In my mind winning a tournament as fox vs low tier characters is no different. As said before fox is not invincible, look at the mlg scene, does everyone play fox? Heck no, look at mlg Long Island, Bum was owning foxes and falcons alike, as Dk! This was M2K and Isai and other pros! The tiers are merely a rough guidline, mostly based on popularity. If more people play fox, more foxes win tourneys, thats what the tiers are based on, and more people help each other and give each other advice to improve the fox community making him the best. I don't see people complaining about sheik now, even though in the past shiek was top tier, now that she is less popular and has dropped down a few people don't see her as cheap. Fox is difficult to learn, fox mains are by no means taking the easy path, he requires a great deal of tech skill, quick thinking, and intelligent play to use. My friends complain about the shine constantly, but where they to try to use it they couldn't do squat with it, you can't just throw it out there, you need to use it intelligently and in conjunction with l-canceling attacking and movement techniques. People complain about fox because they don't want to put in the time to use him, and his popularity lends it's self to an excuse for losing to him, even if other characters may have all of the potential he does. For every combo fox has, there an equal number of combos that he specificly gets owned by. I have put a great deal of time into my fox and there is nothing on my conscience at all when it pays off.