to Trenton, NJ Posts: 4,071
You usually don't have enough time to get enough of a charge on it to where it would start to do extra dmg/knockback, so generally just do it normally. The timing is strict for the d-smash to get the 3 options at once so it's much easier to time it without trying to charge by doing it literally about the frame just before they connect with the ground.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 4, 2005
Purdue, West Lafayette
Thanks for the ideas gentlemen.

Chaingrabbing looks fun, I'm gonna work on that one. Honestly, I'd always gone for an upthrow followed by an upair. I always tried to pick small stages so it would send him off stage for the most part.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 21, 2007
Eugene, Oregon
Omg, I hate Falco.
Seriously... I do.

A good Ganon will always have their luster tarnished by a good Falco. The reason? Falco slows you down.
He also forces you into defense.

For me, Its the match I hate the most because it makes me feel like i'm not playing the game.
If I can't run around in a barrage of madness and destruction, i'm not having fun.

So... ya gotta be defensive and smart... and I like playing offensive and dumb BAHAHA! @_@;'

The first thing I learned was this.

A good falco will crush your shield, so you can't light-shield lazers. You have to powershield the blaster shots.
Powershielding them is something you can learn easy, it becomes habit after a while.
It stops Falco from his forward momentum, and you can then attack him (you have to be VERY fast in order to do this, because after falco gets hit with his own blaster, he might freak out like somebody stabbed him in the neck (that freaks you out btw... @_@;")
your going to wan't to outprioritize his attack and do it faster than him (this attack will vary on distance. I say Thunderpunch(standing-A) or Nightmarelung(f-smash) good ol fist of death aka skull crusher aka F-air

Other than that, roll out of the freakin piller before you get launched, or grab him.

Best way to get good at Killing Falco is L-2-Chainthrow and combo off it. Techchasing which you learn L'ing-2-pwn-foxes, will help here.




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