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horizontal v vertical comboing


Apr 10, 2008
As you know, Olimar is a beast in the combo department. Most of his grab combos use the following attacks: fair, upair, fsmash, upsmash, nair, and sometimes dtilt and uptilt. They can extend horizontally with fsmash and fair, and extend upwards via upsmashes, upairs, and nairs and such- usually ending with an upb.

How do you decide whether to combo across the ground or into the air? When do you use that fair instead of upair? How about an fsmash instead of upsmash? Use this thread to discuss these kind of questions.

When you're comboing an opponent at low percentages, you should generally try to combo horizontally. Right before they get out of your running grab reach, you should start to use your upsmashes and upairs. What this does is help add variety to your gameplay, spreading out the diminising returns on all of your attacks at the same time. If you just dthrow>upsmash after every grab, you're diminishing one of your best kill moves. You're not adding any variety, and you become much more predictable.

Example: Wolf
You've got a chaingrab on him. You can dthrow about 3-4x before he can escape.
After you grab him, what do you do? Do you dthrow 4 times and then fsmash, hoping to get another grab in? Or are you a safe comboer and after the third dthrow, you upsmash>upair>upb.

Whichever path you take, you need to be sure to get him into the air. If you end your string on the ground, you're not helping yourself. Take advantage of your great aerial defense and put your opponent in the air.

You know what to do from there. ;)


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
0.o Apparently I missed a lot since I stopped playing Olimar. I didn't know he had any chain-grabs...

Good points, though. Especially about adding variety and spreading the diminising returns. When a character had true "combos", it's easy to get stuck into pulling them off exactly the same way every time. (I should know, I'm a Falco main, lol...). Anything that can be predicted can be punished, though, so it's critical to be able to change up your game just like you suggested.


Smash Lord
May 6, 2007
Hmm i'm almost compelled to say you wrote this for me xD

As far as CG goes, i haven't been able to find any detailed descriptions in any of the guides, haven't checked the CG Guide in the tactical discussion yet, but does anyone have a detailed guide for CG for olimar? I'd like to know, if anyone has this information, who I can cg at what percents and how many times for dthrow. Maybe we should have this posted on Olimar boardsl even angel didn't know oli had chain grabs ^_^

And I never really considered any of the points DanGR makes. I usually just go for the horizontal combos or just the vertical. I usually don't try to mix them both into 1 that often; will take this into consideration =]


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2008
Dallas, TX
I've got some time over the next few days, want me to test it out and post the results?


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2007
-doesn't read thread-

Kill upwards with upsmash, sideways with dsmash.
Before this, land a canceled nair.
Do it.
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