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Help with d3?


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
I've only fought this matchup once, and I have no idea what to do, only that she can run under his meatballs. He's so fat and full of air that its hard to tilt combo him (I think I remember this.) And he has range with his ftilt.

There's so many high tiers in NJ that I'm gonna have to face alot of these apparantly :(


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
Ohio, northeast
im too tired to write a guide but i will say this.

gimp him whenever he tries to recover ON stage with his up+b with your vanish just use it directly under where he is going to land he cant really aim it all too well so you shouldnt have trouble waiting right under him.

hes got a fast b-air (like most fat people...) but both his up and down air attacks only really hit directly above/below him. of course he can always come at you at an angle but its slow enough you should see it coming (same with his f-air its slower then a "i fight for my friends" player)

i usually just run at him jump and constantly air abuse him by aiming stuff diagonally. aim for his left and right shoulders. making sure to go above the range of his f-tilt.

make sure you POKE and dont get too close his up-tilt is nasty.

if he realizes he cant land on stage so instead tries to cancel/grab the ledge punch him in the face with a f-air.

ddd is a good guy to edge guard. if hes coming back to the stage you should be able to land anything on him before he could hit you with anything. if you can constantly hit him he will have to resort to his up+b.

ddd will be crying in no time.

oh and shiek is awesome at getting out of what um people call DDD's chain throw.



Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
im too tired to write a guide but i will say this.

gimp him whenever he tries to recover ON stage with his up+b with your vanish just use it directly under where he is going to land he cant really aim it all too well so you shouldnt have trouble waiting right under him.

hes got a fast b-air (like most fat people...) but both his up and down air attacks only really hit directly above/below him. of course he can always come at you at an angle but its slow enough you should see it coming (same with his f-air its slower then a "i fight for my friends" player)

i usually just run at him jump and constantly air abuse him by aiming stuff diagonally. aim for his left and right shoulders. making sure to go above the range of his f-tilt.

make sure you POKE and dont get too close his up-tilt is nasty.

if he realizes he cant land on stage so instead tries to cancel/grab the ledge punch him in the face with a f-air.

ddd is a good guy to edge guard. if hes coming back to the stage you should be able to land anything on him before he could hit you with anything. if you can constantly hit him he will have to resort to his up+b.

ddd will be crying in no time.

oh and shiek is awesome at getting out of what um people call DDD's chain throw.





Smash Journeyman
May 12, 2007
Some things to note about this matchup (which is in Sheik's Favor, btw).

1) Sheik is light enough that she cannot be effectively chaingrabbed. Backroll from the throw and downsmash if he still tries the regrab and he should get hit before he gets to you 100% of the time.
2) Sheik can very effectively avoid Waddles. Fast movement + low crouch = good times. You can even go so far as to get close enough to punish Dedede if he tries it at certain ranges.
3) Needles are hard to dodge when you're a big fat penguin. They also tend to ruin your day
4) Big Size + Big Weight + Fast Falling Speed = Tilt lock like crazy. Every time you hit him with a forward tilt you should be able to follow it up with several more. Yes, he can sometimes pop out the top after a few, but you can usually hit an Uptilt or other followup if he does. He's also very vulnerable to the Chain Lock.
5) Way predictable recovery. If you're good, you should be able to get a Vanish or Tipper Usmash (often very charged) under him whenever he tries to come down on the stage. Additionally, he has fairly slow air speed, so it's often possible to gimp him out of his multi-jumps, often knocking him far enough away that he won't be able to get back with the Up B (or forcing him to use it when he otherwise wouldn't, giving you a free Vanish/Usmash).

colored blind

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2008
Purdue/West Lafayette
I don't have that much trouble with DDDs, actually. I usually use Shiek as my CP against them because she can escape the chaingrab. Izzy's advice is really good--for some reason I hadn't thought of Vanishing beneath his UB. I usually hit him out of it mid-flight with pretty much any aerial.

Basically, he has more range than any of your attacks, but most of them are slow enough that if you pressure him enough and don't straight up run into one of them, your superior speed should get the better of him. The main fast moves you need to worry about are his Bair, Utilt, and Jab. They come out fast, and the first two can be really deadly when fresh.


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
One thing you can try out to work for me, is too just run into his ftilt range and then spotdodge it. He can ftilt all he wants, but it has afterlag, and he can't multihit you out in that ftilt range. now his jab is another story, but by the time you are that close you should be doing something interesting of course
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