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How do you edgegaurd with sheik?


Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2007
This question is really twofold.

What do you do while they're out on either side of the stage?

I personally hang on the ledge, drop down and, depending on whether they're below me or above me, use my second jump, then bair.

If they're close and below the stage, I'll run off the stage and fair them.

If my needles are fully charged, i might throw some of those too.

(and no, i don't like switching to zelda.)

Against some characters, namely those with irritating recoveries and/or projectiles (samus, for example) it is especially difficult to kill them from the ledge... which leads to my second question

What do you do while they're on the ledge?

I like to stand sorta far away (pretty close to half of the stage on battlefield) and wait to see what they're going to do (sometimes while charging needles)

I'll generally try to predict what they're going to do (full jump, drop and 2nd jump onto stage with an aerial or something, roll, stand, etc) and punish accordingly.

I just feel like there's a lot more potential for punishment.

So yeah, what are your edgeguarding techniques?


Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
For edgeguarding:

My favorite technique is to run off and fair them, then double jump into a Nair.
Glide Vanishing is awesome, though rarely effective.
Ledge-drop Bair is pretty good.
Tether-Hogging is the best way to hog-gimp.

For ledge-protecting:

I like to stand a small ways back and start charging a downsmash. If they get up, roll, drop-hop, or jump, they will likely be hit by it. And it should clink with get-up attacks if they do that.


Crappy Imitation
Feb 11, 2008
Doing Tricks in a Mansion Location: Tokyo, JP
Are the needles really as good at ledge guarding as there were in brawl? [with the reduced hitstun and whatnot] I've always though it wasn't very effective, but I'd like to get a more experienced player's feedback on that statement. Also, I agree with wildfire for the edge guarding, in my opinion they're all solid ways to edgeguard.

For ledge protecting I usually start going toward the edge, but when I'm about two character lengths away I will short hop back a little and repeat. It's kind of like a bait in my opinion, but it doesn't have to be used as one. I just feel I have a bit of versatility in regards to reacting to one of the many ways my opponent can get back on the level.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
champ edgehogging: jump and throw needles if they are recovering low, fast fall edgehog and ledge hop nair

choknater edgehogging: throw ground needles straight toward them to try to hit them as they fall, chain hog to fast ledge hop bair


Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2007
I guess i'm of the choknater fold when it comes to edgehogging.
Why do you use the chain? Does it help with stalling so you time your invincibility frames better?

I want to try the champ method too.

What about ... ledge protecting, i think the term was?
Or perhaps you wouldn't get people who stay on the ledge long enough for you to get in a good position or really think about what you're going to do?


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
i chain because i can get off the ledge with no lag faster than just normal hogging, reminiscent of melee

it's risky if they're recovering too close. if i can't get off a safe chain for fear of getting hit, i can just normal fast fall edge hog


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
I edgeguard with no needles. If they're recovering from above, fair. From below, bairs and nairs. Depending on whether my foe has a slow/predictable recovery, I can get uair/dair stagespikes as well. There are a few horizontal recoveries, like Falco's. I just time a nair or bair on that. Aerial>chain>drop aerial>chain>repeat.

If my foe has the ledge, the safest option is to just charge needles from a distance and shoot when they try to get up. It frustrates the opponent, but doesn't work very well on ledge jumps. So if I think my foe will do that, I just use nair on the empty space above the ledge.


Smash Lord
Nov 12, 2007
What do you call it when you fast fall/hold down so that you don't grab the ledge on purpose?

Anyway, I like to fast fall fall off the stage then double jump vanish so that the explosion appears right at the point of the ledge. It catches lots of people right at the place they're aiming for.

If I'm under 100% and they're sent high, ledge jump, double jump bair, chain recover, repeat. I like to edge guard with bairs or uairs if they're recovering high.

If they hit me instead of air dodging back to the stage, I start jumping up there with Vanishes.

Sometimes I'll try just spacing a short hopped chain near the ledge to rack up damage, especially if they have a bad get up habit.

If they waste their double jumps, I just throw some needles at them and edge hog when they're forced to sweetspot.

I'll get the odd WOPish fair gimp off every once in a while when someone gets caught being dumb and jumps back into it. Fair fair, double jump fair fair.


Smash Journeyman
May 30, 2008
Irvine, CA
Vanish glide > Grab Ledge > Ledgedrop > Bair

Needle > Nair > Fair > Fair

Chain > Grab Ledge

Depends on the situation.

PK Webb

Smash Champion
Dec 24, 2007
the lab
Run off the stage and use two fairs then grab the ledge. If they survive i just use bair from the ledge
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