Ah, a 13-year-old, eh? Well, welcome to the Smash World Forum's community's Kirby forums!
Now, to help you out, here's a couple of links to things you may want to know regarding Kirby:
Kirby Video Archive, Kirby videos are posted all over the place here!
Kirby General/Social thread, where all the Kirby community members go to blow off steam and talk about anything, Kirby-related or not!
Kirby's Questions and Answers thread and Thread Directory, the place to ask short questions for the whole community to answer and help, and also contains the links to important Kirby threads in the first post!
Kirby Match-Up Advice thread, where you will find some quick tips to how to play against other characters in the game (but only against other human opponents, although some of these tips apply to computers as well)!
And last but CERTAINLY not least...
T1mmy's guide to Kirby, "
Kirby & The Amazing Guide", with mountains of great information for any avid up-and-coming Kirby players to read and learn! Watch out, it's ENORMOUS, but certainly worth reading due to all of the information on the character it contains. A valuable piece that cannot go unnoticed by anybody who wishes to take up Kirby.
If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message, or the rest of the Kirby community. Feel free to spend time in the
Kirby General/Social thread to get to know the community, but remember to follow the
Global Rules when posting. Thank you, and welcome once again to the Kirby community!