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Hints at Future Characters in the Simon and K Rool Trailers: (Isaac, Skull Kid, Medusa, Karate Joe)


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2015
Hello Smash Fans!

Big Disclaimer: This all just speculation and it's mostly for fun to keep me busy until Ultimate comes out. So please forgive me if it sounds like I'm presenting this as hard evidence. Obviously I know nothing. I do think there are at least references in these trailers whether they mean anything I can't say. Anyways, I had fun looking into all this and hopefully you have fun reading what I found.

Note: I can't seem to post the actual pictures so I had to just post the links to where I uploaded them on imgur, if someone knows how to fix this please let me know

I'll get right down to it. I think there are hints at upcoming characters in the cinematics for Simon and K Rool. Yesterday Game explain posted this video on their youtube channel:
It shows that in the beginning of the K Rool trailer cinematic there is a reference to rhythm heaven, here is a quick picture: https://imgur.com/3PVdt93
presumably this hints at some sort of representation of Rhythm Heaven in Ultimate and specifically points towards Karate Joe

That got me thinking. Are there other hints in the cinematics? I head to the end of the K Rool trailer and....https://imgur.com/jtgGgNk
a big fat Golden Sun. Edit: Furthermore, Golden Sun even appears after K Rool fires his beam, and in the explosion of DK's mountain there is air, water, earth and fire all present, followed by the glow of the golden sun over DK and K Rool before their final clash.

Then I went over to the Simon Belmont trailer and found some more hints. We all saw the statue of Medusa: https://imgur.com/J5UkHj3
but there is more. There is a large number of mummies and then there is Death. Might we think of this as the Underworld Army of which Medusa is the leader? The Greek god of death is Thanatos. In Kid Icarus, Thanatos is Medusa's second in command. Even more interesting is that Death/Thanatos rips out Luigi's soul.

He seems pretty excited to have stolen a soul, what is he going to do with it? Well I went over to the Kid Icarus wiki and found this:

and this: https://imgur.com/d55yz4I

So this little cinematic seems to be chock full of references to Medusa and specifically of references to her resurrection which hopefully (in my opinion) points to her being a playable character.

Lastly I looked at the cinematic at the end of the Simon Belmont trailer and there are clues here as well. Luigi is dead and his ghost is spooked by this creepy mask: https://imgur.com/5at4IQg
immediately after Luigi screams the trailer cuts to this shot of a giant moon: https://imgur.com/LDHYSOo

Creepy Mask + Giant Moon absolutely screams Skull Kid, not only that but there is a big fan theory that Majora's mask is a game in which Link is actually dead the whole time. So it's even more of a hint that the mask and the moon haunt Luigi after he dies.

Now you could argue that all of this is a bunch of coincidences but I doubt it. Nintendo seems to be fully aware of all of the hype and speculation and they seem to be managing it well. Presumably they knew that Simon Belmont had been leaked and they still managed to surprise us with Richter They had to know that Ike and Samus' costumes in the E3 demo and hiding Robin's final smash would hint at Dark Samus and Chrom and in the recent direct they said "You might have seen these two coming" and finally King Dedede's prank at the beginning of K Rool's trailer is basically outright telling us that Sakurai is aware of the fans and their anticipation of Smash (Sakurai voices Dedede in the smash games, I didn't know that until recently). All this is to say that I think it's highly unlikely that Sakurai would put out trailers with such blatant references to these other characters for no reason or by coincidence. Since Sakurai has control over everything that goes into these cinematics everything is a choice and nothing is an accident. I think this has real potential so I'd like to hear other peoples thoughts, if you notice any other hints let us all know!
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Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
It would be absolutely crazy if these were truly intentional to hint at these characters' inclusion. I'm trying not to get my hopes up for this kind of depth of observation in the trailers, but if it means Isaac is in as a new fighter, I want to believe!


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
Link is not dead in Majora's mask the deku flower stoped his fall, if its does it in game it does it in cutscenes


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2015
Link is not dead in Majora's mask the deku flower stoped his fall, if its does it in game it does it in cutscenes
Ok well I personally disagree and I think he's dead but I still think the game is about death in a lot of ways. Certainly Link meets a lot of other dead people or people who die in the game. So regardless if Link is literally dead or not I think Luigi's ghost being spooked by the mask and the moon is a reference


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2014
Ok well I personally disagree and I think he's dead but I still think the game is about death in a lot of ways. Certainly Link meets a lot of other dead people or people who die in the game. So regardless if Link is literally dead or not I think Luigi's ghost being spooked by the mask and the moon is a reference
Actually, Twilight Princess confirms that Link (Majora's Mask) did not die in that game. The Link you play as in TP is a direct descendant by blood to the Hero of Time.

I do agree that Majora's Mask definitely revolves around death. Especially the 5 stages of grief are very present in the game. However, thanks to TP, I see it as Link (Hero of Time) was facing Death in the eyes at the end and then was like, "Nope! Not today!" and kicked Death a new one.

