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help with icies chaingrab (brawl)


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
timic if you remember to ask me at stigma bryan i can help you there


Smash Master
Mar 4, 2008
First, you'll need this thread: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=162546

Treat it like ICs very own Holy Bible. Seriously.

BTHROW TIP(PER)ZORS! O: (popo -> nana)

Lightweights (MK, GW, anyone under Zelda, NOT Jiggs) - Tap back and immediately press grab, but not so fast that Nana rolls instead.

Midweights (Marth, Zelda, Lucario) - Tap back and press grab after a split-second (slower than lightweights but not so much that it's easily noticeable, this is the hardest bthrow weight to get used to imo)

Heavyweights (Wolf and higher) - Tap back, wait like half a second (really really loose timing compared to light), press grab.

Remember in all of these to tap back and HOLD back, because Nana will refuse to turn around and pivot unless you force her to, it has to do with her magnetism dynamics.

Note on Jiggs - she seems to have her own weight class, you have probably 2 frames on the bthrow to regrab before it's too late (miss) or too early (roll). It's similar to other lightweights but basically much stricter, I find it easier to mentally prepare for if you just treat her with her own category.

As for FThrow, a major point here is that the regrab timing (contrary to popular belief) does NOT change per character, so basically you can just practice and practice away until you get it and it'll work the same for most characters.

The main thing that'll screw you up with FThrow is that you have to be very conscious of your spacing on the regrab on some characters (Mother boys + ZSS are notorious for this, among others). But on most characters you'll be fine. I recommend practicing on big characters like Dedede since they have large body frames and therefore have lots of leeway in the spacing aspect. As you get better move down to Marth, then someone small like MK.

This really should've been asked on the IC boards, but whatever! Good luck dude. :3
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