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How do you practice advanced Weegy techniques?


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2011
texas. yeeha
Hey, relatively new to the smash scene, but i've grown fond of the modest mustachioed counterpart Luigi. Lately i've been trying to practice a few crucial advanced elements of Luigi's game, but to no real avail. Do any of you have a preference on how to practice luigi's WD CG, is there a specific cpu lvl i should be aiming for perhaps? Also, How the hell can you crazy kids hammer out the, what, 14 button presses for the full tornado rise? should i just start doing rigorous thumb exercise? And more of a side note, but when do you think is the most practical application of the ping? i love WD spot dodging to ping, best on predictable marths.


Banned via Warnings
Aug 15, 2010
Reno, Nevada
Hey, relatively new to the smash scene, but i've grown fond of the modest mustachioed counterpart Luigi. Lately i've been trying to practice a few crucial advanced elements of Luigi's game, but to no real avail. Do any of you have a preference on how to practice luigi's WD CG, is there a specific cpu lvl i should be aiming for perhaps? Also, How the hell can you crazy kids hammer out the, what, 14 button presses for the full tornado rise? should i just start doing rigorous thumb exercise? And more of a side note, but when do you think is the most practical application of the ping? i love WD spot dodging to ping, best on predictable marths.

Don't practice on cpus. Just practice by yourself to get your tech skill, then fight your friends. The cpus always DI the same way, and will always approach the same way, so much that you will not be learning anything. Also, the shoryuken(what you call ping) is not really a technique against any character in particular, its mainly a situational thing.

To learn more about luigi read the guides here, and watch as many pro videos as possible, preferably videos made from the past year.

Edit: as for the tornado, just figure out whatever way you can accurately press b the fastest. Personally I press it with my index and middle finger, but the thumb is more common.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2011
texas. yeeha
interesting button pressing approach, thanks for the advice. this is completely unrelated, but who do you think partners best with luigi in doubles? Watching alot of Gist's videos leads me to believe c falcon is a viable option, but i'm sure it all just comes down to preference i guess.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
Nobody gets 14 presses. Boss gets ~12 presses he says, but he mains doc/mario, though I hear his Luigi is beast.

You only need like 8 presses to get a good benefit, and 10 is pretty good, so just keep at it.

As for practice, do practice on CPUs, just don't keep practicing the same combos over and over so you don't get into bad habits. Comboing CPUs is REALLY important so you learn what moves will lead to other moves on certain DIs at certain percents, how to move as fast as possible during combos, and the ability to execute any move you need to on the fly on reaction to their DI. Level 1s tend to do no DI, but once in a while they DI randomly.

Hilariously enough, comboing fastfallers with Luigi is really similar to comboing players with Luigi a lot of the time. I've played plenty of good players who miss techs/DI on Luigi's stuff and let you do that nonsense you do to level 1s. If the players aren't that good, then it'll happen really often. After you get that stuff down so you can do it in your sleep, then you can start learning what to do if they actually DI/tech correctly by playing matches and experimenting, since hopefully you'll have a foundation of tech skill and feel for his moveset to work with by that point.

As for practicing the WD cg specifically, a trick Vist told me about is to go to training mode and set the CPU fox to evade.

Finally, the applications for up B that I find are practical are:

-punishes for sufficiently laggy moves.

Jiggs' rest, Marth's non tipper fsmash or Link's up B if you shield them, and Peach/Sheik's dash attacks on your shield are the most common ones I can think of. ESPECIALLY Peach's dash attack. It's her best ground move against your wavedash approaches, so often times you can bait this and really get her for it.

I've seen Pakman get Scar with up B oos when Scar kneed his shield, though Im not sure if that's supposed to work.

-punishing laggy recoveries. Most commonly used vs. Sheik, but you can also do this to Marth if you lightshield edgehog him. It also works in Luigi dittos if you grab the edge and they missile onstage instead.