Man, I love Majora's Mask!
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Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2015
Actually, Twilight Princess confirms that Link (Majora's Mask) did not die in that game. The Link you play as in TP is a direct descendant by blood to the Hero of Time.

I do agree that Majora's Mask definitely revolves around death. Especially the 5 stages of grief are very present in the game. However, thanks to TP, I see it as Link (Hero of Time) was facing Death in the eyes at the end and then was like, "Nope! Not today!" and kicked Death a new one.

Man, I love Majora's Mask!
Yea I Love it too, I would play so much skull kid if He Gets in.


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
I think we've found Ultimate's answer to "Pac-Man is in the clouds."

It's fun to speculate and I'm in no way trying to rain on anyone's parade, but I don't think any of these theories hold any way.

For example, having the sun in the sky hold no relation to Isaac. He isn't the sun, he doesn't own the sun, he's just from a series with sun in the title. And if anything, K Rool vs the Kongs in front of the setting sun is a nod to the silhouette levels in the newer Country titles.


Smash Champion
May 10, 2008
Gotta agree with macdaddy and praline, about the only one you “could” possibly argue for might be the rhythm heaven one as dk’s pose and his tv are pretty damn close. All the others are really really out there. DK games almost always like to use a sunset design for something in games as it conveys that “tropical island” feel better, it’s strictly an aesthetic choice for the whole island theme, nothing more, nothing less.

The Dracula castle one was really reaching, it was nothing more than an interesting way to show off Belmont and his stage and the mechanics of it. There’s really no hidden meaning there hinting at skull kid or Medusa.

Now one thing that COULD have been hinting at skull kid was the moon assist trophy, the absence of the skull kid himself controlling it and him nowhere to be found anywhere else could be a big hint at his inclusion. The only issue with this is that...the crashing moon seems like a better final smash for him than just an AT, so what could his FS be?


Smash Lord
Apr 24, 2015
Now one thing that COULD have been hinting at skull kid was the moon assist trophy, the absence of the skull kid himself controlling it and him nowhere to be found anywhere else could be a big hint at his inclusion. The only issue with this is that...the crashing moon seems like a better final smash for him than just an AT, so what could his FS be?
We could have a Riki situation in which he's part of the Final Smash and Assist Trophy.


Smash Ace
Jun 15, 2018
Switch FC
The only one of these theories I personally think "could" hold some weight is Karate Joe, and even then I think that DK's pose is an extremely generic lazy pose used in a lot of media, so it could be a massive coincidence.

Isaac is not only grasping at straws, but clutching them tightly to your chest - As much as I want to see Isaac, I know how dangerous it can be to look for hints that simply aren't there. If these do come to pass, kudos to you for spotting them, but I just don't feel it myself.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I actually laughed at the Isaac one even though I semi support the guy.

The sun is golden...because that's the colour the sun is. I don't think there's more to it than that.

That element part is next level though. If this was parody, I'd applaud you.
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Deleted member

I do believe Skull Kid is very likely, but i doubt that this would hint to it, it's more so the Moon being present without him and the Mother 2 enemy placing one of the effects he did, those are all outside the trailers however, as was the hint at Dark Samus and Chrom.

Plus i don't believe they would do this in trailers focused on a completely different character and franchise.

Even the one time we got a hint, it was Dark Pit in Palu's trailer who we saw upfront before we knew his role.

It's good to believe and be hopeful, but looking too hard isn't a good idea.

This reminds me too much of the "Ridley in the Clouds" thing back in Brawl.
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Smash Master
Nov 19, 2011
New Hampshire
I want Isaac in as much as the next guy, but like everyone else said, I think alot of these "hints" is grasping at straws. There's nothing about that sunset that really puts it apart from any other sunset really. And while I'm talking about the sun, I should also add that the moon being behind the castle at the end of Simon's is nothing special either and I think is generally in a good chunk of Castlevania imagery.

Also, the reason Medusa and all those undead enemies showed up in Simon's trailer is because, well, those enemies actually are in Castlevania. SOme of those undead monsters don't even show up Kid Icarus, like the mummy I believe.

There might be something with the Karate Joe/Rhythm Heaven one though. The pose could just be a coincidence and could just be a typical lazy pose, but the TV does look similar to the TV in that Karate Joe pic.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 11, 2008
This is all a huge stretch. When looking for hints, focus on things that actually appear (or don't appear) in the game. The presence of the moon and the sun in trailers aren't hints; they're just background elements meant to set the scene.

Here are examples of actual hints we could look for:

-Dark Samus' assist trophy is nowhere to be found and Samus lost her Dark Samus palette swap. (Oh look, that came true!)
-Skull Kid's assist trophy is also missing, and the Moon serves as new Majora's Mask representation. Where is Skull Kid?
-Shadow's assist trophy hasn't been seen yet, although we've seen Knuckles multiple times. Again, where is Shadow?
-(This one is a bit more of a stretch.) Chef Kawasaki is a new assist trophy for the Kirby series, joining Knuckle Joe (and Nightmare if he comes back). Bandana Dee would've been a good, albeit painful, pick for a new Kirby assist trophy what with his popularity and spear. I personally can't see another new assist trophy for Kirby, so where's Bandana Dee?

