I don't think playing a passive brawl Olimar is the way to go in PM, the games to fast. How I've been playing him is very aggressive, and most of my combos have me throwing pikmin after Fairs and nairs. Also pikmin management is key to kills for those saying he is too weak, but I do agree he is somewhat weak, many of my kills are off stage for now. My flow chart is sort of like this stage carry combos> try and get kill off stage with Fairs, Bairs or meteor smashes if I can't kill on stages with Blue pikmin grab or purple. Also using the white pikmin right is helpful, don't just throw and let it blow up, mix it up, what I do is throw let it get damage on the person and call it back before its killed or blows up (It's nice to have it for the flower so I try hard to at least have one white because it serves a ton of purposes). Once I get everything down I might type a guide or something after I go to locals and see how olimar fairs.
Many of the people complaining aren't good with Pikmin management or are playing the game like its brawl. I don't think Olimar is that bad as people are saying on the tier charts.
Many of the people complaining aren't good with Pikmin management or are playing the game like its brawl. I don't think Olimar is that bad as people are saying on the tier charts.