I've gotten Vist with this plenty of times in tournament. Of course they can choose to not recover onstage, but then they risk getting edgehogged or hit by a ledgehop/ledge drop dair, etc.

-nair -> up b on platforms on Fox/Falco. When they have to land on a platform, usually the top one, if you read where they are going to tech you can do a rising nair through the platform. Time it so that it hits them weakly and it pops them up just a little bit, perfect for you to land and then do a grounded shoryuken. The aerial shoryuken is almost useless.

-techchasing. this happens most often when you get a WD ftilt that knocks them to the edge of the stage. If you just wait, or maybe do a little faking (WD in place, dash forward WD back, etc.) a lot of the time people will either tech roll or grounded roll towards you, in which case you can get them with up B. If you've ever seen Jiggs players bait rests this way on techrolls towards them, it's like that.

Or, if you get enough momentum with your WD ftilt, you might even slide to where they land and get to up B their missed tech, as in that Pakman vs. Jman match.


You can work it in on the fly in random situations too, like this maybe:


Or this:



Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
here is how you practice luigi:

The WD-CG is not something that you need to practice on your own as a unit, per se. It is best to just practice wavedashing various distances to the point that you are capable of sliding the distance you want to slide. Then/also, when you are playing against other people, practice your WD-grabs, and you will quickly find that you can wd-cg.

As far as the mashing of down+b goes, there are lots of ways to practice it but the main thing is this: if you want to get really good at it it will require a lot of time and a lot of physical pain, achy joints, strained ligaments, and you may even pull a muscle or two over the course of learning. Basically there's a way you can flex your whole arm, with your elbow bent and your hand as close as possible to the center of your torso, so that your hand "shakes" in a cyclical and controlled manner which will allow you to press B extremely quickly. The first few times I did this I thought I had broken at least one rib and had this terrible ache down the center of my ribcage for like a week. Over time though I've gotten much stronger, I can move my whole arm, whole hand, or any individual finger in isolate (eye-so-lit, not eye-so-layt) with ease and speed, and I can make some crazy ****ing recoveries with luigi that you have never seen in your life.

When I was first learning, I realized that whole-side-of-body-arm-flexing method could be practiced pretty much anywhere at any time. I'd be cashiering and typing in produce codes with my left hand while I practiced shaking my right hand as quickly as possible behind the counter.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2011
texas. yeeha
Ah, very useful information Winston, I thank you kindly sir. As for your luigi, gooooood ****, nothing like a flashy shroyuken to put sheik in her place. i wish i had someone in texas to ditto weegy with, he's too fun. But yeah, much appreciated, i'll get on that CG practice and start doing thumb steroids or some **** to perfect that tornado. weegy 4 life.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
Honestly the thumb is the least important part. When I mash down-b in friendlies it's mostly in my wrist but when I'm trying to do a super seriously serious recovery I feel a lot of strain in my right pec and shoulder area and a tremendous pressure in my elbow. my thumbz is mad loose yo


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2011
texas. yeeha
here is how you practice luigi:

The WD-CG is not something that you need to practice on your own as a unit, per se. It is best to just practice wavedashing various distances to the point that you are capable of sliding the distance you want to slide. Then/also, when you are playing against other people, practice your WD-grabs, and you will quickly find that you can wd-cg.

As far as the mashing of down+b goes, there are lots of ways to practice it but the main thing is this: if you want to get really good at it it will require a lot of time and a lot of physical pain, achy joints, strained ligaments, and you may even pull a muscle or two over the course of learning. Basically there's a way you can flex your whole arm, with your elbow bent and your hand as close as possible to the center of your torso, so that your hand "shakes" in a cyclical and controlled manner which will allow you to press B extremely quickly. The first few times I did this I thought I had broken at least one rib and had this terrible ache down the center of my ribcage for like a week. Over time though I've gotten much stronger, I can move my whole arm, whole hand, or any individual finger in isolate (eye-so-lit, not eye-so-layt) with ease and speed, and I can make some crazy ****ing recoveries with luigi that you have never seen in your life.

