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Help against Metaknight.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
alot of it seems really... vague though.


- Use Sonic's homing attack if MK is whoring out his standard A, or you could attack from above.
- Abuse him if he whiffs attacks that will leave him open (ex: whiffed special moves)
- take advantage of dashing shield, you don't know how much this will help you in this battle.
- Above all it's important to NOT BE PREDICTABLE in this fight. Predicting MK helps too if you can do it.
- He can't kill well just like you, so use that famous speed of yours.

- be obvious, MK will snuff out anything you do.
- Mach Tornado is a pain to deal with since at this point Sonic can't stop this.
- Try to gimp him. Sure he has slow air speed, but he can glide and his Up-b hurts.
- Spam spin dashes, he'll usually stop them anyway.

Opinion: MK is gonna be a very hard match for Sonic because of priority alone. Even though he doesn't have alot of kill moves, his options and strengths make up for it. He's small so combo's don't work to well on him. To be victorious, don't fight him head on. If you do, expect to get owned every time. If he tries to chase you from below, just use a spring. Don't go fighting him in the air, he has very fast aerials. Most of your damage your giving MK will usually come from tech chasing him and punishing him. Most of MK's specials will leave him open with the exception on his Down b which is his teleport. He can attack out of his down b as well. He's light, but he has a good recovery so keep your guard up and only edgeguard if MK does something stupid. A good way to mess with MK players heads is to not attack at all. Use Sonic's speed to fake him out, one time a MK player put up his shield thinking I was gonna attack but I didn't I just ran past him on purpose. That player decided to be reckless and paid a big price for his mistake. So yeah, mess with their heads, they can't catch up to Sonic anyway. The key to this battle is to not to go head to head with MK, but to play with a more trickster style in mind. It's a hard battle and MK does have a slight advantage due to priority and recovery but, it's not impossible as many Sonic players are going on about. It's all about strategy in the end.
Some move-specific things that will help, specifically for this matchup:
- MK's u-smash sucks. His U-air's aura might be something to worry about though.
- MK's f-air has quick startup, but just like Sonic's F-air, there's this weird 'lag' time afterwards where he can't control or attack after he does it. I think his B-air works the same way.
- MK's jab/infinite attack can be defeated by: Homing attack (he mentions it), Spin dash (rolling attack). Haven't checked to see if ASC works yet though
- He's susceptible to vertical KO's. Example: U-throw>B(/U)-air (Finisher combo that normally works on Marth at 115%) will work on a MK at around 95-100%, provided he doesn't DI away from it. Horizontally, he's got good control, pretty much as heavy as Marth, so killing upwards can save you alot of trouble.
- F-tilt outranges MK's attacks, so you can use it to punish/force a trip/change momentum of the game.

VS specials:
- Apparently, you can Fsmash a grounded Tornado. You can also use Side-B's invincibility frames and outprioritize/pierce it (depending on if it's a grounded or aerial tornado)
- Tornado is weak in the middle/top ('eye' of the tornado)- you can break it with d-air, n-air, and I've heard of Homing Attack breaking it, too.
- Both Tornado and Drill have low priority at the start of the attacks. You can cancel out a tornado with spin dash if you happen to be going toward him and he starts it at the same time.
- If you feel like MK is going to do a rising Tornado, you can plant a spring in his way. If this works correctly, the spring will cancel his tornado (just like it would any aerial), but his button mash will quickly turn into a side-B. Situational mindgame.
- If you see a down-B, shield and get ready to punish it out of shield.
- His specials suck for him if he's facing away from the level. He'll have to be wary of suiciding off the edge, so don't expect an up-B shuttle loop kill from him too much if you're off-stage. On the flip side, you can try to bait and bring attacks to the edge. I've gotten a few MK's to suicide while chasing me to the edge (lol yay for old school Sonic games' training!)


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
yea right, i had a relaly good match against RX- who is considered one of the top players in FL

besicly, up-b a lot. and if he is gliding at you.... its really ahrd to do, but u can time a Fsmash to beat out his gliding attack.


Smash Ace
Jun 20, 2006
yea right, i had a relaly good match against RX- who is considered one of the top players in FL

besicly, up-b a lot. and if he is gliding at you.... its really ahrd to do, but u can time a Fsmash to beat out his gliding attack.
This. and

In my own vs meta experience I just experiment. It really boils down to the user. You can scare a shy Meta easy. The Agressive types takes high damage to chill. KO's from Vert. help So much.
Down smash, is rediculously fast, so fast in fact I thought it was a tilt at some point.

Don't fool around on the edge to long on any stage where the edge slopes upward. it's painful.
You fail to gimp, you get out of there. I haven't met a Meta user yet that doesn't take advantage of it.

and adding on to what R4ZE said. Angle it upwards, to get that star Ko from it,

Say meta's swooping from above charge f-smash titled up Usually gives me my results at high damage. Don't let him get on top off you or behind you if your doing this. Not unless that spot hit's that from behind.
But then again my Sonic is probably average at best.So my two cents most likely means nothing. :p

Am I the only one that gets antsy when a meta just hawks you and nothing more?


Smash Ace
Mar 19, 2008
lol i was actually drunk when i made the last post: but gangsta is absolutely correct in saying "angle it upwards" i failed ot mention that.

another thing. i think this a good tip on any character, not just MK... stay out of melee range, and do a hit and run style of play. most characters can punish sonic so easily with nasty smashes or fast down smashes like MK

at worst, if u cant be out of melee range, then jump. because it is said in MK threads that his Dsmash is his best killing move, and i say they are correct, and that is the main move u need to watch out for when fighting him.


Smash Hero
Apr 3, 2008
Watch out for his N-air too.

Seriously, wtf 18-19 damage.

2 N-airs --> 35%+

It's got decent knockback too :[

Also, it's not impossible to gimp a MK. His jumps from below the stage are pretty predictable, so you can do a homing d-air [sweetspot d-air > (double jump) > Homing Attack] pretty easily if he floats after the D-air.

Okay, so it actually kills Metaknight instead of gimping most of the time, but close enough, if he's knocked off-screen lol

Speed multiple spring gimping is funny too (spring drop > 'fast fall' with d-air, jump off stage, repeat)

@.@ ...yeah. So don't be giving up. Off-stage, you can still actually pull a few 'mindgames' on people, since they're generally wary of airdodging or attacking when they're falling.
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