Again, focus on big things like the presence of absence of in-game content, rather than minute details that only connect if you're trying to reach a certain conclusion.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
Only ones to grasp is karate joe And skull kid

Karate joe that pose matches his and isn't it too coincidental for the tv to look exactly the same

Skull kid no need for hints

K rool proves the theory right on ballot was used for newcomers in smash ultimate and skull kid probably got pretty high

The loz18 "heroes vs villian" speculation is looking more than good and skull kid is a villian

He survive the assist onslaught twice with Isabelle and vergeben saids Isabelle is a playable and loz18 (more reliable) he said skull kid might be playable

But for the biggest key the iconic moon is a assist trophy and you can't find skull kid involved in anyway so maybe the moon is taking skull kids place


Smash Lord
Apr 9, 2014
Behind you.
Actually, Twilight Princess confirms that Link (Majora's Mask) did not die in that game. The Link you play as in TP is a direct descendant by blood to the Hero of Time.

I do agree that Majora's Mask definitely revolves around death. Especially the 5 stages of grief are very present in the game. However, thanks to TP, I see it as Link (Hero of Time) was facing Death in the eyes at the end and then was like, "Nope! Not today!" and kicked Death a new one.

Man, I love Majora's Mask!
Well said,

Death and letting go is big a theme of Majora's Mask yes, Maybe it’s was tell link to let go of Navi, maybe Navi died at the end of OOT, like how charlotte, from charlotte's web, climbs up a support beam before she dies. Navi fly’s away to go rest
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Smash Lord
Nov 15, 2014
Rock Hill, SC
Switch FC
One of the things I noticed about the Rivals trailer is that All of the people shown are Veterans. Mario, Link, Fox, Kirby, and Samus... The funny thing is that Samus got a newcomer and an echo rival. Now the only two other people who haven't gotten anything yet is Ness and Falcon... So I'm suspecting that we may get to see Porky and Deathborn be newcomers (mind you that Deathborn was a trophy in SSB4 and had his GX Lore, which is why I'm assuming he may be put in) and Claus and Black Shadow as the echoes. If this is true, then we might also see some of the Spirits mode as well, as I assume it's a story mode where you have to build your roster up from a select few.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Honestly, if Skull Kid is playable, I will flip the f*** out. I expect either Impa or Link switchable with his wolf form. Also, I don't think we've seen Skull Kid in the Smash Ultimate direct.


Making Super Smash Bros a more beautiful world!
Jul 22, 2013
Oh its true! Saw that statue and thought omg Medusa is coming soon.. Then I saw the assist trophies and asked one question.. "where is Skull Kid?"

I really believe Medusa and Skull Kid will be upcoming newcomers, Im actually hyped to see them revealed because Im confedent these two will be new fighters added.

That sunset is interesting, never thought of it as a hint towards Isaac.. I hope they add Felix too as a echo like they did with Belmont.

Iko MattOrr

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2014
Given that I don't believe those hints are true, the sun scene might also be a reference to Shadow IMO: Sonic and Shadow fighting with the moon in the background is a very iconic scene, and it's similar to this one (except there is the sun instead).

Anyway, the Karate Joe scene is suspiciously identical, but it's still a bit of a stretch... maybe they took inspiration from the same source? I don't know but even though the 2 scenes match very well, it still seems a bit strange that they would hint different characters into another character's trailer.
But, it's Gamexplain, and... I dunno, they predicted the return of Adeleine in Kirby Star Allies way before the playable characters feature was announced for that game, so maybe they have more informations than us (they probably already know all the characters, just like many other "journalists" IMO).

I wouldn't mind Karate Joe, I like him, he was one of my most wanted for Smash 4, so I would be happy to have him as a newcomer.


Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2007
hey the trailer have shadows in it! you know aht it means? it meas that in kr ool trailer neither donkey kong nor k rool have tails, why there are 2 missing "Tails" you know what i mean? they also are in a jungle, you know what THAT does means???? (me niether by the way)

Sorry but you are reaching... like big time.



CREEPY MASK??? that drops bloody tears from one eye???


Guys, i have a theory... the trailer luigi, was really a castlevania trailer!

Deleted member

Guys, the trailer was about the Moon!

Moon appears in Smash Bros!

Therefore, Moon Guy will appear!

Okay, seriousness time; while I like to look for "easter eggs" and what have you, the only two things I got out of were the Medusa boss from the original Castlevania and that big ol' sun at the end of K. Rool's trailer.

I know it's stretching, but considering Isaac & Kid Icarus's Medusa are my #1 & #2 right now, I will grasp anything, although to be honest, the Rathalos picture on the official website may be a bigger hint towards Isaac.

Or a red herring. But I've waited 15 years to play as Isaac.
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