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Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2010
The Middle Pokeball
Okay, so here is my absolute n00b attempt at a sun-team. Its gotten me a few wins, but still

Keaton (Ninetales) (M) @ Red Card
Trait: Drought
EVs: 252 SAtk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Flamethrower
- SolarBeam
- Will-O-Wisp
- Psycho Shock

My sun setter-upper :p

Psycho shock really deals with the fighting types (IE blaziken) and can be usefull late game due to blisseys abundance. Solarbeam is obvious due to drought. Wil-o-wisp for when Im about to die and feel like leaving a mark.

Bambi (Mebukijika-Summer) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SDef / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Wood Horn
- Wild bolt
- Jump Kick
- Retribution

Possibly the greatesst Revenge killer/sweeper/murderous game in existance. Faster than Deo-S when in the sun, and with an amazing attack stat, this thing rarely dies without a kill in exchange. Wood horn poses as great stab, not to mention health gain to keep me in a few turns longer. Wild bolt makes AMAZING coverage, killing things like Skarmory easily. Jump kick is like surprise buttsex for Heatran, so I lol in its face when It switches in to counter. Retribution is the revenge kill of epic, killiing everything provided its a revenge shot.

Saur (Venusaur) (M) @ Leftovers
Trait: Chlorophyll
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- SolarBeam
- Hidden Power [Ground]
- Sludge Bomb
- Petal Dance

Kinda like a back up pokemon, it deals serious damage with solarbeam. HP ground puts a dent in those pesky Shandera that troll in my face with shadow tag before they kill me. Sludge bomb is just stab/coverage. Petal dance is so I have some sort of grass move in-case-of-weather change.

Ultimate Dragon (Sazandora) (M) @ Life Orb
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Dragon Pulse
- Surf
- Flamethrower
- Dark Pulse

Ok, so anything with Earth power/earthquake has found its way to pwning my team. Solution? Levitating three headed dragon. Dragon pulse and Dark pulse for reliable STAB. Flamethrower simply pains the steel types that come in for a counter, specifically Nattorei. If Heatran tries to counter, NO PROBLEM, surf comes in for the kill. I also needed something for those other fire types, so surf does the trick. Another thing surf does is kill enemy Hippowdon and Tyranitar that seem to annoy me alot.

Gods Bull (Terakion) @ Muscle Band
Trait: Justice Heart
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Holy Sword
- Stone Miss
- X-Scissor
- Aerial Ace

I always had a soft spot for this guy. Hes a pretty cool guy, so I put him on. I also needed something to kill zapdos with. Thats Stone Misses main purpose (btw, stone miss has not missed as much as people claim stone miss to miss. Did I say people claim stone miss to miss?) Holy sword Kills tyranitar and heatran easy, among others, and makes decent STAB to boot. X-scissor kills grass types that tend to switch in, along with psychic types. Aerial ace is for Blaziken and other fighters looking for some Terakion horns.

Trollolol (Shandera) (M) @ Life Orb :awesome:
Trait: Shadow Tag
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd
Modest Nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Psychic
- SolarBeam
- Shadow Ball
- Overheat

Trollolol indeed, this is the biggest ******* in pokemon as of now, shadow tagging anything in sight and doesnt afraid of anything. Overheat for decent stab. Shadow ball for other Shandera, Solarbeam for rock/ground types. Psychic for everything not covered above.

Not sure how well-built this team is, so any rating/suggestions are widely welcomed.:awesome:


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
That's not Troll Shandera. Troll Shandera is where you come in on a choiced fighting, normal, fire, or ice attack, use Substitute, and CM to +6 before sweeping their team.

Your ninetales is going to lose to OccaGross every time unless you run Balloon, Overheat, or Both.

Sazandora is also really bad. You could use any other dragon and it would work better than him. I recommend Scarf Latios.

Your other three pokemon want to be boosting sweepers really badly. The grass types want Growth and Terakion wants Rock Polish. There's no good reason why they shouldn't be, you aren't sacrificing that much move diversity at all.

I'm really surprised this team doesn't have Charizard in it.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
I see a Modest natured Venusaur with Petal Dance. Why do you run Petal Dance? I understand Venusaur has limited options, but something like Leaf Storm or the aforementioned Growth.

Also, your Terakion is running Aerial Ace alongside X-Scissor. Why exactly is this? Earthquake woul be much better, or as Gates suggested a stat-up move in Swords Dance or Rock Polish. Holy Sword should probably be switched for Close Combat. You have the power, so use it.

Pretty much any Infernape runs through this team with Close Combat / Flare Blitz and you really only have Shandera to stop him.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I'm really surprised this team doesn't have Charizard in it.
Pretty much summing up my thoughts.

Also, Mebukijika has an amazing Attack stat? Wut? Base 100 may be respectable...but respectable is nowhere near amazing. Your Mebukijika is also walled by Celebi, but luckily for you it hasn't shown up too much. Lightningrod Zapdos also walls this set (assuming the set is physically defensive, although I'm betting most Zapdos sets just wall it anyway). Swords Dance would probably help a lot more than Vengeance in the long run. I'd say it would be more helpful than Wild Bolt (in most cases it is, if for nothing more than STAB), but Shandera is a mother****er.


Smash Lord
Aug 3, 2008
NC Mooresville

For that terakion set...wtf.