When I was first learning, I realized that whole-side-of-body-arm-flexing method could be practiced pretty much anywhere at any time. I'd be cashiering and typing in produce codes with my left hand while I practiced shaking my right hand as quickly as possible behind the counter.

hahahha, so all i have to do for a good luigi is put myself through strenuous torture and possibly break a rib or two? i'm game. While i'm at it, i'm going to have my friend beat on me with an aluminum bat whilst i practice the CGs, you know for good measure. I think in order to play luigi to his fullest you must fully understand the unfathomable pains of physical beatings and a profound sense of ineptitude in the face of a chubbier sibling.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2009
On top
Also for mashing b, i find it helps if i do a missile, then start mashing b while in the lag. The extra start-up helps get in an extra button press or two, so you could practice that way. Any move with lag really will work, though the missile is the most useful.

They covered everything else rather well, but you should try to use the computer on evade in training mode for the full wd CG, idk if anyone said that


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Actually practicing cg'ing level 1 spacies can be very beneficial to your game. They often full di away/behind iirc.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
mashing V+B out of the missile is good and helps you get better overall rise, but also practice SH-tornados, ledge drop tornados, wd-super tornado off platforms etc etc cause there will be times when you need the tornado to recover and you won't have the opportunity to use a missile. Otherwise you just awkwardly fall to your death, happens a lot to luigis who are a lot better than me overall.

btw thoraxe is your avatar a picture of luigi smoking a fatty?


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
I can't think of any times when you'd want to do any of that stuff you just said. LOL
YOU can't think of times I would want to do things that I said? Well that's cause you've never seen my style of play. and the one video I have on youtube does not count. I've seen all your videos... countless times you fall and die like a ****** when you could have cyclone'd back to the ledge.

If only you undertook the travails of the STRETCHNUTZ TRAINING METHOD.

But really I don't use those things in combat. Like maybe I'll try an aerial rising down-b gimp if we're both flying at the perfect altitude. I've pulled it off once before, not overly practical but it has its place and maaaaaad flashy yo. It's all technique practice, not necessarily plotting out gimmicky armageddon.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2011
texas. yeeha
btw thoraxe is your avatar a picture of luigi smoking a fatty?
only the fattest of fatties, because, lets face it. Every true smasher dabbles a little in the ganja, uknowhadimean?
but yeah the only impractical advice stretch nutz gave was the WD to ledge super tornado, as bad *** as it is, i can think of only one application... that being the unseen WD to edge super tornado leading to either a spike or just a funny **** block onto stage, either way, you gotta consider all options, and knowing every application definitely can't hurt. go smoke a fatty Winston, then play more weegy, cuz hes the bomb.com.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2011
texas. yeeha
oh shi- the gentlemanly Falcon? I hope you're trying to best him with weegy, that match up is hella hard for me, it seems weegy is always flying the perfect distance away for justice to be served. served f*cking cold. Better power up beforehand if you know what i mean, i'm not saying pot is a performance enhancing drug, but at the very least, it makes the game 4 times more enjoyable. my hats off to you two, you know how it do > gangsterface.jpg


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
But really I don't use those things in combat. Like maybe I'll try an aerial rising down-b gimp if we're both flying at the perfect altitude. I've pulled it off once before, not overly practical but it has its place and maaaaaad flashy yo. It's all technique practice, not necessarily plotting out gimmicky armageddon.
yeah that's pretty much all I was saying, that I don't see any uses for them during combat. If it's a training method then sure, but it'd be cool if you explained why doing a bunch of weird stuff helps you practice the most linear tech skill activity in the game (pressing a button quickly) better than just, you know, pressing the button. I'm obviously not an expert at tornadoing, so you could explain the secrets of your training method rather than calling me a ******...


Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2009
On top
*sigh* dont listen to stretch until he goes to a tournament and does something lol, just put your anti-troll glasses on his posts will disappear. *goes to invent anti-troll glasses cause that sounds awesome*


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
*sigh* dont listen to stretch until he goes to a tournament and does something lol, just put your anti-troll glasses on his posts will disappear. *goes to invent anti-troll glasses cause that sounds awesome*
lawl. aight homes. I've discovered mad **** about this game. What have you done?
Basically I'm not a troll... you're just a ******* with no vision. maybe your glasses will help you.

Winston: it helps by improving the ability to transition from some other action to rapidly mashing down-b. Like if you are getting fair'd by sheik at 35% and you're below the stage with no jump, down-b is the only thing that will save you but only if you're really good at suddenly mashing it after DIing the edgeguard.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Level 1 spacies almost never DI full behind... like seriously almost never...
Well, they do it literally every time when you dthrow them as ganon. With luigi I couldn't remember which direction they di'd but I knew it was either full away or full behind, so I said away/behind.



Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2011
texas. yeeha
Alright, so i tried practicing breaking my rib cage with violent upper body shaking with most of the tension in my pec, bicep, and elbow, and i have trouble keeping my thumb and hand loose.... then i tried varying it with double thumb variation to no avail... so i was wondering if any of you can maybe throw a video or diagram my way on the proper technique for mashing down b, i need this for my weegy game!
Any help has been/will be highly appreciated, thnx.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
I'll try to get a video soon, but there is no one right way. Axe does some weird **** with his thumb and forefinger when he mashes A when he's trying to do the axe effect, OkamiBW just violently gyrates his hand over the controller and somehow mashes b, I just push that ****er over and over super fast with my thumb. So you may totally ignore my advice and find the way that best works for you. as long as you pick a way, stick with it, and practice it, you will get good no matter how anyone else does it.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I just mash the B button really fast and get the max rise. Yay for SMO.

Also, Stretch is a troll. A smart one who has actually discovered stuff about smash, but a troll nonetheless.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
Stretch is a troll.

He's also far worse than he tries to make himself out to be but he still really isn't bad. Just inexperienced.



Smash Journeyman
Sep 2, 2009
On top
'tis as i thought :D lol but im not too great either so whatever


Smash Apprentice
Feb 1, 2010
St. Pete, Florida
I learned Luigi by diligent practice. Practice practice practice practice. Wavedashing - Go on FD with 2 controllers and just go back and forth until you can go across without messing up. I'm still bad, but still, whatever you want to work on, just pick up a friend and fight em. No better way.

In other words, summing up what was already said. XD.

Have Fun

Blea Gelo

Smash Lord
Mar 25, 2008
Miami, FL
practice your advanced techniques in practice mode, or freeforall mode wif a 2nd controller. after you do all the advanced techniques automatically/natural and feel them like part of the moveset that comes with the game, practice them in friendly matches. it feels completely different doing them in practice mode, and doing them u vs human. but it will deff boost u when u learn all the AT in practice mode, i did it that way and worked out pretty well.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
I practice misfires occasionally, but when I don't, I try to do basics. :D

Try a couple wavelanding manuvers.

WL ---> aerial ---->WL ----> etc

Also, practice other things like double aerials, perfect wavelands (you wont hear the high pitch jump sound) and basic control. From what I understand, weegee has an odd rhythm, a slight pause in his jump, and rapid aerial speed. Try to learn control first, because once you master Luigi's control and sliding, you can generally get better at the strategy that comes with it. The wavedash/land is good spacing techniques.

Regarding the copter, I have developed a stance whenever I have to recover as such. Since all I have to do is just think about coptering, I hold the controller tight in my left hand, using my left thumb to hold the direction I wanna copter (you can hold the southwest, south, and southeast directions and still copter of course) and then use my index and thumb to spam the button. I can do around 10 feasably. No one ever gets the 14. lol
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