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Help Finishing the Combo


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
I assume that most of us that post here (and I'm sure you lurkers as well) know about Kirby's d-throw to u-tilt combo. The question is, after you've u-tilted a couple of times some characters fly too far away and get away from you. What's the best way to finish up this combo?

Random Thought:
Against heavier characters, maybe u-tilt (repeated) to dair to possibly another grab and d-throw? I don't know if this would work but it would be nice to have a Kirby infinite...


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
About your random thought its impossible b/c the d-air for kirby does not start quick enough so by the time you reach them after u-tilt they can escape. Also you couldn't grab them out of d-air b/c when you land the d-air the last hit knocks them away to far to be grabbed. Also I like to finish with d-throw->u-tilt->u-air->more u-airs of f-airs depending on opponents DI.

Doulhalt the Brave

Smash Cadet
Mar 24, 2008
Eastcoast Town, USA
I agree, usually by the time they escape from the U-tilt you can only chase after them with a U-air or maybe F-air. Usually my opponents just jump away after the D-throw to avoid any sort of kirby grapple combo. That normally only works at higher percents when the D-throw kinda knocks them far, however.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Yeah, I usually follow up with u-airs but the combo just ends up withering away into nothing, I wish u-air had more KO potential. I guess I could up-B to land them back on the ground from some u-airs, but there's not much of any combo that can go from there.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 8, 2008
I like to do different things to keep my opponent guessing... The most common thing is obviously to spam u-tilts, but after that I sometimes throw in different things. U-airs, f-airs, b-airs and sometimes even u-smash or f-smash (depending on where he DI'd) or another grab after landing.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
washington NJ
after the up tilts its usually good to go with a short hop uair, use another jump and after that if you follow them welll enough you can at least one maybe 2 bairs. after that they'll probaly get away so i'd land and fsmash them.

Delta Z

Smash Journeyman
Feb 8, 2008
If you're playing a fastfaller you can get a few u-tilts before they even get out of range. Then you can short hop u-air, jump, u-air, jump, u-air, etc.

Or if you know they're almost out of range and another hit will put them out of range you can end it with an u-smash.

Actually, at mid percents d-grab to u-smash could work if they don't see it coming.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
This video shows different ways to end the combo

Yes, I've already seen Gonzo's video. He does the d-throw one time that entire video, and after that he uses u-tilt and moves into u-airs, just like I said we all already do.
This is a great damage-racking combo but it eventually fizzles out into nothing, as your opponent will eventually get knocked back too far, allowing them to airdodge and fall back to the stage before you do, setting them up perfectly for a counterattack. The point of this thread is to find a way to keep doing damage after u-airs stop working, or at least get back to the ground safely without any punishment for the inevitable u-air that will eventually miss.

For example: I haven't tried this but it might work: perhaps, after you u-air once or twice, up-B to spike the opponent back to the stage, allowing you to chase them with a fair or bair. Anyone willing to test this?


Smash Cadet
Mar 17, 2008
i usually just do a few uairs then try for a bair if they are close to the edge but if they arnt i do the down b


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
Yes, I've already seen Gonzo's video. He does the d-throw one time that entire video, and after that he uses u-tilt and moves into u-airs, just like I said we all already do.
This is a great damage-racking combo but it eventually fizzles out into nothing, as your opponent will eventually get knocked back too far, allowing them to airdodge and fall back to the stage before you do, setting them up perfectly for a counterattack. The point of this thread is to find a way to keep doing damage after u-airs stop working, or at least get back to the ground safely without any punishment for the inevitable u-air that will eventually miss.

For example: I haven't tried this but it might work: perhaps, after you u-air once or twice, up-B to spike the opponent back to the stage, allowing you to chase them with a fair or bair. Anyone willing to test this?
I am Gonzo. Hi : )

I've already extensively tested the possibilities with this combo. everything after the uptilt or forward tilt depending on what u prefer can be jump dodged out of (jumping while airdodging)

To maximize damage with the combo u have to setup so u can use the stage to ur advantage, combo off the stage and try and use inhale and spit them out under the stage into back / up air. or u can inhale and take them off the stage to a point u know they can recover from.

The combo itself maxes out at 40-50 which is fairly decent

I think another idea is forward throw / upair / ftilt / SH neutral air or a late fair / ftilt or dtilt / Fsmash. the trick to this is a perfect nuetral or forward air

its very difficlut and i cant perform it 100% of the time


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
I am Gonzo. Hi : )
Haha I totally feel like a gigantic ***hole now, I thought you were just some nooby guy spamming a vid you just saw.:laugh:
But yeah, looks like I finally got an answer, thanks. I guess I should basically just finish with some u-airs and try to stop their descent to the ground by getting there first. And I do need to try that f-throw combo of yours, but instinct always makes me press down just after grabbing them... gonna have to work on that.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
lol its all good, def not the first time people thought that.

i dont blame u for tryin that down air thing though, how crazy would an infinite ending in down air be!??!?!?!? lol

yeah, about pressing down during the combo, what most people don't realize is that if u dont fast fall after upairing, ur opponent can technically shield and break ur combo

also i just learned from watching a video of of T!mmy, u can forward throw and hammer if ur opponent has 0%.

