Well vs the Captain Falcon,
you were too offensive in my experience.
The only safe offensive moves I use on Captain Falcon, are after he misses of course...
But if he's waiting for it, Spaced kick or jab, Or if you been nailing captain falcon with some approaching moves he may go into defensive mode. That's when sometimes you dash at them you just grab instead. I'm sure you already know this, but it's good to be reminded of things because things can be easily forgotten in the event of a match.
On battlefield if you get captain falcon off the edge, he really should be dead. Although that's kinda the case for all characters vs him almost lol.
Jab when captain falcon approaches more often, it outranges his grab, dash attack, sometimes his knee.
Random vs Captain Falcon Knowledge:
The smash attack sparkle stuns captain falcon and kills him sometimes even not sweet spotting ur smash attack. if he's recovering. It hits kidna below the edge and hits it even when he's really close to sweet spotting.
Don't let him get underneath you at mid-low %'s
Dash attacks @ 30%ish (When it's done really close to the captain) leads to grabs. I noticed you did get a dash attack to kick in though. But if you can get the grab in thats a bit more % for the kick. (Of course doesn't work so well on platform stages which you were on)
Downtilt a diminishing shield when Captain falcon is like 100% ish and it'll shield poke and you can kick his butt with a move of your choice.
Try lightshielding captain falcons aerials, saves you from his l-canceled jabs and grabs. and even spaces you for kicks.
Remember Forwardtilt pushes ur enemy back while their shield is up, good to know for spacing
Against Falcons that like to spam spot dodge, use naryu's love just a little more often. (these falcons are unlikeling since falcons spot dodge isn't that good)
Try really hard not to get grabbed by falcon. It leads to combos and knees and death.
If falcon is able to grab the edge, and you couldn't stop him. your better off retreating a bit, and get out of any aerial range.
I know this sounds like it won't work but it does alot. Even if captain falcon is ledge hogging you. Sweetspot anyways, Most likely he will assume you don't want to die cuz he's holding it, he'll jump over and try to find where you land, only to realize you just sweet spotted. Now don't do it ALL the time. but more of the time. Because frankly, your gonna get knee'd if you land on the stage near the edge he's hogging.
he's easy to edge stall, and if you hit him with farore's wind while edge stalling that leads to a kick alot. And even Death if he accidently DI's behind you after the Up+B hit.