Rock Polish/Swords Dance
Stone Edge/Rock Slide
Close Combat/(insert powerful fighting type move here)
X scissor

Terakion is the best physical attacker i've ever seen, lets try and abuse it as much as possible.
And for the record...fighting doesn't resists itself.
Im pretty sure Blaziken will die from a close combat.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Ewww Aerial Ace. Out of all the things you could've chose for Terakion you chose Aerial Ace? Put something else in there like a stat raising move, because Aerial Ace is pretty fugly imo.

That Shandera is NOT :troll:. SubCM lure a fighting/normal type choiced pokemon Shandera is troll.

Replace the stag thing with something else. Dunno what though

Sazandora sucks, choose some other dragon

Really, what I'm telling you isn't anything that hasn't been said already :/


Smash Champion
Jan 4, 2010
The Middle Pokeball
Ewww Aerial Ace. Out of all the things you could've chose for Terakion you chose Aerial Ace? Put something else in there like a stat raising move, because Aerial Ace is pretty fugly imo.

Machamp says hi

That Shandera is NOT :troll:. SubCM lure a fighting/normal type choiced pokemon Shandera is troll.

I reallize, Im just overexaggerating :p

Replace the stag thing with something else. Dunno what though

Why would I replace the stag? Its possibly the best powerhouse on the team (not to mention the fastest)

Sazandora sucks, choose some other dragon

I have to agree with this, Im changing for scarf latios

Really, what I'm telling you isn't anything that hasn't been said already :/
Responses in orange. also, I dont have any stat boodting moves because whenever I dont kill something then and there, one of my party members dies. This applys ESPECIALLY to Terrakion, getting pwned by practically EVERYTHING in one hit.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
First off, who the hell uses Machamp in this metagame anymore? I've only seen about 3 Machamps ever since I've started playing Gen V and he's nothing that priority can't take care of (ok he has Bullet Punch, but ANYTHING that has priority is faster than Machamp anyways). Machamp got nearly nothing this gen which is why he sucks

And there's so much better crap than the stag. For example, Breloom. Breloom has the exact same type and it's so much better than it. And you don't even need to put that many Speed EVs on it because it already gets Mach Punch, which coupled with Technician, can **** much more than the stag can


Smash Legend
Feb 16, 2006
Machamp got Dynamicpunch this gen, which makes him a beast. Breloom doesn't get Payback or Dynamicpunch or exceptional bulk, the three reasons you use him.

Terywj [태리]

Charismatic Maknae~
Aug 23, 2007
香港 & 서울
Charmander, what the hell are you talking about. XD

Terakion has 91 / 90 defenses. That's more bulk than Mebujika, Shandera, and just barely equal to Sazandora. Better physical bulk than Venusaur and Ninetales. Yes, Terakion has issues with lots of priority - Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Aqua Jet - but aside from that Terakion shouldn't be dying in a single hit. If he is, then you're just playing him wrong.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
First off, who the hell uses Machamp in this metagame anymore? I've only seen about 3 Machamps ever since I've started playing Gen V and he's nothing that priority can't take care of (ok he has Bullet Punch, but ANYTHING that has priority is faster than Machamp anyways). Machamp got nearly nothing this gen which is why he sucks
I've been using Champ on a recent team of mine and it has been owning face (just like in Gen 4) so IDK what you're talking about here.

As long as Champ has No Guard, Dynamic Punch, and Substitute, it's going to be just fine.


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
Charmander, what the hell are you talking about. XD

Terakion has 91 / 90 defenses. That's more bulk than Mebujika, Shandera, and just barely equal to Sazandora. Better physical bulk than Venusaur and Ninetales. Yes, Terakion has issues with lots of priority - Mach Punch, Bullet Punch, Aqua Jet - but aside from that Terakion shouldn't be dying in a single hit. If he is, then you're just playing him wrong.
Well you should have known he was playing him wrong when you saw what set he was even using.

I think your team is basically suffering from a lack of, well, a lot of things I guess. Even with Drought existing now you're still not going to have an easy time running a straight-shooter sun abuse team like you can do with rain. It's still going to require a decent amount of outside support; and that support probably isn't going to come in the form of all-out offense like you're using. And even if it does you're going about it all wrong. The reason is that nearly everything you can even use for the sun is carrying some sort of handicap. Fire-types get an awesome increase in power, but they lack the speed boost they'd need to really pull through and rip things in half. Grass-types suffer in that their movepools are extremely shallow, and that their other beneficiaries are typically the things that they have no good way of dealing with (the only real exceptions to this are Tangrowth, and to a much lesser extent Mebukijika). Not to mention that the sun's beneficiaries completely lose to rain teams once the weather's been changed, thanks to almost every Water-type's main coverage types being Water/Ice.

Actually, speaking of speed boosts, dealing with opposing Fire-types, and rain...why haven't you even bothered with Blaziken, why does this team lack Tangrowth (who is pretty much a staple on sun teams), and why does this team lack anything at all that can hold its own against rain teams?

EDIT: Actually, Charizard really wouldn't be a bad idea to put in regarding the speed boost bit either. You could either run a DD mixed set or a DD all-special set (much like Latios could do in Ubers last gen) to tear through opponents. One set would give you what I'm assuming would be a pretty potent wall breaker, while the other would just give you one powerful as **** sweeper (Solar Power + Sun boosted + maybe LO STAB Fire Blast off base 108 Special Attack? Please and ****ing thank you). Not to mention the added bonus that Charizard almost completely walls Heatran, so chyeah.
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