Anyway, glad i could help, and i'll def be checking the Kirby pages for updates as well as sharing anything new i find! THnx for this thread, def makes me feel like people r really trying to make Kirby better! : )


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2006
Muppetland 64
Yeah I stole a lot of crap from Gonzo at tourneys lol. When me and Seb were teaming against him in friendlies, he was like Gonzo Combo! lol. I use it because it's effective, adds up damage, and looks super sexy :D. Though I vouch Gonzo's word on Kirby. And F-throw -> Hammer is mad old lol. F-throw -> F-air works at medium-low damage against a lot of characters. Or even for air punishing. Also, D-throw at higher %s can lead up to some helpful situations. Like you can either chase them, or do a short hop fast fall, spot dodge D-smash/U-smash. Or just walk to the side and make your enemy look like an idiot if he tries to attack you and just F-smash/Ground Hammer him. But there's almost no combos in brawl. U-tilt -> U-tilt can work, but it weakens after awhile and you need to wait for it to be strong again.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I think what we should start focusing this thread on is how to efficiently build up 60-80% damage after the combo so that fsmash and dsmash can kill.

I been a lot at late neutral air / foward air into neutral A and then a tilt or smash that builds about 25, and works at all damages

I think more importantly is the most effiecent way to cheap kill. inhale and spit out immediately once they are under the stage into back air works well but not 100% of the time, can we find a way to lower the lag when spitting out, or may be upair instead of bair???
What do uall think of this?


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2006
Muppetland 64
You can wait a little bit before spitting them out, but you can always spit them away for edgeguarding possibilities (Like with Marth) Though sticking them below the stage is good too. It's definitely the most damage efficient way to kill, but you can also dash pivot cancel f-smash or d-smash. Or even plain versions to kill. F-smash and hammer are his best killers. A lot of it is tricking your opponent into going into them. Don't EVER spam either F-smash or Hammer. They can kill at around 80% before hit :D


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
Usually, what I do is d-throw, u-tilt (until he's about to leave the repetitive attack), then jump and b-air them, knocking them away, giving me some time to recover from the repetitive tactic, and also giving me time to think of a new plan... Of course, with heavier characters, after the u-tilts, u-air's are the best way to go, then you take it from there with a b-air, up-b, or wait for the perfect moment to side-b them in the air... Kirby's hammers are your friends, remember!


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
On a related subject, what is nair useful for? It has low damage, low knockback, and high lag. Every other aerial outperforms it. What's the point?
And against characters with good recovery, sticking them under the stage allows them to just recover up the other side while you go back up. I can see where this is good against characters like Snake and the spacies, but against characters like Dedede, Pit, MK, and even Luigi, dairing them until they have nothing left might work better.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2006
Muppetland 64
There isn't a whole lot of landing lag on the attack. And sometimes I would use it over F-air if you're that close to the ground and falling.


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
So nair is better close to the ground. What I'm thinking then, is that Kirby can do his dthrow combo with utilts and uairs, then upB them. At this point upB has sent the opponent to the ground and a bit too far in front of Kirby to f-smash. So he can take advantage of the upB's aftershock stunning the opponent, then run forward and nair, causing them to barely move but fall to the ground without getting knocked down. Then he can land at the same time as his opponent and immediately f-smash.
So the whole combo would be:
d-throw -> utilt -> utilt -> uair -> uair -> upB -> upB's shockwave -> nair chase -> f-smash.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
It'd be better to try it out for yourself, save the replay, and show us your findings. Maybe whoever is reading this thinks of it differently than you, and a little "video proof"would help clear things up a bit. Sorry, but I'd rather see it than read it. :/


Smash Ace
Nov 3, 2007
Ames, IA
Argh, I would do it if I could but I can only play on weekends >_< Plus I don't have an SD card, or good recording equipment, so yeah.


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2006
Muppetland 64
Just try it at tourneys and tell us your findings. I've been trying new things on CPU's but I need to confirm them on players.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
On a related subject, what is nair useful for? It has low damage, low knockback, and high lag. Every other aerial outperforms it. What's the point?
And against characters with good recovery, sticking them under the stage allows them to just recover up the other side while you go back up. I can see where this is good against characters like Snake and the spacies, but against characters like Dedede, Pit, MK, and even Luigi, dairing them until they have nothing left might work better.
When performing neutral air after short hopping hitting the ground cancels it with 0 lag and the low knock back is even better cuz it keeps ur opponent close enough to use a tilt, preferably downtilt and that sets u up for any number of moves to finish with

In response to that combo mentioned above the first neutral air wont cancel b/c the opponent is to far from the ground. Honestly i think are best bet is to use the combo to build 33-51 damage depending on ur opponent and then using two-hit and three-hit combos to build the rest of the damage. stuff like neutral air to tilts or neutral air to neutral A or down air to tackle. Thats saying u dont want to try and gimp ur opponents recovery.

Seriously thats what i'm about. Kirby is to good in the air so i like to use that to my advantage. Knock ur opponent off and guard the ledge with down air. it even hits people who recover horizontally. ie Fox Falco Ike Wolf
And u can use the new speed hugging technique against marth
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