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How do i fight snake

Mac Dre

Smash Cadet
May 18, 2008
he has me beat on range and when i get in the air im beat idk what to do any advice?


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
If the does the boost smash pivot grab him. and when he's recovering you have two options, Fair spike, or you can grab him, chew then let him release himself from your grab and he won't get to recover again.

Oh, and eggs explode nades so he won't use those too much if you blow them up every time. Snake's one of the easier times I have when fighting people, as long as you watch out for the tremendously overpowered Utilt


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Not only that, put be careful against the F tilt. It outprioritizes alot of moves that yoshi has, or they just shield then counter with it. Keep your distance when they are on the ground. If they get close (boost smash), pivot grab to avoid the quick hits. If you have them in the air, then that's where you need to take advantage, just don't go reckless doing it.


Smash Master
Oct 31, 2007
Syracuse, NY
Spacing is veeeeeeery important in this match-up. Control the pace with ETS', pivot grab when he dash attacks or boost smashes, and be very careful with what you do in the air. He's got you beat when you're above him, your uair should beat his dair, and stay away from his nair (it does 22 damage =$) He's heavy, so you should be able to get a few small combos in at low damages, but again be careful.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Smart use of eggs here can really help. If you notice a pattern in his grenade throwing, punish him. Throw an egg so that they both detonate in front of him. If you do this intelligently, you can stop the Snake from prolonged grenade spamming.
Do not try to use eggs to hit the Nikita, though. It can't get destroyed.

What I find odd is that your down b can outprioritize the mortar, his up tilt can hit you out of it. :ohwell:

When he is recovering, you can do lethal things to him. If he is ever within range, which is not likely, you have 3 options.
1. Eat the cypher.
2. Dair him. The flutter kicks will hold him into place when he is holding it.
3. Throw an egg. You should only throw an egg if he is within the egg's range and has to use the cypher to get to an edge. You can rack up a moderate amount of damage this way.

If you are tryimg to KO him, use your horizontal kill moves. His fall speed and weight makes his vertical launch resistance second only to King Dedede. Don't expect to do so until he's at about 130%.

I suggest trying to force Snake in the air so you don't have to deal with the tilts.

You are at a disadvantage, but don't give up hope. Good Luck.

I'm sure Rusty or Shiri will contribute to this eventually.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Oh, from what I've learned snake get's his cypher back if you cause damage to him. So if you do get the chance to eat him in his cypher DO NOT chew him, just let him release himself without causing any damage to him and he'll just fall, embarassing to die that way fun to kill that way. Most of my snake kills come from either the Uair (at about 140%, more than the usual Uair kill) or the Fair spike which is the funnest in my opinion.

As far as the nikita goes, RAR it as long as you're causing damage to it it won't detonate on you unless he stops controlling it and it lands at you're feet but if you not on the ground it shouldn't hurt you.

the Boost smash is useless in this fight for snake (probably the only matchup it is) if you pivot grab, So watch out for his ridiculous Ftilt and Utilt and you should be solid.

doom dragon 105

Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2006
Bair to up tilt nice combo starter espesially with snake all his air's have lag so u can eaisly combo from there


Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2008
Cicero, IL
For killing, wouldn't a d-smash into an edgeguard work pretty well? He falls decently fast and his recovery is easily spiked. The low-angle knockback on d-smash sends him into a bad position against Yoshi's edge game.


Smash Champion
Feb 26, 2008
Orlando (UCF)
Hmmm, Never thought of that. I've basically given up on the Dsmash as a killing move since Nair kills earlier, but come to think of it against heavies it would be good for getting someone off of the edge for yoshi's edgeguard game.


Smash Chump
Nov 7, 2004
:yoshi: Just make sure to space the forward air properly, especially if you're coming from above.

If you don't space correctly, you'll have a high chance of meeting with the Cipher too early and you'll collide with it. If you get hit by the Cipher, it will hit you (obviously), but the important thing to remember is that when you get hit, the attack you were winding up when you get hit stops. In short, if you space wrong or start the forward air too late, Cipher will stop the move, Snake will keep rising, you won't have enough time to forward air again, and Snake will most likely take care of your double jump with a back air.

That being said, try to forward air from the sides or the bottom, if at all possible. You can still do it from the top, but the spacing and timing are quite hard to pin down if you're not used to the new forward air timing and spacing yet. I know it took me a good two weeks to get hitting Snake down, not even counting getting the timing for the new move down.

On this note, if you manage to forward air Snake out of his Cipher, grab the ledge and do not let go. You should only really let go under the following circumstances: 1] Snake lets go of his Cipher and has no conceivable way of reaching the ledge (mostly form below) and you see that the Cipher will hit you, 2] Snake's Cipher recovery will allow him to get not only to the ledge, but also onto the stage--Yoshi's off-the-ledge game is not good at all (yet) and you don't want to risk too much, 3] Snake's Cipher will almost juuuuuuust barely get him to the ledge but he still won't grab it--you don't want to be in this position...even though Snake will fall, he still has two options...he can perform an up air, which will likely take you out with him (unless you've learned to tech, which is unforgivably hard), or he can use his C4 explosives to boost himself up to the stage (which can knock you off-balance with dead weight and then he can proceed to perform safe high-priority aerials while falling).

I know the above sounds extremely arbitrary and a little confusing, but you should just use your best judgment. Don't let go unless you'll get KO'd or Snake has no chance of getting back period.
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